So, let me get this straight, I die not knowing how, get reborn as a mythical bird, my parents are dragons and this levelling system is crap. If that isn't bad enough, I'm also terrified of flying. I'm never going to get used to this, am I? (Strong language) ---Slight summary of each volume--- Volume 1: Developing & growing up Volume 2: Romance & vengeance Volume 3: Home life & invasions Volume 4: Aftermath & exploration Volume 5: Soulmates & hunting Volume 6: Heavenly & ...
[Name: Belphegor | Species: Demon Lord | Level: 1,000]
[Health 135,074/166,666]
[Stamina 155,231/166,666]
[Magicka 166,666/166,666]
"Huff... this is the last time I'm doing Asmodeus a favour..."
This hulking demon who seems to be the leader looks to be slightly uninterested looking, almost as if he really doesn't want to be here. Despite us being ready to fight, maybe there might be another route that can be taken if he's like this...
"Hey, erm... demon lord? Why are you even attacking us anyways?"
Questioning him gives all three of the people alongside me a slight surprise and even the demon lord himself.
"I'm not really sure why little mortals, Asmodeus has a thing for being cryptic but all I care about is him owing me a favour. That just means I'm going to smash you poor little creatures into jelly"
So, someone called Asmodeus is to blame for this? However, assigning blame right now is useless since the demon lord Belphegor charges at us swiping his club towards our direction...
Without giving it any thought, all four of us split up in separate directions with me flying a little off the ground and the others remaining grounded. It's a good thing all of us are extremely quick and adaptable otherwise we'd have been turned into jam from that guy's club right there.
The speed of this demon swinging his club might be comparable to Petra, all us four can really do right now is just try to avoid the attacks and wait for an opening. It's almost as if we're fighting off a wild bull or something.
Thankfully, an opening comes pretty quickly when the demon finds his club stuck in one of buildings after missing another swing.
"Damn! The blasted thing is stuck"
While he's trying to recover his club, all four of us seize the opportunity for a counter and ready ourselves for an attack back.
Priestess aims her summoned sword towards the demon and a beam of light shoots out of it making piercing contact with the red guy's back.
Zeki starts to coat him with red fire laughing like a maniac doing so and for me and Petra, there's no doubts we need to use our strongest suitable attack right now.
[<Confirmed, aspect is ready>]
Me coming from the sky and Petra the ground, we both charge in sync towards the hulking demon hitting his back from separate sides, both our blades make contact with him crashing him straight into the wall. That building is really going to need some work after this but distracted Ikarus has to focus right now.
For some reason though, the demon recovering himself from the attack seems to find the situation really funny...
"Haha... hahaha... hahahahaha! To think both of you have a giant's power! Now I see why Asmodeus wanted me here, obviously my immense power was needed to crush your weak, flimsy spines! Try that again, little mortals, I dare you!"
This sluggish guy all of a sudden gets seriously worked up and even starts to glow, has he just activated a power up or something?
'Shit, status. He seems even stronger no-...'
[Name: Belphegor | Species: Demon Lord | Level: 1,000]
[Health 54,375/166,666]
[Stamina 154,971/166,666]
[Magicka 166,666/166,666]
Without even giving me the chance to fly away, I find the demon twist his body with the club and it guiding towards my chest...
The impact throws me further into the air quite a bit but I'm still able to withstand the pain, just barely I might add. That must've have broken a rib or two but I can still fly and fight. That could've been way worse if I wasn't airborne though.
'Fuck! Status'
[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix | Level: 466]
[Health 42,434*/70,000*]
[Stamina 36,372*/40,000*]
[Magicka 57,317*/70,000*]
[You currently have 83000 unassigned points]
'Damn, that hurt like a bitch... hang on, what the fuck!?'
My level was barely past three hundred last check, this makes literally no sense! That demon army were weak as fuck... urgh, just focus on not dying right now Ikarus!
'Aesa, invest a load into health, I don't care how much!'
[<Aesa will pick an amount, another attack incoming -Ikarus->]
Rapidly darting up out of his swinging range again, this demon seems to have an agenda against me and I'm not sure why.
"Oi, you bastard! There's four of us you know!"
"Keep flying little bug, I'll be sur-... what the fuck!?"
Petra similar to him like a wild animal, charges alone blade in hand forcing his focus to go elsewhere, he's just angered someone he really shouldn't have pissed off.
"Who in hell did you sign that contract with black one? Those eyes are not mortal"
The fight instantly becomes a blur from the speed those two are blocking and countering, I'm not shocked Petra's pissed right now but the fact this guy can also match her pure speed also isn't shocking. We can't stand or fly around in awe though; we've got to help her out! She's the perfect distraction right now!
Priestess and Zeki both go for similar style attacks like last time, that being the red flame and magic beam also avoiding Petra while I quickly charge up a fire tornado letting it rip all over his back. All our hits make contact but this guy might as well be made of metal, his resistances are nothing compared to that mecha guy we fought a while back though.
"I'll deal with you in a second dark one, the insect needs taking care of first"
Just as we're about to repeat for another round of attacks with him still being distracted by Petra, everything suddenly goes black and I find myself standing on the floor.
'The fuck? Where am I? Aesa?'
Almost similar to how my headspace ability works, it's like an endless void with no life in sight or anywhere to go. I didn't accidently activate that ability, right?
"You're not that intelligent it seems little phoenix. You have my sympathy for this"
The illusion instantly breaks after hearing a voice and I see the demon just about to swing his club down onto my head...
Without warning, something huge takes up all my vision and the demon lord finds himself being crashed away in the clutches of someone who is clearly his match, at least level wise.
Getting an actual view of the situation now, the red creature holds the demon within her jaw trying to press any life from the bloody demon, but if a dragon jaw could kill him, we'd have already been done with this fight. That collision has at least caused his club to be tossed far away I suppose.
<Disgusting little majin... YOU DARE USE SUCH MAGIC ON IKARUS!?!>
Mother saves my arse right in the nick of time, crash landing as well causing both of the two to collide into a building. That building was newly built as well...
Whatever that attack or illusion was, us four really look clueless while mother tries to rip the demon to shreds now in the rubble. It's actually a shock he's got enough strength to pry her jaw open but that only ends with mother spewing fire all over him while he's getting free.
"A fucking dragon? Oh, you bastard Asmodeus! That unbelievable traitor set me up!"
[Name: Belphegor | Species: Demon Lord | Level: 1,000]
[Health 38,421/166,666]
[Stamina 152,290/166,666]
[Magicka 150,667/166,666]
[Name: Kellearzar | Species: Dragon | Level: 1,000]
[Health 82,912/100,000]
[Stamina 51,754/75,000]
[Magicka 64,469/75,000]
While he's partially distracted by mother using all his unarmed strength, the four of us smaller lot seize another opportunity for attack flooding as much magicka based damage as we can into him. It really looks like a colourful mess when everything combines together like that but we've got to try anything we can right now, we aren't ready for this fight!
<Ouch! You dirty little majin lord!>
"I'm not going down that easily, world eater! I'll rip your scales out!"
The demon lord somehow manages to push away and even injure mother in the process of the tussle they were stuck in, her neck is actually bleeding from that punch he did! This guy needs to just fucking die already, how dare he touch mother!
We try to attack again but the speed of him just cannot be countered, it doesn't help that we now seem to be getting in each other's way doing this. For a demon to be this powerful, this fast and even have an illusion attack, this really is starting to drag out now. Who knows what else he has hidden away as well?
'We need to force him to stay still... hang on! I'm such a fucking idiot!'
Two new abilities I could've activated, stupid bird Ikarus! Why the hell did I forget about them? There's something I've got to pick up beforehand though...
"Huh... Ikarus-sama?"
"You'll die if I don't do this Charlotte... sorry mother!"
'Aesa, activate the immortal and lake abilities that were unlocked recently... you reckon mother is resistant to fire, right?'
[<-Plot protection- and -magma walker- have now been activated... Aesa presumes target -Kellearzar- should be okay>]
Like a second skin or something weird, a shiny glow seems to envelope me while the ground on this street is about to turn into a molten pit. I've got you now demon lord!
Currently fighting fist to fist with the dragon, the ground changes in a split second to entrap both fighters causing the demon alongside mother to be knee deep in magma... actually, mother's more like paw deep but you get what I mean.
<What the-... very clever Ikarus. It's turn to burn now majin!>
"Argh! Fucking flying insects!"
The demon tries to lob something at me but misses spectacularly, it's brilliant that they don't have completely fire resistance but he still seems able to move inside that fiery magma, albeit as slow as a snail.
"You can be really smart at times orangey, let's torture this guy!"
"Thanks Ikarus-sama! Repent demon!"
Having just placed priestess to the side of the lake, me and her start the barrage of attacks on the stuck demon with everyone following our example.
I'm throwing as much flame as I can while Zeki and Petra combine there's into mine to make some horrid looking black, orange and red hybrid fire that smothers the demon.
Priestess continues using her beam aiming for the heart of the stuck demon and mother, although she may right next to the demon, her fire breath has the most vivid colour of all so I can only imagine how powerful and painful that would be to experience right now.
"ARGH!! You fucking mortal scum! Release me from this lake!"
All of us ignore any demonic screams and just keep pumping more and more fire or magic into the slowly moving demon. This is only going to get worse for him as even the lake seems to be hardening up now. He is royally fucked with his only option to try and pull up pieces of hardening magma as his weapon, this guy has zero chance to escape from inevitable death now
Very slowly, his lifeforce is obviously draining from the never ending barrage from us, he's fucked now and he knows it.
[Name: Belphegor | Species: Demon Lord | Level: 1,000]
[Health 13,291/166,666]
[Stamina 152,290/166,666]
[Magicka 150,667/166,666]
Just as I'm checking how much life he has left; everything goes black again back into that lifeless void. I do not stop my attacks where I was pointing at though, this place isn't real goddamn it!
"Fuck off you bastard!"
Maybe it's the combination of continuing to attack or the demon giving up, but getting out of that place takes less than a moment. The bloody and charred demon seems to have something to say just before departing this world though, it doesn't stop the fire burning deep in his soul and body though.
"Mark these final words Asmodeus... I will find some way of getting revenge for this... *Cough cough*..."
And just like that, the demon still standing upright stuck in the magma stops moving almost looking like a burning statue. It's pretty creepy seeing someone die standing up like that but the fight is now won, I think.
'Thank fuck that's over, really should've activated plot protection at the start since my chest hurts like a bitch right now... status'
[Name: Ikarus | Species: Phoenix | Level: 566]
[Health 92,434*/120,000*]
[Stamina 35,958*/40,000*]
[Magicka 32,324*/70,000*]
[You currently have 108000 unassigned points]
'You might've gone a little overboard with the health Aesa but thanks anyway... wait, seriously!?'
[<-Ikarus- must have landed last hit on target -Belphegor-, even Aesa can't believe how much -Ikarus- has levelled up today>]
Just another hundred levels you know, this levelling is so dumb and I'm loving it... I've just realized I can now purchase every single remaining ability if I wanted too. I was already pretty overpowered but this is starting to get a little insane.
While I obviously can't contain my grin at breaking all concept of power in this stupid world, it appears mother may have a slight problem right now.
<Erm, Ikarus? That idea you had was brilliant to trap the majin but I may need a hand now>
Poor mother, all four of her paws have completely hardened in the lake and she really can't get out. You'd think she would have the strength to just break out but maybe my hardened magma is special or something? I'm such a dick, all I want to do is laugh and mock her right now.
"Sorry mother, I'm not really sure what to do though. How do you feel about becoming the mascot statue of the town? We could hang some lights around you and even use you for celebrations!"
<Funny Ikarus. I'll just wait here till you can get me out, not like I have much of a choice. I'm going to chew off my legs if for too long though, are sure want pawless mother?>
"Just try and relax for a little bit, I'll get you out in a jiffy"
Despite the rest of us obviously look pretty relieved at the battle that was just won, Zeki now seems a little concerned and almost frightened over something. He does look pretty bloody from holding on against that guy with Charlotte in the beginning but I think this might be something else.
"Orangey and sis, you have any idea where brother might be?"
"Maybe the clinic kid? She's probably helping some people right now"
"Ikarus is most likely right. If she's anywhere Zeki, it'll probably be in the clinic"
Me and Petra trying to reassure him only makes his worries worse.
"Yeah, but that fucking ogre just came out of the clinic! We've got to get in there now then!"
If that guy fought Ariza befor-... no, she's got to be elsewhere, right? Regardless, now both me and Petra now share his concern.
"We'll look for her now then... crap! Anyone know where Mute and the two guys are?"
There's a few missing people uncounted for at the moment, most noticeably including Garry and Marcus but a dragon shouldn't be that hard to find, right?
"She's definitely fine orangey, I told her to go hide with Ria since putting out fires and causing splinters in a fucking warzone is just stupid. We really need to find brother"
'He really can be caring at times, let's find Ariza then...'