So, let me get this straight, I die not knowing how, get reborn as a mythical bird, my parents are dragons and this levelling system is crap. If that isn't bad enough, I'm also terrified of flying. I'm never going to get used to this, am I? (Strong language) ---Slight summary of each volume--- Volume 1: Developing & growing up Volume 2: Romance & vengeance Volume 3: Home life & invasions Volume 4: Aftermath & exploration Volume 5: Soulmates & hunting Volume 6: Heavenly & ...
'Dear God... it's like the end times have come. This took us way too long to get back out'
Both of us are speechless from the sight that greets us upon exiting the mine, to think they even have an air force.
Flying across the sky like an airborne armada is literally an entire army full of flying creatures being piloted by demons. Red in colour looking slightly wyvern like, father would be disgusted by what they are but focusing on that is extremely dumb right now. It looks like the demons had more than just one way of attacking, that being from the skies as well as any caves loitering about.
"We really need to get back now Ikarus"
"Sure sure"
Just as I'm switching into bird form, something else flies into sight catching one of flying demons ripping it to shreds midair. I'd be terrified if I didn't know who the red culprit was.
The red dragon lands proud with blood in her mouth and a vengeance that could destroy all. Having a literal badass for a mother negates any fear from seeing her look like that. Witnessing your mother basically just tear a demon apart right in front of you really isn't something I thought I'd be witnessing today but hey, any help against this invasion is appreciated.
'Mother? The hell you doing here??'
<IKARUS!?! Ah, apologies for the introduction, I just had to make sure you were okay! Got over here as soon could>
'You have any clue what the fuck is going on right now?'
<Language Ikarus. Me and your father aren't too sure but the majin race have decided to show their ugly faces back on this continent. Him Minos are currently defending capital since it's even worse over there>
Ah, can never forget about father's deal with the old empire that's carried over. He's supposed to protect the empire from demon threats so it makes sense why he'd be doing that... hang on...
'Wait, they're attacking elsewhere?'
<They're attacking everywhere Ikarus! From dwarven lands to the elven, in swamplands even far reaches of deserts. We've sent word every dragon regarding this issue and hopefully they'll be able assist elsewhere too. A majin invasion is no good for our kind as well>
A full-on demonic invasion of the entire world just so happens like this? I can see why Dionysus sent over Charlotte if this was the potential outcome. Can't believe dragons have become the unofficial protectors of the world as well.
We need to get a move on but if other places are in danger, then mother probably shouldn't be here, right? Our islands are full of extremely powerful people so having the most powerful creature in the entire world might be overdoing a little, maybe?
'If the entire world is in danger mother, then you really shouldn't remain here. I appreciate the help, it's just that you must be needed elsewhere, right?'
<But Ikarus... you're probably right. Just let me help out rip apart all those flying creatures first>
'Okay, you do that'
And so, mother flies off to grab another mouthful of demon but making sure to leave another message before leaving our sight.
<One last thing... Petra, please make sure Ikarus doesn't lose her way. There is a certain appeal to spilling demon blood and I really don't want focus of what's important>
Petra just nods slightly and presumably answers to mother using telepathy, I should be offended but death is one of those things that's inevitable in these situations. Don't guilt me for enjoying it though...
"We're leaving now Petra, get on..."
"Keep it steady Ikarus... not just yet"
"I know, just say when"
Currently preying from above, we've come across another group on flying demons and are about to enact our plan. They really have no clue we're above them right now.
"Little longer... now!"
Doing as Petra says, I glide directly down still being piloted by Petra towards the direction the group and we both attack!
Perfectly in sync like the lovebird due we are, I spit flame all over the flying demons to the left while Petra aims for the right causing peak destruction to all, flame deservedly consumes like the trespassing vermin they are.
None of the riders expect such a thing so randomly receiving a deadly burst of flames is more than enough to do the job, all would inevitably perish from the burns or from the fall up here.
Like I said, this isn't the first group we've come across during this flight but may be the last in this vicinity over this part of town now. As for all the hundreds of others, let's just say mother has been 'working' and leave it at that, I can still hear the scream and crunching of bones...
The others small groups we came across were dealt with just as swiftly as they really didn't think that far ahead, the idiotic demons actually use melee weapons while flying! Whoever decided to equip this army is an idiot, what use is someone using a sword while flying? This entire invasion seems a little iffy.
The demonic wyverns don't seem to have anything ranged as well so this entire demon race seems like a bad joke, almost as if someone wants their troops to suffer immensely... No, what leader would purposely do something to make their forces weaker? This must either be a stupidity or stubbornness thing regarding anything ranged. Even the monastery had soldiers capable of using ranged weapons.
Anyways, we now see the settlement down below and honestly, it looks like a demonic burial ground. Specifically in the centre of the town, clearly a large-scale battle has taken place and we've somehow come out on top with it all. It freaking sucks that we've managed to miss this fight but hey, as long as we win.
Finding a spot to land, we're both immediately greeted by the lovely Penelope. Normally it's annoying to be around her but when it comes to helping defence, nothing wrong with Miss gender bender right now.
"Petra and her lover! I was wondering when you two would show up! Look at what we all did, those red bastards stood no chance against us!"
The town square is filled with mages and adventurers crowding the place like our own personal army, when did they learn to work so well together? The mages only really arrived the other day and those guild rivalries already seem to be in the background.
It's actually a godsend that the mages aren't too lazy to ignore an attack where they now live and the adventurers have come to our aid once again. I freaking love the people we have here at times.
(Petra) "Heh, surprised you can stomach them Penelope considering what you've said about the adventurers before"
"I can't stomach them! They really are soo annoying... I can hold it in when it comes to demons and fanatics though, you know what they say! There's nothing worse than someone with horns or a religious nut!"
Miss gender bender really hates religion and demons then. We'd be able to get on well enough if they didn't do the obvious annoying things like try to destroy everything we've built and worked for. I hold nothing against religion but I'll happily kill someone who attacks me in the name of it though.
"Nice to know you still hold hatred for us Miss Penelope, it's been way too long since we last spoke"
A new voice seems to come from the crowd of irritated adventurers being a blonde beastkin with a serious vibe to him. Pretty tall, barely wearing any clothes and having muscles that could poke out your eye, I'm exaggerating a little but he definitely seems competent.
Just from feeling alone, this guy holds some pretty mad power and definitely is someone worthy of leading. Both me and Petra have a good feeling who this guy could be...
(Petra) "Presumably, you're leading this faction then?"
(Ikarus) "Yeah, are you in control of this headquarters then?"
"Yes ma'ams! We've currently got this area under lockdown, but the rest of the town isn't as secure. We're also pretty sure most of the populace have been successfully evacuated over here too!"
"See!? And this is why I can't stand you adventurers! Why the hell are you so professional!?"
The beast just shakes his head from the whiny Penelope, really can't see why she's hated someone for being professional though... actually, scrap that. All you need to do is take one look at the body language of the mages compared to the adventurers to see how both philosophies rub off on the people employed. One group is only here because they have to be and the other is doing it out of some sort of duty.
Something the beastkin just said seems a little odd though, the citizens have been evacuated over here? That's strange since all plans focused on making the new district the main place to defend, has something gone wrong? Maybe something's come up so Marcus, Garry and Ariza have switched the plan? Maybe Aesa might know something.
'Aesa, you any idea why the citizens are over here?'
[<Negative, Aesa can confirm most of island's population is safe though. was with target -Jaxon- and other large group people before discarding clone body to return -Ikarus->]
'At least that's good, I think?'
I kinda feel like we've somehow managed to miss the main brunt of this attack entering that obelisk place... wait, could time have sped up inside there? Or that teleportation taking hours? It does seem like we've lost additional hours in the blink of an eye. If so, then everything makes a little more sense but really not the time to speculate. We've still got a settlement to defend from creatures and by the sound of it, we need to be heading to the most recently built district.
"Me and Petra should probably go and find what's going on in the government bit then, you lot stay here till everything is sorted?"
"Yes Queen Ikarus! We will remain here stationed until the battle is won!"
The beastkin even salutes this time before Penelope just crosses her arms at him. At least this guy is a much better option compared to who they originally sent over to represent the guild, that person being Petra's ex obviously.
"Let's get a move on again..."
"Looks like the fight wasn't over just yet..."
The new district of the town is currently overflowing with demons all in constant battle with of guards, citizens, the militia, basically anyone who wants to fight currently is. And they're even holding their own against the hordes of demons as well! This is maddening how the average citizen is able to stand against a demon, how the hell are they so weak?
Clearly from what I can tell, what makes up the bulk of the demonic army is the male soldiers, demonic wyverns and those hell hounds that I've only just seen right now. The hounds basically just look like blackened wolfs and I'm only naming that cause they remind me of something we came across in a dungeon. It really isn't even worth mentioning, those dogs are weak as well.
It's really strange just how well we look against these lot, maybe I was under estimating our army but it really seems like those demons don't stand a chance! The initial scare from the main invasion kinda feels like it's over considering how easily we seem to be equipped for this, I've barely had to use any abilities as well.
But just then, that's when I notice a less populated area with something a little more brutish looking. Pretty close by to the hospital and treasury is a small battle going on with only what looks to be a few people.
Very quickly finding a spot to land nearby, then changing form, it looks like two people have been fighting with a creature of immense power. Damn, that demon is beefy as hell!
(Zeki) "Haha... you'll have to do better than that ogre"
(Demon) "I'm not, a fucking ogre!"
(Ikarus) "What the fuck?"
(Petra) "..."
Zeki finds himself getting hit by the demon's club while the person alongside him being Charlotte speedily goes to check if he's okay. It'll take more than every bone in his body breaking to defeat Zeki, that much I'm sure on. It's pretty strange out of all who could be partnered up to fight, it ends up being priestess and Mr obnoxious.
What more can I say about this demon other than he's big, like really big. Not the size of a giant but maybe the size of a ten-foot human or so? This demon is built differently and he seems immensely powerful too.
[Name: Belphegor | Species: Demon Lord | Level: 1,000]
[Health 135,074/166,666]
[Stamina 155,231/166,666]
[Magicka 166,666/166,666]
'Shit... I fucking jinxed this fight! Of course, the freaking demons would have someone this powerful leading the army'
He literally has max stats! This fucking demon has max stats! Even mother doesn't have max stats, he is like twice as powerful as mother! What the fuck!?
'Are we actually screwed here or can four of us take him... hang on, does he use magicka or not? Hopefully not since he seems to be using a club'
Anyways, enough admiring the absolute beast of an enemy in front of us, it's time to get to work. Us four stand on one side of the street while the demon lord corrupts the other end, we still have a chance despite him being stupidly powerful.
"Haha... *spits blood*, it's about time orangey and sis showed up. This fucking ogre might be too much for me"
"Zeki's language is disgusting but this heathen is proving to be an ungodly foe"
"Erk, you're so freaking irritating nun! Just shut up and help me out"
At least it's good those two are getting on, why is it priestess hasn't used something extremely overpowered against him yet? She has the power of a God yet this guy has only lost around thirty thousand health?
"Charlotte, how comes you haven't dealt with him just yet? This seems like something you'd be suited for"
"My Lord said he had a meeting so he wouldn't be able to help today I'm afraid Ikarus-sama. I'm locked out of nearly everything, even heavens holy light isn't working right now so it's magic and the summoned sword only I'm afraid"
I think, she's talking about the orbital laser I've seen so much in the past, she does seem to use that religiously I suppose. Can't also forget about her magic sword that can shoot out beams... hang on, her summoned sword is more similar to Excalibur than I realized.
Anyways, it's time to deal with this invader. Words don't need to be spoken to Petra, we know what to do...
"*Scoff*... this is the last time I'm doing Asmodeus a favour..."
To be continued...