
Record of Ragnarok watches Anime?!

The Gods are voting to smite Humanity, but they have aone savign grace: Anime

WRizz1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

The Seventh Battle: Qin Shi Huang Vs Hades

The atmosphere within the halls of the gods had grown tense. Humanity had won four of the six rounds of Ragnarok, and the gods, prideful and unyielding, were beginning to feel the pressure. Mortals, mere fleeting beings, had defied divine power. Now, a new challenger was about to take the stage, and the gods, ever-watchful and increasingly vengeful, waited for the next clash between immortals and mankind.

In the mortal quarters, where the fighters who had already risked everything resided, there was a sudden air of mischief. The great Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, had arrived.

He stood tall, his appearance as regal as one would expect from the first emperor to unify China. His eyes, sharp and commanding, held an energy that seemed to lift the spirits of those around him. His perfectly sculpted features were the embodiment of both nobility and raw power. His armor, decorated with intricate carvings, glistened under the lights of the chamber as he regarded the other fighters who had fought for humanity's salvation.

Qin looked over the assembled warriors—Adam, the father of humanity; Sasaki Kojiro, the one-time winner swordsman; Jack the Ripper, the infamous yet oddly charismatic killer; and Buddha, the enlightened one who had switched sides to fight for mortals. A flicker of recognition passed between them, a silent acknowledgment of the trials each had endured.

Qin's lips curled into a smirk—one that was instantly mirrored by the others. Even Jack, usually solemn and calculating, found himself matching the emperor's grin. Mischief was in the air.

"Shall we?" Adam, the very first human, asked with a playful tone, his grin almost childlike as his bright eyes gleamed.

Jack adjusted his gloves, that eerie, gentlemanly air of his creeping back, but for once, he didn't seem as menacing. "It would be…entertaining," he murmured.

Buddha chuckled softly, his ever-present aura of calm tinged with amusement. "A little fun never hurt anyone."

Sasaki Kojiro, always carefree despite the gravity of their battles, let out a hearty laugh. "It's been too long since we've made the crowd laugh."

Qin, ever the strategist, nodded. "Let's make this memorable."

They huddled together, plotting their prank. What it would be, no one in the crowd or among the gods could predict. But one thing was certain—the legendary mortals were about to lighten the atmosphere in a way only they could.

In the Halls of the Gods

Meanwhile, in the divine council chamber, The Gods sat alongside those gods that had yet to fight. Thor, the god of thunder, and Shiva, the god of destruction, both of whom had already claimed victory for the gods. Loki, ever the trickster, lounged lazily, his sharp eyes flicking between the other deities. There was an air of silent tension, the kind that accompanied battle-hardened warriors preparing for another conflict.

Beelzebub, the lord of flies and prince of demons, was in his usual dark corner, lost in his own ominous thoughts. His fingers twitched with the anticipation of his eventual battle. Odin, the Allfather, sat with stoic grace, observing everything in silence, his one eye glinting with a calculated resolve. Apollo, the god of the sun, leaned back casually, a smile playing on his lips, as though he found this entire tournament nothing more than sport. Susano'o, the storm god of Japan, cracked his knuckles, eager for a fight, while Anubis, the jackal-headed god of the dead, watched with unreadable eyes.

At the center of it all was Hades, the god of the underworld. He was poised, regal, and deadly, the weight of his responsibility etched into every inch of his proud figure. His aura was both foreboding and calm, a reflection of his dominion over the dead. He had seen more loss than any other god present, and this would be his chance to reclaim honor for the fallen deities.

Loki, ever the jester, broke the silence. "You better not die like your brothers, Hades. Would be a shame if another god bites the dust."

Hades didn't even glance in Loki's direction. "Death does not frighten me, Loki. But defeat…" He let the sentence hang in the air. "I won't allow that."

Odin, his gaze hard and commanding, stood up from his throne. "Hades, you are next. Humanity has been defying us for too long. Bring us back the victory we deserve."

With a determined nod, Hades stood and made his way toward the arena, his golden bident glinting ominously as he walked. He was ready for battle, prepared to face whatever mortal dared challenge him.

The crowd in the arena roared as Heimdall stepped forward, his voice booming across the coliseum. "For the seventh round of Ragnarok, representing humanity, we have the Emperor of China—Qin Shi Huang!"

The first emperor of China emerged onto the battlefield, his presence instantly commanding the attention of the audience. His eyes scanned the crowd, absorbing the overwhelming atmosphere. But there was no fear in his gaze. Only calm. Only determination.

"And for the gods…" Heimdall continued, his voice rising in excitement, "we have the lord of the underworld—Hades!"

Hades stepped into the arena, his expression unreadable but his aura speaking volumes. This battle would not be one of mercy or restraint. He was here to fight with everything he had.

As the two combatants stood across from one another, the tension was palpable. Qin Shi Huang met Hades's eyes, and the god of the underworld acknowledged him with a small nod. This was no ordinary mortal. This was a man who had forged his own legend, a conqueror who had united an entire empire.

Qin Shi Huang had trained intensely, under both Adam and Buddha, mastering the power of his divine eyes and sharpening his martial prowess to the peak of his abilities. The very earth beneath him seemed to pulse with his confidence.

"Let us begin!" Heimdall declared, and the Horn of Ragnarok sounded.

Qin Shi Huang did not hesitate. As soon as the battle began, he exploded forward with incredible speed, closing the distance between himself and Hades in the blink of an eye. His first strike—a swift and powerful punch aimed directly at Hades's chest—was no mere test of strength. It was a calculated blow meant to gauge the god's reaction.

Hades blocked the punch with his bident, but the force behind it sent shockwaves rippling through the arena. The crowd gasped in surprise. This was no ordinary human.

Qin's eyes glinted with purpose. His enhanced vision, a gift from his training, allowed him to see the flow of battle in ways no mortal or god could comprehend. He could predict Hades's movements with uncanny accuracy. Each step, each swing of his bident, was clear to Qin before it even happened.

Hades counterattacked, thrusting his bident forward with godly precision. The ground beneath them cracked under the weight of his power. But Qin Shi Huang danced around the attack, moving with an elegance that belied his strength. He dodged and weaved, staying just out of reach, while landing strike after strike on Hades's body.

Each punch landed with bone-crushing force, causing the god of the underworld to stagger. The audience watched in awe as the Emperor of China controlled the flow of the battle. It was as though Qin had already mapped out every move before it even happened.

Hades, grimacing in frustration, unleashed a flurry of deadly strikes with his bident, his aura of death intensifying with every movement. "You think you can control fate, mortal?" Hades snarled, his eyes burning with the fury of a god.

Qin dodged another strike and grinned. "I do not control fate," he said, his voice unwavering. "I lead it."

The emperor then launched a devastating attack, his fist glowing with divine energy, and struck Hades square in the chest. The impact sent the god crashing into the ground, the arena trembling from the sheer force of the blow.

The crowd erupted into a frenzy. No mortal had ever dominated a god in such a way before.

Hades struggled to his feet, blood dripping from his mouth, but Qin Shi Huang was relentless. The emperor pressed the attack, his blows becoming even more precise, his eyes glowing with the power of foresight. Hades was powerful, but Qin was in complete control.

Finally, with one last strike, Qin shattered Hades's bident, the symbol of his power, and sent the god crashing to the ground. The arena fell into a stunned silence.

Qin Shi Huang stood over the fallen god, his breath steady, his eyes filled with triumph. "You fought well, Hades," he said, his tone respectful. "But I am the greatest emperor. No obstacle can stand in my way."

Hades, coughing up blood, looked up at Qin with a mixture of respect and defeat. "You… truly are formidable…" he whispered before his body dissolved into golden particles, returning to the realm of the dead.

The crowd erupted in both shock and admiration. Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of China, had defeated Hades, the god of the underworld, with absolute dominance. His flawless, handsome appearance, now glistening with the sweat of battle, only added to the allure of his victory.

From the stands, Aphrodite couldn't tear her eyes away. Her heart raced as she watched the emperor in all his regal glory, her breath quickening as her attraction to him grew more intense than ever before. Around her, several of the female Chinese goddesses shared her sentiments, their eyes filled with admiration and, for some, a burning desire.

As the cheers from the crowd grew louder, Qin Shi Huang turned to face them, his expression one of calm satisfaction. He had fought, he had won, and now he stood as a testament to humanity's strength and resilience.

And the women? They could hardly contain their excitement. From the goddesses to the mortal women in the stands, they cheered louder than ever, some plotting ways to get closer to the great emperor.

Qin Shi Huang's legend had only grown in fame and glory.