


"Where are you going?" I inquired, my curiosity getting the better of me as the cat and I walked together through the pristine hallway.

"To the library," the cat replied without the slightest hint of concern for my puzzled expression.

"Why are we going to the library?" I queried, my voice laced with intrigue. The cat paused in its graceful stride, turning its enigmatic gaze towards me before responding.

"Because you wanted to."

"Me... when?" I stammered, struggling to recall any such desire.

"In your sleep, you were murmuring about meeting someone, and your expression held a desire for answers. So, I thought you might find those answers within the library," the cat explained, its eyes gleaming with an understanding that left me momentarily stunned.

It was as though the cat had peered into the depths of my subconscious, revealing desires and thoughts that I myself had not fully comprehended.

After a brief walk, we arrived at our destination, just a short distance from my room, about fifty mets away.

In an uncanny way, the units of measurement in this world were remarkably similar to those in my former world—mets for meters, millis for millimeters, kilometers for kilms and more.

It raised questions within—was this knowledge innate, a gift from this world, or had it been imparted to me during my upbringing here?

The answer remained elusive, but at least I could now understand the written language to a reasonable extent, and that was a small comfort.

Sadly, I had yet to discover the truth about the outside world despite spending several weeks in this place.

I had undertaken numerous visits to the library, diligently scouring its sections in search of knowledge beyond these white walls. However, my efforts had largely yielded common knowledge, leaving me feeling disheartened.

"Sigh... Another day of books," I muttered under my breath, my steps growing heavier as I approached the library's entrance.

The doorway bore a small rectangular slate inscribed with unfamiliar characters that spelled out the word "library." Thankfully, I had become adept at deciphering this worldly language, perhaps a proof to my upbringing in this peculiar environment.

Prior to my recent time here, I had embarked on a journey of exploration within the library, hoping to uncover information about the enigmatic creators of this world.

I had perused various sections, but my quest had proved fruitless. Recently, however, my curiosity had taken a different turn.

"By the way, do you have a name?" I inquired of the cat, seeking to learn more about my peculiar companion.

"Hmm... A name... I don't know. Why don't you give me a name?" the cat replied, its voice carrying a hint of curiosity.

I fell silent for a moment, pondering what name would suit this enigmatic feline friend of mine.


My thoughts were interrupted when a glimmer of white light caught my attention, a shimmering aura that danced at the periphery of my vision.

"Huh?!" I exclaimed in surprise.

Stripes of white light seemed to flutter in the air, their ethereal glow captivating my senses. I turned my gaze to the left, and my eyes widened as I observed the radiant phenomenon. It was as though the very essence of light itself was manifesting before me, an inexplicable and mesmerizing display.

"Hum... hum," a hushed murmur lingered in the air, like someone audibly whispering in the background. My gaze shifted towards the source of the sound, but there was no one to be seen.

The murmuring ceased abruptly, leaving an unsettling silence in its wake.

Is someone watching us?

I tilted my head quizzically, my thoughts fixated on the mysterious nuns that had become a familiar presence in this place. However, something felt different this time.

"It's not like them to observe their subjects openly," I mused aloud, recalling the countless encounters with these enigmatic beings that had left me both curious and uneasy.

Although it was unlikely that anyone else would be in this library at this hour, a sense of unease gripped me as I reminisced about the chilling experiences I had endured.

Gathering my resolve, I approached the bookshelf where I had spotted the distinctive white linings.

As I walked behind it, I instinctively shifted to the right, preparing for the unexpected. Suddenly, a white silhouette materialized before my eyes.

With a resounding thud, I collided with the figure, a full-body impact that sent a jolt of pain through me.

"Oww…" I muttered, rubbing my sore shoulder.

"What was that?" I looked up, only to realize that it was not just a shadowy presence but a person.

A girl, probably same age as mine, stood before me.

She was approximately my height, but her posture was stooped, as if weighed down by an invisible burden. Her face remained concealed beneath a curtain of flowing white hair.

She wore the same uniform as the other test subjects, but there was an undeniable tension in her trembling form.

Clutching a book tightly to her chest, she exuded an aura of shyness and nervousness that tugged at my curiosity.

"Who are you?" I blurted out, my voice betraying a mixture of surprise and intrigue as I sought answers in the depths of her hidden gaze.