
Reincarnated As a Lunarian With Sign-İn System

Abel reincarnates in the world of One Piece after his mysterious death. He tries to use his system to get stronger while hiding his identity as a half-lunarian. But as time passes he finds himself more and more into trouble due to his unique identity.

ZhaoYuzheru · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
50 Chs

Farewell East Blue(End of Volume One)

Note: Well, actually I was going to finish the volume in next 2-3 chapters but I realized every time I decide to end an ar short it just gets longer. Also I have my exams coming so I had to cut it short and finish it in one chapter. Anyway, I know many people will not be satisfied by this ending but it just turned out this way. You can tell me in the comments if you hated it or not. I started writing this very casually so I don't mind if you tell me about your complaints. I will not be releasing chapters for a while(Around a week) so I hope you enjoy it!

Luffy, the protagonist of this universe, a person destined to be the pirate king.

Abel, a person with grand ambitions that happened to obtain a cheat system, the self-proclaimed most handsome man in the world.

Ace, one and only son of pirate king, a person who will turn the world upside down sooner or later.

Those three people were having a bad day to say the least.

'' AAHHH'' Abel looked at little Luffy who was left behind helplessy. 'Ghost Step' he took Luffy and threw him forward. 'Ghost Step' he catched Luffy before he falled to floor and repeated it.

'' Brat, did you say you were Red Haired's friend!? BWAHAHAHA, I wanted to beat him for a long time but since you also try to corrupt my kids, I will start with you!'' Garp laughed heartily as he sent a punch towards Abel who barely dodged while taking Luffy with him. 'Fuck, Fuck! I don't know Shanks at all, okay?' Abel wanted to cry but had no tears.

Ace screamed at Abel as he tried to dodge the rocks thrown towards him by Garp.

'' Aren't you supposed to be a legendary pirate!? Go and beat gramps then. This is all your fault!''

' How can I beat someone who is top 10-15 in the verse with 5 days of training. Brat, be realistic!'

Abel thought of an excuse quickly and rightously shouted at Ace.

'' Brat, unlike you I have manners! I would never beat an elderly person even if I am beaten to death!''

Ace was about to curse at Abel but Abel pushed him to side with his left hand. Ace was shocked but then he saw a huge rock passed by where he just stood. After that, Abel disappeared while taking Luffy with him.

'' You owe me one'' Abel left this sentence behind for Ace.

Ace was shocked. He didn't expect this scammer to actually rescue him in the last moment. He felt a little bad when he remembered he acted like a brat to Abel. He even left before he could thank him.

Ace sighed as he focused on running again but before he could take more than 3 steps he felt a hand on his shoulder.

'' Oh... Ace you are out first, this time. BWAHAHAHA.'' Garp laughed as he sent a punch towards Ace. At that moment Ace learnt a lesson that he won't forget for life. Things are not as it seems. This guy just pushed him towards Gramps to gain time for himself and Luffy!

'Ding! Relationship updated with Ace. Current relationship -40(Furious).'

Abel ignored the notification and continued onwards without any guilt. ' Brat, there is always sacrifices in times of war! Count yourself unlucky for not being the main character. This handsome brother can only save one.'

Luffy looked at Abel with bright eyes. '' Thanks for saving me!'' Abel sighed. Abel naturally knew that Garp was just playing around with them and assumed Abel was their friend or something. Abel already used scan on Garp but only got question marks for all stats including haki. His scan skill couldn't even fathom Garp! Abel gave Luffy a warm smile.

'' Ah, of course. İt is normal for me to save my juniors in times of need.''

'' Abel, I heard Ace saying something shouting your name just now.''

'' Ah... I just saved him from a rock as well. He was probably thanking me, don't mind him.''

'' Okay!''

With that they escaped for a while but Abel panicked again when he heard the whole forest shaking behind them. ' Ah, he is here...'

'' Luffy, I will meet you and talk about pirates next time we meet! I will take some good stuff from my adventures to show you at that time. I have some urgent matters to do, see you later.'' Abel hurriedly put Luffy down and took out the Spatial Book that he gained from Nami's rewards. Abel thanked himself for marking the Cocoyashi Village with the book before. With Spatial Book one can teleport to places that were marked before. Unfortunately there were only 10 marks, after using for 10 times the book would become useless. Abel had no choice but to use one here. 'Teleport.'

Next second Abel appeared inside Nami's home and was face to face with Nojiko. '' AHHH, Who are you!?''

'Sigh... I really fucked up this time.'

Meanwhile Garp appeared beside Luffy and looked around. '' BWAHAHAHA, that brat escaped! He is really something.'' Even though Garp was playing around with them he still didn't think any one of them would be able to escape. After all the difference between them was vast.

Luffy glared at Garp fearlessly.

'' Grandpa! Don't call Abel a brat. He is a great pirate just like Shanks!'' Luffy defended Abel fiercely. Garp turned towards his grandson with a dark face.

'' AHH! Grandpa I am sorry.'' Luffy screamed as he tried to escape from Garp's fury.

Abel sighed helplessly as he left Cocoyashi Village again in his crappy fishing boat after having an awkward family meal with his disciple. Nami teased him constantly telling him if he misses her he shouldn't leave or nonsense like that. Abel was extremely emberassed after being teased by his disciple like that and thus left immediately after dinner.

'Use a mark here again.'

'Remaining marks: 8'

'Luffy... is a long term goal.' Abel decided immediately. He didn't want to go and meet with Garp again. Abel's mood was very low. He was extremely confident when he went to scam relationships from Luffy, he didn't expect to fail so spectacularly.

'Fuck! I can't stay like this. Let's go to grandline to sign in. I am so weak!' Abel realised once again how weak he was in front of world's top forces. Abel sighed in a dark mood as he rowed towards Loguetown. While rowing towards Loguetown Abel realised that it would be suicide going to grandline with a fishing boat. He also needed a crew. Abel didn't have any time to form a crew, there were also not anyone worthy of recruiting in east blue. Thus Abel had a bright idea. ' Let's steal a crew!'

'' Sign in''

'Congrulations host for signing in Loguetown. Calculating the history and importance...Calculation completed: C grade. Sube Sube no mi awarded '

Abel looked at the reward he got weirdly. ' Alvida's devil fruit...? Today strange things keep happening.'

Abel walked towards a pirate ship and heard their captain speaking passionately.

'' Guys! Our dream to go Grandline is finally happenning. Let's pillage, rape and conquer the world! Let's find the one piece!'' The underlings cheered thunderously. Abel was focused more on the chair of the pirate captain though. İt looked comfortable, Abel thought he could sit on it and meditate for a long time. 'Ghost Steps' Abel immediately sat on the chair as everyone watched him with shock.

'' Well. I like this chair, all right.''

'' Boy, who are you? İf you want to join my cre-''

'Formless Sword Art'

The pirate captain that dreamed of raping,pillaging and conquering grandline was dead just like that. Abel kicked the captain's corpse to the sea calmly. He took out Aranruth and started speaking.

'' This ship belongs to me now. İncluding you as well of course.'' Everyone looked at Abel's cold face terrified. '' İf anyone wants to leave they have 30 seconds to try. Those who manage to escape, I won't follow them.''

Four people made a move immediately after Abel spoke but they were sliced neatly in two before they could take two steps. Abel looked on calmly as a few more people tried but were helplessly killed by Abel. After the 30 seconds were done, no one acted rashly anymore as nobody moved. Abel asked from his chair '' Who wishes to leave and who wishes to stay? Don't make me wait, I am in a bad mood today.'' Everyone was terrified and they assured Abel that they wished to stay. ' Who would dare say no when you are such a madman!?' The crewmembers cursed their luck to encounter such a madman on the night they were leaving for grandline. 'İmperial Flame' White flames were thrown towards the pirate flag turning it to ashes.

Abel turned towards his terrified crew and opened his spatial ring calmly as more than 30 huge gold pieces Abel made in his free time fell to the ship. Crew's face turned greedy in an instant as they looked at the treasure before them.

'' Since you are my crew for now, I won't mistreat you. They are yours as longs as you do your job right.'' The crew cheered thunderously, their cheers were even more loud then when the pirate captain made his passionate speech. Abel was casual, he already planned how to steal a crew before attempting it. 'First scare them with your strenght, making them respect your strength and then give benefits.' İt was a classic method. ' Until I gather my real crew I will make them operate the ship.'

'' We are leavin-''

'' Abel! Dear, I finally found you. I don't care about the things you have written in those letter! I don't care why being with you is dangerous! I won't leave my husband alone!'' Abel heard Alvida's scream from the dock and sighed as he looked at the Suba Suba no mi in his space ring. ' I see. İs this fate? Meeting Garp, being chased back and then meeting Alvida again after getting her devil fruit. Are the gods want me to pay for playing around so much?'

Abel jumped down from the ship as he walked towards Alvida and came in front of her.

'' Well, those things that I wrote in the letter... About me having a special identity, doing things that are not common and sooner or later turning the world upside down while making many enemies... Well, even though I wrote them casually they are not actually wrong. I have lied to you several times though. Here eat this fruit, I think this meeting here was fated.''

Alvida was confused as she didn't get what Abel was saying but still took the fruit and ate it without hesitation. She had complete confidence in Abel. Everyone around them including Abel's temporary crew and Alvida's crew let out shocked gasps as they watched Alvida turn from ugly and fat to a heavenly beauty. Alvida didn't notice any of it though as her eyes was only on Abel. Abel walked closer to Alvida and whispered to her ears. '' İt is true now. I really think you are the most beautiful woman on east blue. However... İt is impossible between us. So you should give up while it is early. Find someone suitable for you. ''

Alvida's eyes teared as she took Abel's arm not letting go. '' Why? I-I love you so much, since you think I am bautiful, why do you not love me!?''

'' That's just the way it is. Love is not fair. Even though you are the most beautiful woman in east blue... İt is just the way it is.'' Abel didn't feel heavy in his heart. Even though he had a soft spot for Nami and other kids in his core he has always been a cold and calculating person. He wouldn't feel hearthache for the things he has done for his own sake. Abel then turned around and walked towards the pirate ship decisively.

'' Y-You are leaving like that!? I... I have never seen someone as carefree as you in my life! You are leaving just like that!?'' Alvida shouted behind Abel her face full of tears. Abel turned around as he gave her a light smile.

'' What else? Do you want to continue with this farce? You will only be hurt more in the end.''

Alvida bit her lips as she looked at Abel with reluctant and teary eyes.

'' Y-You must take responsibility. A-At least give me a kiss or something.'' Abel watched as Alvida tried to act fierce but her voice came out soft. He sighed and hugged her tightly while giving her a passionate kiss on the lips. Alvida's eyes opened wide, she didn't expect him to actually do it. Roughly ten seconds later Abel seperated his lips from Alvida. '' Well... This is a farewell gift from me. You got this handsome's first kiss, so it is not actually a loss for you...''

Alvida who was still dreamy from the kiss was woken up by Abel's shameless boasting and pouted immediately. '' İf it is not a loss for me, is it a loss for you!? İsn't this my first kiss as well! Go away. I just realised you are very shameless, I don't want you anymore!'' Alvida fiercely scolded Abel.

Abel let out a hearty laugh. '' Well, until next time then, beauty.''

'' Hmph, with your personality you will sooner or later get drown in trouble. Be careful to not die out there. İf... İf the next time you came to east blue you are not married, I will take you as my husband no matter what you say!'' Alvida shouted at Abel with a red face.

'' Hahahah, we got a deal! Guys, set sail! I am bored from this small place.''

Well end for the first volume. Sorry if you disliked it, my plans were different but I decided to condense it into one chapter. I won't be writing for around a week due to my exams. Let me know in the comments if you liked or hated it. See you until next time :)

ZhaoYuzherucreators' thoughts