
Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

A God and A Devil were about to die, both the strongest beings in their world. And, in a string of fate or perhaps being played by destiny, they reincarnated into the same person- but this time, they are not in control. This is a story about a man chosen to be both God and The Devil, Viel. Please be advised: Tackles about racism, sociopathy, pseudo-religions, and some other mature factors in our society. Please do know that this is a work of fiction, any similarities, if any, is purely coincidental. I have made a patreon page with illustrations on them, please do follow if you want to- patreon.com/Romeru

Romeru · แฟนตาซี
252 Chs

Chapter 149: Tongue Clicker

"Finally… It is my turn!"

Guanbei walked confidently towards the middle of the platform. He adjusted the red ring that was wrapped around his middle finger as he looked at the targets that surrounded him.

He has survived more than 10 dungeons, each time, fighting for his life. Hitting objects that don't hit you back? This will be as easy as breathing, he scoffed.

He then looked at the 3 dark-skinned women that went before him. The three of them had a weapon that was rewarded by the dungeon. Well, he too, received one and his weapon was far more superior, he laughed in his mind.


Guanbei stretched his hand, pointing at a target. And as soon as the ring on his middle finger lit up, he flicked his finger.

A target exploded almost at the same time that he did so.
