
Records of Rebirth

Aurelia Ross was a normal girl who had it all planned. Stay out of trouble, take care of your siblings, get into College. Nothing too out of the ordinary. However, due to forces outside of her control she has been reborn. The gods deemed her fate short and unfulfilled, so they placed her into a new world, granting her a second chance at life. Born on the planet of Aeon, in a vast underground world teeming with creatures. She will build a new life, and rewrite past wrongs so she can finally be happy. There's only one small problem. She's no longer human and everything in her new environment is either trying to eat her or feed her to their children. But its not all bad. She has the unique skill [Devour] that let's her gain the abilities of anything she kills. In a new world with its own set of rules, will this be enough to triumph, or will she need more wit than magic? Can Aurelia get strong enough to survive or will she get devoured before she gets to enjoy her new life? -------- This story will contain multiple POV's further down the line. But for now it mostly focuses on Aurelia, her nestlings and their adventures. Don't go in expecting romance, you will be disappointed. -------- Genres: Fantasy, Reincarnation, Adventure, Action, Monsters, God's, Goddesses, Evil Religions, Manipulative Characters, Cunning Protagonist, Mystery. -------- Cover Editor: @KCChakry [A big bully]

EternalNightLotus · แฟนตาซี
330 Chs

The Mimic

Just what was going on? There was a lingering sensation of being watched by many eyes that made me feel uneasy. My instincts were clearly warning me of something as I examined the surroundings, scanning all the trees in the vicinity with [Heat Sense].

The lush leaves continued rustling, carried by the light gusts of wind swirling through the forest, and the misty clouds and hidden foliage above were like that of any other day. Yet, the tense feeling persisted, making me increasingly unsettled.

The creatures were clearly watching me. So why couldn't I find them? Was it possible there were suddenly more of the same creatures, or had they always been there and were only moving about now?

It was impossible for their numbers to have increased in such a short time. From the crawling sounds I heard, I counted as many as fifteen.

I was beginning to get worried.

The scampering sounds of claws kept getting closer with every second and I was getting anxious of the noises made by numerous things I could not see. The more I listened, the less it sounded like an insect.

Insects had multiple legs while the sounds I heard were consistent with something with only four legs.

Was it a tree dwelling mammal?

Its footsteps weren't heavy, so it might not be an enormous creature, but the nimbleness of its body made it difficult to tell its exact size. It could be anything and that was what scared me.

I raised my head up to observe, and the forest fell quiet once more.

The noises disappeared like the creatures just froze in place as soon as my eyes were upon them. It was starting to feel like they were playing the equivalent of a game of cat and mouse in this world with me.

It would be easy to figure out their location from the sounds of their movements, so they were moving only when I wasn't staring at them. As if they were afraid to scare me away. I found this trait of theirs mildly amusing.

It meant the creatures possessed some level of intelligence.

I felt like they were watching to gauge my behaviour, so it was likely they weren't individually strong. They seemed just as wary of me as I was of them.

So, I continued my search and looked through the undergrowth for mushrooms again, ignoring them like I hadn't noticed their presence. I continued doing this for a while until I heard it.

The distinctive sound of one of the creatures landing close to a tree stem right next to me. As predicted, my aloof behaviour had made them drop their guard.

The creatures did not run and only froze in their positions when I looked up at them. I immediately aimed my [Appraisal] at the tree bark where I located the sound. Even if I couldn't see it, appraisal would pick up its trace as long as there was something there. Its exact location was unknown, but it was worth a shot.

To my delight a status window appeared before me.


LV3 Novus Milia Pellis

Specie: Ailith Mutare

HP: 14/14 Defence: 6

MP: 12/12 Intellect: 10

SP: 22/22 Magic: 12

Attack: 8 Agility: 20


[Binocular Vision: LV1] [Grip: LV2]

[Bite: LV1] [Sticky Slime: LV1]

[Stealth: LV3] [Sprint: LV3]


[Lounge Member]


[Fall Resistance: LV1]


Its status told me many things. Firstly, the creature had a weak defence. This was likely why it waited and did not attack. I suspected they were lying in wait here in groups for another creature to wander into their ambush and I just happened to be the unlucky one.

I appraised its name and more information was revealed.

I wanted to leap with joy! Having appraisal was so useful!


[Milia Pellis] - A lizard with mirror-like skin that can reflect anything. It has been known to play tricks on its predators, directly reflecting their own face on its skin to scare them off. A unique monster that can be found on trees in the Upper stratum of the Great Ailith Labyrinth.

It normally feeds on insects but would occasionally form groups upwards of twenty to attack small lone creatures. A skilled runner, this lizard is prone to hasty retreat whenever it encounters a threat and it is very difficult to catch. It is hunted mainly for its reflective skin that retains this property after death.


Reading this made me even more interested in the creature. A lizard whose skin could directly mirror anything behind it. No wonder I couldn't find it!

With the combination of its unique skin and the effects of [Stealth] it had completely erased its presence from detection. Its temperature was no different from the surroundings that I couldn't even detect it with my [Heat Sense].

I was not put off by their numbers, actually, this made me want them more!

It so seamlessly blended into the trees that I still couldn't see it, even with appraisal revealing there was one right before me. How amazing would it be to possess the unique properties of its skin through [Devour]?

Their numbers here would be more than enough to reach the quota. If I could get its skin with [Devour] I would basically be invisible!

Individually, their stats were weak, they would be easy to kill. However, I did not like the sound of their [Sticky Slime] skill.

These creatures most likely swarmed predators bigger than them, trapping their movements with their slime before surrounding them to deal the finishing blow, all while avoiding detection. It was fascinating yet terrifying at the same time. Their incessant crawling was likely them trying to get in range of me to fire.

Like I would let them catch me!

The description mentioned it was a skilful runner so I wondered if it wouldn't just run away if I attacked it. How difficult would it be to catch something I couldn't see? So, rather, than doing that, I wanted to set a trap of my own.

They weren't the only creatures who knew how to hide!

Quickly burying myself in the ground. I covered my entire body from exposure to ward off any sticky slime while leaving my horns exposed to act as bait.

I peered through the sandy ground, watching to see what they would do next. Keeping still while alert for any movement, I waited for them to come.

Before any movement occurred, I was awarded with my first glimpse of the creature.

On the dark bark of a tree a lazy eyelid opened up to no more than a crack, revealing a large yellow eyeball with a black slit vertically in the middle.

Its peculiar pupils quickly darted back and forth, scanning the entirety of the ground before shutting again. It was followed by many other eyes I spotted all over the trees. I counted seventeen pairs.

The bodies of the creatures were still hidden so it is rather eerie to see so many floating yellow eyeballs. However, the creatures soon stepped off the trees and I was able to observe them moving until they were within my striking range.

I burst out of the ground biting the first creature in range. It took only half a shot of venom to feel it weaken in my grasp before going still. Its large yellow eyes open and petrified in death.

〚You have defeated LV2 Novus Milia Pellis〛

〚You have gained a level!〛

〚You have earned 6XP〛

The lizards approaching me flared open their eyes, simultaneously shooting globules of murky slime from their mouths. I dived into the ground as thick blobs rained down on where I once stood.

Somehow they were able to aim well even after only opening their eyes for a split second, their [Binocular Vision] was indeed not to be trifled with.

And with their eyes shut again, they were once more invisible. But not to me though.

The vibrations made by their feet on the ground were very clear! I crawled through the soil, leaving my exposed horns as a trail for them to follow.

They chased after me, opening their mouths ever so slightly to gather enough globules of slime to shoot, but it was futile. My constant movement only made their shots at my horns miss. There was a slight pause before they could shoot again and I used this time to completely bury my horns.

The lizards scampered to the spot where my horns vanished, their large eyes open in confusion.

Well concealed, I circled back to the spot, bursting out of the ground again to grab another of the creatures. I didn't use my venom, only pulling it under the ground to trap it there.

With my head exposed, the others immediately reacted by opening their eyes for a split second to take aim with their slime.

Globules of slime soared through the air aimed at me. Rather than retreating, I closed the gap between us, causing the slimes to miss, and then I shot a spray of [Venom Rain] directly at one of the creature's still open mouth.

My [Venom Rain] hit its mark, causing the creature to fall to the ground in a writhing heap with its large yellow eyes open.

〚You have defeated LV3 Novus Milia Pellis〛

〚You have earned 8XP〛

As the others saw this, they hissed at me with their long forked tongues, their yellow eyes incensed at their fallen brethren. I didn't hesitate and quickly buried myself, ready for another deluge of sticky slime.