
Chapter 10

*Info dump warning*

"Lets GO TORCHIC!" Brendan shouting right after winning his first ever gym badge.

"Tor tor chik!" The bundle of energy timidly walks over to his trainer as Brendan proceeds to praise and hug the Torchic gently as Torchic was extremely tired after that final battle.

* * * The next day :) * * *

"I'll smell ya later Dad!" (I had to do it man, allow it). Brendan shouts as he starts to run off into the distance heading towards route 104, Brendan starting to become a blurr in the distance to Norman.

"He's grown up a lot since I've seen him just before he became an assistant, he was always mature and was thoughtful. Well he's my son after all, he has my genes!"

Norman starts to laugh like those old dads when they talk about their kids and how they flex them. It's like when your mum flexes your grades to other mums, if that's ever happened to you, lmao.

Brendan making it to the start of route 104, starts to go into the woods to the side of Petalburg woods. Brendan still remembers a pokemon colony that lives to the side of Petalburg Woods and is going there now to receive his promised challenge to get a pokemon if he beats the Pokemon in a fight (Got a guess on which Pokemon it is?).

All the years of being assistant Brendan has visited different kinds of places all over the region, including going to Kalos and Sinnoh to visit sycamore about his research and even helping out a little bit and bringing some stuff with him back. In Sinnoh he truly got to witness the difference between the strengths of Pokemon, seeing Cynthias Garchomp was eye opening.

* * * Info * * *

Imagine any pokemon using slash just trying to do the most damage to the ground they can. (Obviously, different pokemon and different moves can affect the total damaged area. But this is the best I can describe as the pokemon is using just his pure physical strength, as it's to difficult to be specific in this manner. Remember, we ignore dex entries that include Slugmas with the heat of the sun next to our bodies lmao).

Beginner: cut rocks in half

Rookie: cut boulders in half

Advanced: twice as strong as Rookie

Intermediate: Cut cliffs sides

Veteran: Twice as strong as Intermediate

Elite: Make a cut the whole way through a small hill

Quasi-Champion: Cut through a hill

Champion: Cut straight through a small mountain (like from the bottom to top if cut even reaches idk)

Boi get that destroying cities in one move out of here, the only pokemon that can manage that stuff, are legendaries like in the Darkrai movie when Palkia and Dialgo are having that time of month. I mean, mood swings for some reason. Destroying a city with a single Pokemon will be difficult lmao it might work with a couple thousands of moves, idk about a couple thought. Either way, the way I describe this is gonna be flawed and won't be perfect. (Not sure if it was the Darkrai movie, tbh).

* * *

Brendan starting to walk through the forest spots a very huge tree and on it several pokemon (If you guess wrong, no cookies).