
Reds Reset

The line between life and death is thin. With the numerous religions giving some glimmer of hope, people started hanging onto their thin rope. In an attempt to ease their minds about the unknown. But what if death is not the end? What if Death is only the beginning? Red lives in a vulnerable world, one where Windows to other planes of existence open often. Monsters and dangerous creatures reside in each, and the awakened are humanities only hope. Our story starts with Death and ends with Glory. Follow Red as he breaks through Worlds, practicing and growing stronger with each experience. The chosen Champion of the mysterious God.

Fairn · แฟนตาซี
197 Chs


<User has recovered>

A voice woke Link up from his deep sleep, sluggishly removing the blanket from on top of him.

"I'm no longer weakened then?" Asked Link, rubbing his eyes.

<Yes, User has fully recovered and in top shape>

"Good, show me my Quests" Said Link, standing up and heading towards the door.

<Main Quests>

<Reach Level 10>

<Daily Quests>

<Do 20 Push-Ups> <Reward: 10 exp>

<Run 2 Mile> <Reward: 15 exp>

"Alright, let's do this." Said Link, opening the door slowly, trying to avoid the sound the old door usually makes. His two little sisters were sleeping soundly.

After washing his face, Link changed his clothes and went to the backyard as quietly as he could, trying not to wake anybody.

"Alright, let's see"

As Link dropped on all fours, he was as light as a feather, completing the set of Push-Ups in seconds.

<Daily Quest Has Been Completed: Do 20 Push-Ups>

<10 EXP Has Been Granted>

After that, completing the Running Quest was easy, this time Link didn't even sweat, running comfortably.

<15 EXP Has Been Granted>

"How much do i have left?" Asked Link, A window appeared in front of him.

<85/100 exp> <What do you plan to do now?>

"I'm going to start killing things," Link said, grabbing his bow, quiver and didn't forget the Hunting Knife this time. Heading towards the village.

Toula was your average village. Stalls, Random Shops, Library, The School, The villagers Houses, The Pub and the Village Square where a Well sits, been empty for years.

Where Link was heading to was none other than the Butcher's shop, Eddy's Shop.

"Morning Eddy" Said Link, walking into a Shop, Meat hanging from all around, the smell of blood filled the air. "How are you?"

"Good Morning Link" Said Eddy "I should be the one asking if you're ok or not, hero." He said with a wink.

Link has been the talk of the village since the incident, managing to kill a Hell Bear by himself to protect his unconscious father was all that was talked about, besides the annihilation of the Bandits of course.

"Don't say that please, it's lame" Said Link.

"Haha, you're the first kid that doesn't like being called a hero, you used to love it back then" Eddy laughed.

Back then, Link had to sell being a child as best as he could. Pretending to like heroes and all that stuff, he still cringes whenever he thinks about it.

"Yeah, i grew out of it i guess" Answered Link "Hey, i have something to ask you"

"What is it?" Asked Eddy.

"I want to help out with this month's livestock. My dad taught me how to skin and gut animals, and I think it'll be a very good and safe way for me to learn how to use a knife better" Said Link, straightening his back, trying to look as grown as he called just in case he's told it's too early for him.

"Uhh, yeah why not. I heard you and Samuel will be going to the Military Academy, I think it might be a good experience." Said Eddy, wiping his hands in a piece of cloth. "Follow me then, i'll show you what you need to do, i'll stick and help out, but after today you both will take care of it yourselves"

"Both of us?" Asked Link.

"Yeah, Peter is helping out. We have enough Meat to last us a month, so no hunting for now" Eddy Explained.

Eddy led Link around the shop, opening a door that led to the backyard. a wide field of grass with fences setting it's boundary, on the other side a barn was there, Sheeps, Cows and even some Pigs. Usually most of these would be taken by the Bandits, massacred and fed to those scum, but there is no need anymore, and everything will be kept for the village.

Peter was feeding the Pigs, when approached by the two.

"Hey Peter, Working hard I see" Said Eddy, patting his shoulder.

"Yeah, I fed the cows and sheep, now only the pigs are left before I start cleaning up the barn." Said peter.

"There's no need for the barn cleaning today. You remember Link right?" Said Eddy, patting Link on his back pushing him forward.

"Yeah, Master Saya's Friend" Peter Said.

"Well, he'll be helping us with preparing the feast order, the Village chief needs it by next week." Eddy Said.

The three of them moved to the left of the backyard, which was closed with high wooden walls, blocking what was happening inside. As they opened the door, Link saw a dirt ground with traces of blood, a rope hanging from a tall pole and knives, axes and even hammers.

"This is where we'll be butchering 3 Sheep and 2 Pigs, we'll start with a sheep today, show Link what to do and we'll do another if we still have time ,or we'll just leave it for tomorrow." Said Eddy, ushering both Peter and Link inside.

As Link walked in, he saw a sheep tied to the corner, but it didn't look like a normal sheep, it had eyes like a goat's, Their horizontal, rectangular pupils and horns that were aiming down, with what looked like blue veins.

This wasn't the first time Link saw a sheep from this world but it still gave him the creeps whenever he saw it, thinking that it was scarier than most of the monsters he saw in books.

"Alright, let's cut it's head and hang it by it's leg on that rope" Said Eddy, Pointing at it. He walked over, untying the sheep and bringing it to the middle, using the same rope to tie it's legs, laying it on the floor.

"Link, You want to do this?" Asked Eddy, Teasing Link a bit, he played the same joke on Peter which made him nervous and freak out.

"Ok!" Said Link, walking over and pulling his hunting knife from his hip.

"Wait, I was kidding Link, you don't have to do it, i'll take care of this." Eddy tried to walk over but Link spoke before he could.

"It's ok, I want to be the one to do this every time, I need to get used to this." Said Link, getting to work.

Long story Short, Link, Peter and Eddy finished with everything, from skinning, gutting it and cutting it to pieces. After that, they carried and placed them in a giant rectangular box that looked like a freezer, powered by a small light blue stone which kept the inside of it cold.

Link read about these stones, they are called Artificial Cores and can be recharged by just adding some Mana to it. then the Mana is automatically used and turned into cold air.

But what Link pushed aside to focus on his task at the time, was a Message from The System.

<Sheep Killed>

<10 EXP Has Been Granted>

What excited Link more was that he only needed 5 Exp to Level Up, now that it was still early, Eddy decided to take care of the next Sheep as well. Going out and grabbing another.

With the same process repeated again, Link, Peter and Eddy finished, and each leaving to go home with some pay. Eddy gave Peter 50 Gold Coins while he gave Link 5 Gold Coins.

It was fair since Peter has been working since yesterday and it was his full pay.

"I hear Master Saya admitted you to the Military Academy" Peter Said "You're so lucky, i wish i could go as well."

"It wasn't luck" Said Link "But thank you"

After a quick goodbye, Link and Peter separated, each going to their home.


"Show me the messages" Link mumbled.

<Sheep Killed>

<10 EXP Has Been Granted>


<1 Stat Point Available>

<1 Skill Point Available>

"Finally" Link thought "That was harder than it was supposed to be. Open Status"


<User: Link>

<Race: Human>

<Level 2>

<5/200 exp>

<HP: 15/15>

<MP: 16/16>

<Strength: 10>

<Agility: 10>

<Stamina: 10>

<1 Stat Point Available>


"Interesting" Said Link "My Mana and Health rises with every Level Up, then i can use the Stat Point on whatever i want, even though it was disappointing being just 1. Whatever" Link continued "And I can get more Mana by consuming cores as well, very good. I'm starting to actually like this new system"

<Glad You Like It>

Link shook his head, Adding his Stat Point to Agility without hesitating, feeling the changes in his body.

After heading home, getting ready for bed, a message appeared out of nowhere.

<New Quest Added>

<Stay Awake For 24 Hours> <Reward: 200 exp>

"Oh for god's sake" Link muttered, sitting on his bed. "I changed my mind, Fucking hate you."


Currently :


-- Status :

<User: Link>

<Race: Human>

<Level 2>

<5/200 exp>

<HP: 15/15>

<MP: 16/16>

<Strength: 10>

<Agility: 11>

<Stamina: 10>


-- Skills :

<Rock Skin> <Passive Skill>

<1 Skill Points Available>


-- Quests :

<Main Quests :>

<Reach Level 10>

<Stay Awake For 24 Hours> <Reward: 200 exp>


<Daily Quests :> <Completed>

New chapter, new Quest for you guys.

150 Votes/Points = 4 New Chapters

300 Votes/Points = 5 New Chapters

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