

"I see... so she's just a newbie here".

In this perplexing world of white walls.

Confused by the overwhelming sight of countless books, I found myself in the company of a boy who seemed to share my predicament. He spoke to me.

Gesturing of camaraderie as I looked over the white books shelved.

"Yeah, it's a bit overwhelming. I don't remember how I got here or anything about my past. Do you?" he inquired.



I shook my head, a tinge of sadness in my eyes as my words couldn't be conveyed.

But that didn't stop me as I gestured to my head, attempting to convey the void that was my memory.

"Memory loss, huh? Looks like we're in the same situation," he said, glancing towards the talking cat who had been silently observing the situation.

"Do you know how to fix her? I mean, it's inconvenient not to speak, and with this many books and the system command, wouldn't there be a way of returning her voice?"