
Reincarnate To Kill The Demon King

The Gods gave me a second chance, so why not use it to save this world that is slowly falling into the hands of the Demon King ?

Nayzer · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 0: Prologue

A happy wife and a peaceful life, that's what I would have wanted. Unfortunately life took everything away from me, I lost my only family in a car accident when I was ten years old, then as if to try to finish me off, a few days later portals opened in the world because of demons, monsters of all kinds that you could see mainly in video games or in films, comic strips or even novels have come out of these portals.

After coming out of these cursed portals, they began to massacre humans without any mercy. But with all this shit mana - a strange energy that helps push human limits - and other races have started to come to Earth, whether elves or even dwarves - who have armor similar to that of 'a certain very famous film hero wore, all of them helped us to repel these monsters but with a counter part where they would have to coexist with us, for the humans of the time this counter part was more of a chance to ensure our survival us, a very weak race for the time.

After all that the world was divided in two, the left side on the world map was destroyed because they did not have the chance to counter attack because the Demons facing them were much too strong for them, well this is all normal. Why do I say that? It's simple, the few Demons who attacked them were SS Rank Demons, to put it more simply, at the time I'm telling you all this only around thirty SS Rank exist.

But enough about all that let's get back to me, after all the portals were closed, the government started recruiting orphans to join the army, even those who didn't want to were forced to go. This is what happened to me, even though I had no training or any training with weapons, I was sent to the front, I came close to death so many times that I can no longer count them. Today.

Speaking of today, my birthday, if when I was little it was one of the moments I looked forward to the most, now it's the opposite, the more the years go by the more I tell myself that I am a miss. In three hundred years I stayed on the battlefields day and night, I lost so many brothers that my emotions began to diminish, I did not know love like many of the soldiers who were under me. orders, although I may be the strongest man the world knows, I am surely also one of the most unfortunate people who can exist.


As I sat with my back against a huge rock, a sight that many people would describe as nightmarish presented to me, hundreds of thousands of Demons were heading towards me, I could see demonic beasts - the weakest - then Demons from rank B to SS. But more than anything a silhouette flying in the sky looking down at me, I knew him of course, I dealt with him once, and I can safely say that his strength once surpassed me, but now I don't. I'm not so sure anymore.

I got up before drawing my bastard sword called 'Lemure'', the only one in the world to have stayed on my side for so long, today it will surely be my last battle, and I wanted it to remain in the memories before my dead. I then started running towards all his Demons, while I was a few meters from one of them I swung my sword decapitating him, I then ran towards another decapitating him too, while running From Demon to Demon I swung my sword killing them all in cold blood.

After more than seven hours of fierce battle, I finally arrived towards the silhouette that was flying in the areas a few hours earlier, the Demon in front of me was none other than the kings of the Demons Olizrel, he was a large man who had long white hair that went down to her waist, with scarlet red eyes and rather pale but flawless skin.

Olizrel soon opened his mouth looking me straight in the eyes.

"You didn't change Arkahir"

"Neither do you fucking bastard."

He then raised his spear before swinging it at me, just like that the fight had begun. But only a few hours later it ended with his victory.

"I lost, so finish me asshole."

"Okay then, I hope you like where you're going."

After his words in total darkness, I was dead.

Well that's what I thought.
