
Reincarnated: 9th Lord

Rudra Kumar dies in his sleep and woke up in a world full of fantasy and urban legends... Will he die?..same as his previous life or will he survive and become one of the legends...whose name would never be forgetten in the history books....

vishal_singh_0552 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter. 8. Titans Defence (l)

POV Oliver...

Power of Miracle was really somthing..

Once I turn into the ' Stone Titan ' my strength rose to such level that I felt like I was some kind of god looking down on the mortal world.., This feeling was simply heaven defying..I was on the top of the world right then.

My casual blow was powerful enough to kill a monster like the guardian in one blow..

I was simply to strong for the guy.

Even Sir.Jerad can't do anything to me when I am in that form..

In this world only the Overlords of the three empire can fight me on equal footing when I change in to ' Stone Titan '.

Power of a god was simply beyond the realm of normal warriors of this world..

" Young master ? Are you okey ? "

I looked towards Sir.Jerad who was standing about 10 meters away from me..

Does he think I have gone crazy ?


If I was in his position then even I would have such doubt..

After all how many time will you see a normal human change into a colossal Titan that could destroy a city with a wave of its hand..

" I am okey Uncle don't worry..., I am in full control "

Hearing my reply Sir.Jerad finally relax and walked towards me..

I am sure he is going to ask lots of questions..

" How did you turn in to that thing Young master? "

" I don't know Uncle but from the moment I entered this place I felt like someone was calling towards me...I was in some kind of trance like state.. and when I regained my senses I was already standing infront of the alter...touching it with hand and after that you know the rest "

I didn't wanted to start an in depth discussion so I made up a story that would be easy to understand and help me hid the reason why didn't listen to this old man.

Sir.Jerad was a very strict man when it's come to my safety.., so it was better to avoid that kind matter.

" Ohh..So that why didn't listen to my words and went forward....This place must be some kind of legacy left by a strong being that wanted to find a suitable heir...and thats why it took control of you and gave you it's power..., Now all thing makes sense...it must be like this..." Sir Jerad nodded in understanding.

" __ "

I think he is better then me in making stories... From just my unclear answer he made a whole new story... Looks like I won't have to explain further..

Well its for the better.., I want to go back and rest in my own carriage right now..

" So young master now that you have found such legacy and have such great strength will we continue to Cornard or we will go back ?" He asked a very interesting question.

According to Sir.Jerad's perspective the reason I was leaving the Ecclestone County was only because of safety reasons and now that I have obtained such amazing power..,was it necessary to leave now ?

Well if I didn't knew the future I would have surly went along with his suggestion and went back to Ecclestone County to take my rightful position.

But right now I know the bloody future that awaits me and this world..,

For this reason I have to prepare properly.

Although ' Stone Titan ' was a strong Miracle it still had its own limitations..

This Miracle has three weakness..

First. I may have strong body but I was not immune to Soul and mental attacks.

Magician with such spells are the most deadly does for me...

Second. When I was in my normal human form anyone with some great strength can kill me.

This power doesn't have some kind of partial transformation were I could cover my normal body into hard rocks...

I have a greater risk to be killed by an assassin..

Third. My soul is not strong enough to continuously fight in my transformed form.

Right now I can only fight for about three hours... After that I have to wait for my soul to recover.., which could be around Four hours...

A group with proper strategies can hunt me down...

To cover the this weaknesses I have to travel around the whole Pangea and get the Miracles that could strengthen the ' Stone Titan '...

" I am not going back Uncle..., we are going to Cornard.."

I don't want to waste my time on useless things..

" But young master..you have the strength to gain the Counts acknowledgement and become next----"

" Stop it Uncle I am not going "

" But---"

" I miss my grandpa Sir.Jerad"


" You now how much I love him.... "

" ___ "

" Can't you let me meet him in peace..Sir.Jerad "

" ___ "

Okey! looks like I made him drop this topic..


After some further small talks we didn't wait inside the cave and walked outside.

Leaving the cave we directly meet with the escort knights and telling them some small lies about what happened on our personal search..,

With the mission now completed we packed our things and started walking towards our base camp were Emma was preparing dinner for me and the others.

After having my stomach full with the freshly made food I walked towards my carriage to have some rest but before I could reach it..the night sky was brighten by several huge fireball flying towards me and the whole base camp...

" Fuck !!!! Uncle Jerad Cover everyone in your Aura "

Everybody in the base camp gathered together and Sir.Jerad covered us in his Flame Aura...


" Shit... The Village is in the range-- "


" Aahhhhhaaaa "


" Ahh haaa Somebody...Please...Help...."


" Please....somebody help my Child please "


" Shit I can't just stand hear..., I have to help them... "

Biting my lips I step outside the safe area and ran towards the village in the rain of flames...

" Young Master!!!....behind you...."

Looking backward at the fireball coming towards me..I didn't wait and used my Miracle for the first time in a time of crises..

My small size started increasing and changed in to a 25 meter big ' Stone Titan '

" Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh" Roar...

Everybody's mind got numb when my voice reached the level of a sonic boom..



The rain of fireball hit my big body but even after continues bombardment my defence was not breached by the attacks.




Ignoring the fireball I moved forward and protected the whole village by my colossal body....