
Red Dragon Of Orario Chapter 7

This is an original story crossover. I do not own any rights to High School DXD or Danmachi, but I will use the characters and storyline. It will have a harem, but it is progressive and won't be a big harem.



Inner Voice



Chapter 7: Rescue Mission

The morning sun was starting to shine through the wooden shutters, landing on Issei's face, which made him stir as it was bright. Issei started to rub his eyes as he woke up to start the day of learning how to be a blacksmith from Hephaestus herself.

"Well, Ddraig, today is the day we start to learn blacksmithing from Hephaestus. Can't wait, but no doubt It is hard work, but be worth it", Issei says to his friend.

("True but least can hopefully make some armour to adapt to the sacred gear without showing it to cause problems") Ddraigs says for encouragement.

"Yeah, that would solve issues for sure, but also, is it possible to do all the abilities in my head so as not to make sure people know of this," Issei asked curiously.

("To answer your question, yes, it is possible. I also agree it will cause a lot of trouble of discovered unless certain people are trustworthy enough.") Ddraig says in response.

"Yeah, I thought that as well. I better start preparing some breakfast as no doubt it won't be long till Hephaestus comes around," Issei says with a nod. 

("No worries, and I will send you some knowledge about blacksmithing as I found a memory from one of the past users it might come in handy") Ddraig says with a grin.

"Wicked, and any knowledge will help, to be honest," Issei said as he got out of bed and walked to the kitchen area of the room. 

("Okay, I'll send you the information later on then and let you concentrate on making breakfast for yourself and Hephaestus if she comes early") Ddraig says as she disappears into the gear to find the memory of the past user.

When the connection to Ddraig was cut, he started preparing breakfast. He cut the vegetables and began cooking sausages and bacon to be ready to serve. He also hoped Hephaestus would show soon so they could share the food while it was hot.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in!" shouted Issei as he was in the kitchen.

When Issei shouted Come in, Hephaestus let herself in and got a whiff of the smell of breakfast, which made her stomach rumble as it smelled delicious. This action made her blush in embarrassment.

"Morning Issei, breakfast smells lovely. By the way, I also brought you some books to study in your free time," Hephaestus says as she sits at the table.

"Ah, thanks. I look forward to it. I hope you enjoy the food," Issei said as he put food on the table.

"Thank you, Issei. It's not often I get treated to breakfast like this usually. I grab something from the Hostess before I walk around all the shops and open my store", Hephaestus says with a smile.

"Well, it's an honour to make you something. To be honest, even though I have not met your alter version in my world, I always wanted to meet you from the stories I read and heard from others", Issei said as he dug into his breakfast.

"Oh, I see. I wonder what my alter version looks like," Hephaestus says while having a finger on her chin with a tilt to the head.

"Well, I hate to tell you disturbing news, but in my world, hmm, I hate to say it, but you're a male according to the books," Issei said while looking sorry to her.

"Okay, how come I not surprised to know that," Hephaestus says while looking defeated.

"Sorry, Hephaestus, if it makes you feel better, Loki is a male as well, and I defeated him as well," Issei says to try and cheer her up.

"Thank you for trying to cheer me up and for the meal. It was delicious," Hephaestus says with a smile.

"You're welcome, so what's the plan?" Issei asks curiously.

"Well, first we going to train you the basics of being a blacksmith with how to get the temperature just right and make equipment like armour and weapons," Hephaestus says with a smirk.

"Oh sweet, be able to make me some armour for when I go into the dungeon and other things," Issei says as he fist bumps the air.

After both Issei and Hephaestus had breakfast, they went to the forge, where Hephaestus explained the process of making armour weapons through materials, including how to merge monster drop items into them to either increase the sharpness or toughness of things. Issei caught on pretty quickly, which made Hephaestus happy but also curious about what kind of future of blacksmithing he could do. Hephaestus didn't know that Ddraig was also passing him knowledge from one of his past users, who used to be a blacksmith before dying in battle. What shocked Issei, though the past user used to be an ancestor of his from his mother's side. Ddraig thought it must have been luck that he was chosen to wield him but also thought it was something else like destiny.

"You are getting the hang of this, Issei. I'm impressed not many would grasp it this quick," Hephaestus says with a smile.

"Well, I had a good teacher to explain the process better", Issei says with a smirk. "Thanks, Ddraig, for the help as well", which Ddraig nodded in appreciation.

"Oh, trying to smooth talk me, huh? I hate to say this, but I already got my eyes on someone," Hephaestus says with a cheeky grin.

"If that were smooth talk to you, I would be shocked, and I already know who you're in love with," Issei said with a glint.

"Ehh! How do you know!" Hephaestus shouts while going red as the tease backfires on her.

"Now that would be telling," Issei said as he chuckled into his hand.

"You are just as bad as Tsubaki. If you two pair up, I never hear the end of it," Hephaestus says while slumping down, depressed.

"Don't worry, and I'll stop teasing now, anyway. What do you think of this bracer I just finished?" Issei asked curiously.

"Hm, it's not bad for a new adventurer. Quality is good and well-balanced. What material did you use?" Hephaestus asked, even though she knew but wanted to check.

"Well, it's a combination of three with an added monster drop item you had, which is Mithril for lightness and capable with magic to a degree, Iron for its strength, followed by Dir Adamanite and the drop item used from a hard armoured." Issei listed off what he used.

"That's good. Well, I now have to leave and do my rounds of the shops and also return to mine as well keep practising, and I'll check out your stuff tomorrow", Hephaestus says with a smile.

"Okay, thank you again for this, and I will make you breakfast again if you like", Issei says with a smile back.

"No problem, Issei, I'll look forward to tomorrow", Hephaestus said as she left.

After Hephaestus left, Issei got to it designing and making his armour for his legs, arms and chest area for protection when in the dungeon. It was a mix of Western and Japanese, so it was the best of both regions. He also fused abit of Ddraig's scales into it to tint it crimson red. He also put some emeralds on his hands to disguise where Ddraig is so he can talk if needed. Then he decided to make a spear to train with the art and use for more expansive spaces. The big difference is that the spear is strong and can use its magic for more substantial impacts or range attacks.

"Mmm, I think it's time to grab food from that restaurant. The meals were nice there," Issei said to himself while stretching.

("Must keep yourself strong, partner, as you never know what will happen. Also, will you be testing your armour out as it is nice to see how it is in the dungeon?") Ddraig says in Issei's mind.

"Yeah, I think I might after getting some food", Issei replies in his thoughts.

("Also, we can see how well you do on your own down there even though I know they are no match, but be good training per say,") Ddraig says with a grin on her face.

Issei then left his workshop and locked up as he headed towards Hostess of Fertility for something to eat and maybe talk to the staff if they were free to speak, but as he was walking, he bumped into a worried-looking Hestia to the point she looked like a lost puppy.

"Hi Hestia, everything ok? You look worried about something?" Issei asks in a concerned tone.

"Oh, hi Issei, well yes, I'm abit worried as Bell and the others have not returned yet, and since they're in the middle floors, just hope nothing bad happened while they are down there," Hestia says in a worried tone.

"I'm sure they are fine. They have good teamwork to look after each other, but if you like, I watch for them when I go into the dungeon myself later. If I miss them, just let me know in the morning or something, as Hephaestus will be around mine again to check on my progress," Issei said to cheer Hestia up.

"Thanks, Issei-kun, that helps out a lot. Where are you going now, then?" Hestia asks curiously.

"Oh, I'm going to get something to eat. Would you like to join me?" Issei asks politely.

"If that's okay, I don't mind. Be nice to keep my mind off the thoughts," Hestia said while blushing abit.

"Of course, I don't mind, Hestia. You're a friend to me and even looked after me when I was new to this place," Issei says with a smile.

"Thank you, Issei-kun, but you do realise you abit of a flirter knowing exactly what to say to ladies," Hestia says to try and tease him.

"Hahaha, you're the second person to say that even though I'm just being honest, it's how I was raised. To be fair, if not, my mother would beat me black and blue. Even if I'm stronger than her, it still hurts," Issei said as he laughed it off.

"Well, I'm glad you're being honest. I always loved watching happy families, especially ones that grow up well with the teachings even when times change," Hestia said with a smile.

"Thanks, we here, ladies first," Issei said with a teasing bow.

"Oh, you behave," Hestia said while playfully hitting him.

"Welcome, Hestia sama and Issei-kun, right? Table for two, I'm guessing," Said the light brown-haired waitress.

"Ah yes, that's my name, and please, Faust-san," Issei said respectfully while Hestia smiled and nodded to the waitress. 

"You can call me by my first name. You know Issei, come on, say it, Lunoire," Lunoire said with a smile.

"Okay, Lunoire, what's the special today?" Issei said with a blush once he and Hestia sat down.

"The special today is spaghetti with tomato and basil sauce with a choice of butterbeer or mead," Lunoire said as she got her pad ready to take the order with a happy smile.

"Hm, I'll take a special and a butterbeer and how about you, Hestia?" Issei asked as he turned towards her.

"Oh, I have a special and some soma wine, please," Hestia said as she looked at Lunoire.

"Okay, so two specials, one butterbeer and one soma wine," Lunoire said as Issei and Hestia nodded. "I take orders through and bring drinks out in abit".

"Thanks, Lunoire, can't wait", Issei said with his classic warm smile, which made Lunoire blush abit.

"Hey Issei, you do know your smile is lethal", Hestia said as she smirked abit.

"Huh, what do you mean by that?" Issei said as he tilted his head.

"Oh, don't worry, you will find out eventually, hehe", Hestia giggled.

"Okay, if you say so," Issei said as he shrugged it off. "So how have things been since you came down to world Hestia, and what was your domain like up there?"

"Hm, well, it's been slow and painful cause I'm a new Goddess with hardly any money, and my domain was just a temple with a nice garden outside and inside was the sacred flame that I guarded till I came down here", Hestia said while remembering her domain.

"Ah, understandable, especially if you new to how things work down here, and that sounds kinda nice actually", Issei says.

Soon after Hestia and Issei speak about topics, Lunoire brings over the drinks, followed by the food brought over by a black cat demi human called Chloe.

"Here are your drinks, Issei and Hestia-sama", Lunoire says as she places the drinks on the tables.

"Here are your meals as well, nya", Chloe said as she placed the meals down while trying to go for Issei's butt afterwards, which led to Lunoire hitting her on the head.

"Sorry about that, Issei. This mischievous cat needs a talking to." Lunoire glared at Chloe while apologising to Issei.

"Nya, that hurt Lunoire", Chloe says as she rubs her head while pouting.

"Haha, no worries, Lunoire. I'm used to this kind of thing happening when I was at home a long time ago, well without the butt pinching at least", Issei said as he laughed it off.

"Well, enjoy your meals, and sorry again", Lunoire said as she dragged Chloe with her for punishment.

"You know, I love this place. It's like watching a comedy act with most of the waitresses on how they act, which is nice like they are siblings," Issei said as he smiled before eating his meal.

As soon as Issei and Hestia finished their meals, they left and split up, with Issei promising he would keep an eye out for Bell if he saw him in the dungeon, while Hestia was grateful for the dinner and left for her place.

So once, Issei headed to the dungeon to test his armour and learn about the monster's patterns while watching for Bell & Crew. He got to floor 12 before deciding to head back up after not only seeing the monsters, which was good for level 1 adventurers, but also got to have all the patterns and weaknesses he found memorised. On the way back up, he managed to kill the rare monster, which drops an egg which can give him a high valis for the drop, which made Issei happy, but he also thought it helped rebuild his place.

"Well, let's get all these monster crystals traded in as well this egg drop should get some nice payday at least and rebuild my forge/shop in a way", Issei thought.

"(So still going to go with that design idea you had of a Japanese blacksmith's shop?)" Ddraig asked curiously.

"Yeah, since I was not going to go back home for abit, I may as well have something to remind me of my home abit, even if it's a traditional building", Issei said to Ddraig in his thoughts.

"(Makes sense in a way plus, you can design it how you like things for future business builds)", Ddraig says while nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, even going to a small shrine area to pray to the Japanese Gods in respect", Issei says while in thought.

Once Issei left the dungeon, he headed into the guild building. He exchanged his crystals and the rare drop item, and he ended up getting over 3 million valis, which shocked the cashier on how lucky he was to get that amount. Issei thanked the person before noticing Bell's advisor about to leave, so he quickly went to her to ask if she saw Bell.

"Erm, excuse me, miss, are you Bell's advisor?" Issei asked politely and in hope.

"Oh yes, my name is Eina Tulle. May I ask why he did do something wrong towards you?" Eina asked, now wondering if sweet and innocent Bell did something wrong.

"Oh no, nothing of the sort. the reason I'm asking is cause Hestia was worried about him not coming out at his normal time, but then again, I'm guessing going to the middle floors can take abit longer, So I was wondering if he dropped by?" Issei asked, hoping he would come by.

"Hm, no, I'm afraid not. Sometimes, he exchanges in the morning depending on when he gets out of the dungeon so that he might have headed straight back to Hestia-sama." Eina said now, hoping Bell was okay.

"Okay, makes sense. Well, thank you anyway and sorry for taking your time since I'm guessing you're heading home", Issei said as he bowed in apology.

"Oh, it's fine, honestly, and yes, I just finished my shift, so I'm about to head home now", Eina said as she smiled.

"Would you like an escort home then, as it is horrible to see a lovely woman like yourself go back by herself?" Issei said, then whispered to her. "Please accept. I sense a couple of people outside and can feel them sending lust towards you". This shocked Eina, but decided to nod in agreement.

"I would love it, thank you, such a gentleman," Eina said as she interlocked her arm with his and left the guild building.

Issei was walking with Eina and just chatting and getting to know each other and talking about funny stories and even how she reacted to Bell when he first appeared to join adventuring, which made Issei smile but also thought he is going to train him abit, especially with a sword, also hand to hand just to give him an edge in case of something terrible happens. Soon afterwards, Issei and Eina arrived at the destination, which wasn't too far from the guild itself but in more of a local area than the adventurer's areas.

"Thank you for walking me home, Issei, and glad you told me about the problem, as I always had a feeling someone was watching me but couldn't see where it was coming from", Eina explained and was grateful.

"No problem, Eina. It was nice to get to know you and have something to tease Bell about, but I'm also curious how he managed to level up so quickly", Issei says as he wonders how.

"Who knows, as it's private information between him and his goddess, but thinking it could be skill related but not heard anything from me", Eina said as she told Issei that in a whisper.

"No worries, well, I hope you have a good night, Eina, and if ever free and bored, you are always welcome to pop around my workstation while testing my ideas out", Issei said as he waved goodbye to Eina.

"Bye, Issei, and thank you again", Eina said, waving back to Issei before heading inside.

Next Morning

It was the following day as Issei stretched and washed before getting changed to start breakfast for today's training while thinking maybe he could try some rune enchantment this time to bond with the person after buying it. Issei started doing breakfast while designing what he wanted to do, perhaps a spatial ring that helps store stuff away for emergencies. 

Knock Knock

"Come in!" Issei shouted, knowing it could be Hephaestus.

"Morning Issei, I bought some more books round for you to study", Hephaestus said as she placed the books on the table.

"Sweet, thanks and here you go, made some breakfast for you again," Issei said as he plated up Hephaestus's breakfast and placed it in front of her.

"Thank you, it smells lovely," Hephaestus said as she started to eat it. "So, what plans are you doing today?"

"Well, I'm going to try an idea out that I had, which is like making a spatial ring for storage but is only accessible to the owner, like for emergency potions", Issei said as he started eating his breakfast.

"Ho, now that's interesting, so I'm guessing you will be rune enchanting some jewellery then?" Hephaestus asks, now curious.

"Yes, but also, instead of buying ones that are done, I will be making them from scratch as it needs something to allow magic to power it and sturdy enough not to be damaged when in a fight", Issei said as he explained his idea.

"Makes sense, but the only problem is people's finger sizes are different, so how will you sort that out?" Hephaestus asks, now wondering how he can sort this issue out.

"Well, one, they need to have enough magic power to be able to use the ring, which I will do a measured output for, and also, it will be an ordered specific item as I know some might abuse it, so we can keep an eye out who buys one especially when it be linked to the person's blood so will need name and there god/goddess name for record-keeping," Issei says while having a drink of orange juice.

"Interesting, that makes sense, so what kind of output are you thinking?" Hephaestus asks, now more interested.

"Well, it depends on the user, to be fair, as Spatial magic is not thinking to mess about with due to it as it focuses time and space in a sense, so they need to be well versed in the knowledge of magic and its understanding" Issei explained.

"That's quite understandable, and I can see why it is made to order as we don't want anyone hurting themselves or selling them to others without realising the dangers to it", Hephaestus says while nodding in understanding.

Before Hephaestus and Issei talk, they hear banging on the door like an emergency, which causes both of them to look at each other before Hephaestus gets up and sees who is disturbing them.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Please, Issei, open up. It's an emergency," Hestia says while crying.

"Hestia? What are you doing here, and why are you crying?" Hephaestus asks curiously.

"Huh, Hephaestus? What are you doing here? Never mind, is Issei about? I need his help," Hestia says while trying to calm herself down.

"Well, the first answer is 'cause I brought over books for Issei to study, and of course, he is here come in," Hephaestus says as she moves to the side to let Hestia in.

With that, Hestia came inside and discussed the problem with Issei and Hephaestus, who both thought this was bad. Issei left to get his armour and weapons while Hephaestus calmed Hestia down even more, saying that they would be coming along with her to the church to wait for the other god familia who coursed the problem. Hestia, Hephaestus, and Issei made their way to Hestia's church to meet the other familia that caused the issue and plan from that.

"So, who are we meeting at the church?" Issei asked curiously.

"My friend Taki needed to discuss something which involved Bell and the others, hence why I needed your help in a way," Hestia said as she fidgeted with her fingers.

"Taki? The only person I can think of who is close to that name is Takemikazuchi?" Issei said with a finger on his chin.

"That's who it is. Wow, I'm guessing you know about him?" Hestia said, curious.

"Somewhat, he's a lesser-known god from the Shinto mythology but still a good god with his skills," Issei said concerning the god.

"What do you mean by lesser-known?" Hephaestus asks as curiosity peaks.

"In Shinto Mythology, it's separated into main gods and the lesser, which govern the different aspects if that makes sense", Issei said as they all arrived at the church.

"Kind of, but probably have to go in more depth with me sometime", Hephaestus said, with Hestia agreeing.

"Sure, no problem. I will be happy to share more about it since I know things are different here abit," Issei said with a smile.

With that, Hestia entered the church, followed by Hephaestus and Issei, waiting for Takemikazuchi and his familia to come and discuss what happened and then plan a rescue mission to find Bell and the others to bring them home. As soon as they got comfy, they heard a knock on the door and saw Takemikazuchi and his familia with him, who looked down with guilt while they entered, giving their greetings.

"Hello, Hestia and Hephaestus, it's good to see you, but I wish it were on better terms," Takemikazuchi said apologetically.

"Hello to you as well, Taki and Miach so may I ask what happened and how your familia is involved with what happened to Bell and others he partied with?" Hestia asked, now curious.

"I let my young ones explain since it's fault", Takemikazuchi explains.

"Well, young ones, explain what happened, please," Hestia said with a plea.

With that, all the Takemikazuchi familia dropped on the floor doing a dogma and pleading forgiveness as a black-haired girl with a pony tail explained what happened with the captain following afterwards. It did piss me off with his attitude towards it, but I can understand why, but how he did it was also wrong.

"You know that as Takemikazuchi familia, what you did was stupid considering it goes against the rules, but I also understand the reason before you start ranting off, but you also went wrong in doing it. Instead of doing a pass parade, you should have regrouped with them and asked for help while asking if they had a potion to spare to help heal the injured," Issei stated while looking down.

"Who are you? Tell me how I do things for my familia!" Shouted the tall man.

"My name is Hyoudou Issei, Issei is my name, and I'm a member of Hephestus familia and also work alongside Lord Ouranos for certain jobs, so I would watch how you talk to me, considering how much trouble this can cause Takemikazuchi," Issei stated with a glare.

"Ah, forgive him, please, Issei-san. My child has abit of learning to understand the situation he's put everyone in." Takemikazuchi said.

"But Takemikazuchi-sama, why are you asking forgiveness from him? He's just some bigshot thinking he knows best!" the tall man said

"Ouka, silence! You have caused alot of trouble as it is stop letting that pride misjudge your decisions" Takemikazuchi said with abit of anger in his voice.

"My apologies Takemikazuchi-sama" Ouka said as he bowed in forgiveness.

"Look, I understand why you did it, when your leader of you group you must think on the spot but what I said it just the wrong way of thinking but the heart was there. It's the other you have to get forgiveness from when you meet them again. But for now you need to hear what Hestia says as its her only child that you caused problems with as well as a fellow Hephaestus member" Issei explained in a calm manner.

With that said Hestia and Hephaestus told them to think more clearly from now on with Hestia saying if Bell is gone she never forgive them but said she won't hate them which made them all except the terms to which then decided to make a group to head in the dungeon to go find Bell and the others. As they was discussing this another god came in which I noticed looked familiar until Hestia said his name.

  "Hermes?" Hestia said curiously.

"What are you doing here? When did you get back from your journey?" Takemikazuchi asks.

"When I heard my dear friend was in trouble, I came running." Hermes explained. "I also put in a request to search for Bell Cranel and company."

"You call her a dear friend, except you've barely had any dealings with Hestia since coming to the lower world." Hephaestus says.

"That's true." Takemikazuchi said

"You seem a very halfhearted friend, at best." Miach says.

"Man, you people are harsh!" Hermes said as he lowers his head in defeat. "Even so, I genuinely want to help Hestia. I'd also like to save Bell, if I may. So, I'll take Asfi here along on your search party."

"Huh!" Asfi said in shock then looks down in defeat knowing how Hermes is.

"She's my ace, so you can relax." Hermes said in confidence.

"It's your call, Hestia." Takemikazuchi said.

"Saving Bell and the others takes top priority here. We need all the help we can get. Please, Hermes, if you would." Hestia says in a plea.

"Sure, leave this to me." Hermes said with a smile.

After that they started doing the details on whos going and what they needed Miach was supplying some potions for them as Takemikazuchi's group with be presented with Kashima Ouka, Hitachi Chigusa and Yamato Mikoto, Herme's providing Asfi and Hephaestus providing Issei to go and asking him to tell Welf to do something involving one of his swords. Hermes decided to tag along with Hestia following suit which lead to Hermes begging Mia to allow Ryuu to help out in the dungeon as well to recover Bell and co.

A/N: I know some people might disagree how to represented Shinto mythology but its how I seen in most animes or info I come along I not saying they are not important just not talked about as much as the main gods.