
ACT 03: 102



As consciousness slowly returned, a soft, adorable voice filled my ears.

Blinking my eyes open, my vision was immediately engulfed by a fluffy, snow-white presence, emitting a tiny mewling sound.

This creature was so petite that I could have easily cradled it in the palm of my hand. If I had to venture a guess, it was nothing more than a precious ball of white fluff—or rather a cat.

My head turned slightly, and I beheld a small white cat, its whiskers twitching in curiosity, sitting beside my leg.

Its bright eyes were fixed on me, and it emitted another tiny mewl, demanding attention.

"Good morning." Greeted by the white cat with a cheerful smile. I was struck by its irresistible cuteness.

I could tell it was morning simply by the way it was sitting. Being the sole pet in this peculiar building, he had taken on the responsibility of waking me up each day.

In response to his greeting, I replied, "Good morning. What's with the cute sound?" chuckling at the cat's unexpected act.

"Well, I was worried that you might not wake up after that blast almost shattered most of your bones and ruptured half your organs. So, I thought if I called out to you, you might regain consciousness. But after a few days, you didn't respond, so I tried out a cat-like voice. To my surprise, you suddenly woke up. How does the 'meow' sound?" I blinked, a bit taken aback by the cat's matter-of-fact explanation. "Yes, well, it sounded cute."

"I see..." he replied, and a brief moment of silence settled between us.


"Wait, did you just say I almost died?"

The cat's nonchalant response was startling. "Who knows?"

My heart began to race as I anxiously scanned my body for any signs of injury.

To my astonishment, I found not a single trace of harm.

How had they managed to heal such severe injuries in just a matter of days? The very idea seemed inconceivable.

"Well, we had you transported to the adult section for a day before you came here," the cat added casually.

"I see," I replied, still trying to process the incredible speed of my recovery. Which was probably told of the technology of this facility.

The advanced technology employed by the facility was nothing short of miraculous.

Curiosity piqued, I watched as the cat moved towards the entrance it had come from, its tail swaying with each graceful step.

It was evident that the cat held a special position within the facility, not only for its adorable appearance but also for its role as the unofficial morning alarm. Though I would say he was average on any other things.

With renewed vigor, I leaped out of bed, my curiosity driving me forward.

I stopped before the seemingly invisible entrance, its translucent barrier allowing no visibility from either side. It was known to open in the morning and close at night.

Much like a curfew emplaced on the rooms.

Determined to explore the facility, I passed through the door, experiencing the strange sensation of passing through a barrier, like walking through a wall of water.

I had grown accustomed to this peculiar phenomenon over time.

Taking a deep breath, I stretched my still-aching body, preparing for the day ahead.

I surveyed my surroundings and ventured further into the bright, white hallway as I followed the cat.

Only a few weeks ago, Blanc had shown me a floor plan of the facility.

It had been a revealing glimpse into the layout of this facility.

As I ventured deeper into the heart of this colossal facility, it became abundantly clear that its size was beyond anything I could have imagined.

Floor 1, which occupied the highest rank in this hierarchy of floors, unveiled the Cloud Garden, an awe-inspiring expanse of vibrant greenery that stretched unbroken as far as the eye could discern. It commanded nearly half of the entire facility's space, a fact that was astonishing, even to the cat who had accompanied me on this journey.

The dimensions of this floor defied belief. It spanned an astounding 10 kilms in both length and width.

The ceiling, if one could call it that, reached an impossible height, seeming to vanish into an illusionary sky. I couldn't help but feel minuscule, like an ant in the presence of giants, as I stood amidst the luxuriant foliage of the Cloud Garden.

Having marveled at the verdant wonder of the Cloud Garden, my path led me to the second rank, Floor 2. Here, the facility revealed its insatiable appetite for knowledge. This level was dedicated entirely to the library section. Upon entering, I was greeted by the imposing sight of towering bookshelves, each adorned with pristine white spines, meticulously arranged in endless rows.

Every shelf was labeled with precision, covering an unimaginable array of subjects. The dimensions of Floor 2, while slightly smaller than the first, were still monumental, measuring approximately 800 mets in length and 500 mets in width. But it wasn't just the size that overwhelmed; it was the labyrinthine arrangement that could easily disorient even the most astute explorer.

The sheer volume of knowledge contained there was staggering. It felt like a place where one could lose themselves in the pursuit of wisdom, a lifetime's worth of discovery at their fingertips.

Rank 3 was the next stop on my journey, leading me to the sleeping quarters. This floor was divided into Spartan quarters, each containing six identical rooms.

These rooms were minimalist in design, with only the essentials—a simple bed and an absence of windows. The stark white color scheme was, of course, consistent with the facility's aesthetic.

The dimensions of Floor 3, while less grandiose compared to the levels above, measured approximately 60 mets in length and 50 mets in width. It exuded an intimate and almost cozy atmosphere in stark contrast to the vastness of the floors I had explored previously. The identical rooms, devoid of any personalization, raised questions about the mind behind this meticulous design.

Floor 4 introduced a stark contrast to the previous floors. It was home to the dressing room, where rows upon rows of identical white shirts and three-quarter-length pants were impeccably arranged on endless racks.

The sense of uniformity and conformity that permeated this space sent a shiver down my spine.

The dimensions of Floor 4 were similar to those of Floor 3, but it harbored an unexpected luxury—a massive bathhouse. This bathhouse boasted a pool-sized hot water bath, an extravagant addition that stood in stark contrast to the Spartan living quarters. It was as if the facility aimed to provide comfort in the most unexpected places, leaving me even more perplexed about its true purpose.

Lastly, on the fifth rank, I reached the cafeteria, a vast expanse featuring long tables and benches, all in the signature white. The dimensions of this floor matched those of Floor 3, yet it felt strikingly different.

Unlike the other places, the cafeteria seemed devoid of any communal activity. It was filled with the absence of fellow diners raising unsettling questions about the enigmatic nature of this facility.

Was I truly alone here, or were there others like me, wandering through this perplexing labyrinth?

The facility's mysteries deepened with each floor I explored, leaving me with an insatiable curiosity and an urgent need to uncover the secrets hidden within its pristine white walls.

Initially, I had found it strange that they allowed us to roam freely throughout the facility. However, I soon realized that access was restricted to common areas like the dressing room, library, and garden. The mysteries of this place beckoned me forward, and I couldn't help but wonder what else lay hidden within the other side of the facility.