


Consciousness is like flipping on a light switch, where your mind wakes up to the music of life.

It starts with a tiny "aha!" moment, a realization buzzing in your head.

While figuring out who you are, you'll go through a bunch of feelings and reflections that paint the picture of you.

Imagine peeling layers off an onion—that's what understanding yourself is like.

The core of who you are quietly speaks up, hoping you'll listen.

Back in the day, people thought being conscious was like getting a special gift from the gods.

Now, we get it—it's like putting together a puzzle with pieces of what we see, know, and how our brain works.

Every moment is a stroke on the canvas of your life.

In the middle of being awake, there's this mystery about yourself.

Clues about your purpose and who you are hiding, waiting for you to find them.

But all I could remember was my consciousness coming to being.

In the sea of pristine white, I awoke.