
Red cloak lich

A red cloak general who died long ago seeks for vengeance. Consumed by madness and wraith. Rethanal's once fearful madman roamed the land. But sadly, A fateful night. He rises again. One objective: To make five races live through hell once again. What is the meaning of death to a thing that is already dead?

nomanlike · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 2: Fight or die

" So after few days, you now have around 300 skeleton swordsmen, 200 skeleton archers, 500 skeleton scouts, 50 ghouls. Then you have some strong skeleton sergeants."

" This is not enough. I need more."

" Why? You have more than enough men to kill that drake village."

" You forgot three important elements" He shows his three fingers up

" ???"

" First off, Don't you think there is a possible orcs alliance with drakes and humans after we massacred mostly orcs for around 5 years?" He shows one finger

" It will be tough if we have to deal with those three races at the same time with the current amount of men"

" Second, we only have strong sergeants, not strong and skilled captains. As a general and a knight, I prefer having strong and skilled captains than strong sergeants." He shows another

" True true. It would be more efficient to have strong and skilled warriors."

" Thirdly, we don't have something to make this cave collapse immediately. Perhaps, black powder that I used to play with after capturing a dwarvish village. It was fun and dangerous." He clenches his hand

" How would you use it?"

" Pack it in big bags and tie them at big pillars that support where we will strike then keep distance and," He open his hand like an explosion ",Kaboom, we collapse a ground to advance and show those drakes hell." He clenches his hand again to show the might

" A very creative idea."


"Master, we scouted a large troop of a foolish hero. I think it is an elvish army" A scout bows to Tsarch.

"KE HE HE HE HE. More fools, more fun. Let's settle this" He sways his hand to signal the scout

He walks out alone. Outside of his cave, a massive army of elves standby. An elvish figure steps out, in front of the army. He is wearing a cape and full body armor. He has a standard sword and a crown.

"I am prince Varlino Jaferor, the third son of Lowabi Jaferor. We have come here to take down you, foul creature. You had killed many of our noble lives. You will atone for your sins" As he raises his sword

"Noble my damn, you grass eaters. You foul cowards had killed my loved one once. Erasing your race will cleanse Rethanal once and for all" As the red cloak swings his pole.

The calvaries charge in first, followed up by footmen, lastly archers. He stands his ground. They are coming. Bows are tense, swords are raised and cries are heard.

The elvish calvaries are known for being swift and hard to hit by arrows. Elvish footmen are known for excellent swordsmanship and ground holding. Elvish archers are known for their marksmanship second to none.

Swoosh Thump.

A swing that makes calvaries fall down.


A hit quakes the ground. Footmen stumble.


A swing makes arrows stop. Archers fall back.

It is too late for calvaries. They can't recover from the shockwave.

Footmen quickly retreat and reform.

"Your highness, this monster is too strong. We must call our shamans to restrain him" One of the archers reports.

"We must retreat then. We already lost our calvaries" The prince points his sword to retreating direction.

"I am not done with you yet. Scouts, do not let anyone get out" Tsarch stomps his pole.

Surrounded, there is only one choice left. Fight the lich.

"Name yourself, foul creature" As the prince points his sword to the lich.

"I am Tsarch Matroch. General and knight of Refidra Palos" As the lich stomps his pole.

"That explained something. <The red devil>" the prince smirks

"How about this? One on one, you win, you can get out. You lose, all of you become my servants" The lich points his pole to the prince

This kind of action toward the noble is very insulting. But to do this on royal is a death sentence no matter what race you are, even to orcs. However, this man has already died once.

Tsarch was known as <The red devil>. Two reasons: His cloak and his bloodthirstiness.

For years, he had vanquished many armies of four other races.

He made the name for The Black Fang, the fiercest, most frightened tribe of orcs, known for its power and strength.

Silent Leaf army of elves had been massacred by him. The elite of elvish assassins were the fear monger among the elvish dissenters.

Roaring Thunder army of dwarves had been slaughtered by him. The finest of dwarven marksmans were the nightmare of heavy infrantries of all other races.

Lastly, Flame Guards army of drake had been slain by him. The drakes royal army was the peak of spearmanship among all the races.

He wonders if the three armies and that tribe still exist. Black Fang for sure was the hardest tribe to take down along the conquest. The three armies were the thorn in his eyes. They delayed his deployment. They spread fear among his army. They are the reason why he would never succeed in his conquest.

The elvish third prince makes his first move by rushing in. <The red devil> stands still.



The sword is broken?

The general of the old era makes his move already? The prince steps back. Using whirlwind sword dance to make a desperate hit.


The devil knocks the prince with one thrust.

"You defiled-corpse, how many lives does it take to satisfy your hunger?" As Varlino spills his blood from his mouth.

"Your very existence disgusts me. Killed someone who he loved, don't deserve to exist in his eyes" As Tsarch points his pole to the fallen prince.

"Kueh, so? Are you gonna stand there or fight me til I die?" The elf stands up.

"HE HE HE, with pleasure youur hiiiigghhneeesss of dirty stabbers" As the lich mockingly bows.

Clang Clang Clang

The lich blocks all the hits.

Swooosh clang clang

He swipes but the elf blocks.


The lich uses his head to bump the elf

"Pueeek" As the prince vomits his blood.

"So? You admit your loss?" As the lich points his pole

"This is nothing but just a minor scratch." He stands up

The old tactic, it won't work. But what else a desperate elf can do to save his comrades, his men and his kingdom?


A line of blood flows

The crown has fallen from the head.

The highness is dead. The remaining gloom for a moment. But yet, they yamp for the last time before their candles are blown

With this amount of dead bodies, <The red devil> feels somewhat satisfied.

To beat their royal bloodline with his own hands is what he wanted to do with those filthy cowards. Another reason is getting more servants.

"What is this?" The lich thinks after seeing strange black miasma from the prince's corpse

This is …

A skeleton captain is what he wants now

But wait, this is not just any ordinary strong skeleton. It is more swiftly than he expected.

Maybe, this one shall be second in command.


"Master, a group of human bounty hunters is coming this way. Six people" A scout reports

"Hmmmm, another group of fools that has nothing special. Stay hidden for now" Tsarch sways his hand

"But master, they have something strange. One of them seems to carry a very big back pack.I think it is exotic weapon." The scout bows

"Hmmmmm, since my second in command doesn't have a proper weapon. I might as well try to discover what they are hiding" The lich sways his hand to the scout to go out.

One may have a lot of manpower but lacking equipment will make an army fall like rotten trees.

The current weapon in this army is bad. Securing a weapon stash will be an important factor between losing and winning.


After beating that group of bounty hunters, he opens that backpack.

What is this?

This is…

"Seriously? I am already damned but this is beyond damnation." He pulls out the thing

It is a chalice made of iron. And it doesn't even look good. It looks like someone drunk in the smithy and tries to shape it in a rush, then puts it into the customer's backpack.

I am rushing ideas for chapter 3 QAQ

I am trying to speedrun this story so I can return publishing mainline story

I also appreciate any cruel comment.

nomanlikecreators' thoughts