
Record of Ragnarok watches Anime?!

The Gods are voting to smite Humanity, but they have aone savign grace: Anime

WRizz1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

The ninth Battle: Leonidas Vs Apollo

The arena buzzed with an electrifying anticipation as the next battle loomed. Humanity was ahead, with a score of 6-2, but the gods still had their pride and divinity to uphold. The next fighter chosen to represent the gods was none other than Apollo, the radiant god of the sun, music, and archery. His beauty was unrivaled, his demeanor confident, and his power unmistakable.

On the mortal side, the man who stepped into the arena was none other than Leonidas, the legendary Spartan king, whose defiance had once echoed through the mountains of Thermopylae. His presence sent a ripple through the crowd. A towering figure of unyielding strength, his bronze skin marked with scars that spoke of countless battles, and his beard, thick and wild, carried the pride of all mankind. His eyes, sharp and full of fury, seemed to pierce through the air, carrying the weight of the thousands who had fought and died under his command.

As Leonidas and Apollo faced each other, the crowd fell into an awed hush.

Heimdall raised his horn, his voice booming across the arena. "The next battle of Ragnarok—Leonidas, King of Sparta versus Apollo, the God of the Sun!"

The sound of the horn reverberated through the arena, signaling the start of the battle.

Apollo's confident smirk stretched across his face as he strode forward, his every step graceful. The god radiated a soft, golden glow, as though the sun itself followed him. "Leonidas," Apollo began, his voice like a melody, "do you truly think a man such as yourself can stand against a god like me? I am the embodiment of perfection, of light itself."

Leonidas grinned, baring his teeth. "Perfect? Light? You sound like every pompous fool I've ever crushed under my heel." He raised his shield and spear, his voice a roar. "Let me show you the strength of humanity, you golden bastard!"

The two warriors clashed with a thunderous crash, Leonidas charging headfirst with no hesitation. Apollo, his movements fluid and elegant, dodged the first thrust of the Spartan's spear. He twirled out of the way, using his godly speed to avoid Leonidas' attacks with ease.

But Leonidas was no ordinary warrior. His battle-hardened instincts allowed him to quickly adapt, and he shifted his stance mid-strike, his shield bashing forward with enough force to catch Apollo off guard. The god staggered back slightly, his golden eyes widening as Leonidas pressed the attack.

The Spartan king did not give Apollo a moment to recover. He moved like a predator, his spear darting forward with lethal precision. Apollo, though fast, was being pushed back, his smug confidence slipping as Leonidas closed the gap between them.

"This is the power of a king!" Leonidas growled, his spear catching Apollo's shoulder, drawing divine blood. The crowd gasped in shock. A mortal had drawn first blood against a god!

Apollo's smile faltered for a moment, but then it returned, more dangerous than before. His golden blood shimmered in the sunlight, and his voice dripped with newfound respect. "Impressive, human. But you'll have to do more than scratch me to win."

The god leapt backward, summoning his divine bow. A golden bow materialized in his hands, and with a single swift motion, he nocked an arrow made of pure sunlight. The arrow crackled with energy as it flew towards Leonidas at impossible speed.

But Leonidas was ready. With a swift motion, he raised his shield, and the arrow collided with it, sending a shockwave through the arena. The Spartan's shield held firm, but the force of the impact made his arm numb. The sheer power behind Apollo's attack was undeniable.

Leonidas lowered his shield and grinned, ignoring the pain. "Is that all you've got, sunshine?"

Apollo's eyes narrowed, his pride wounded. He summoned another arrow, this one even brighter than the last. "I've barely begun, mortal."

The god unleashed a flurry of arrows, each one faster and more powerful than the last. Leonidas moved with the grace of a seasoned warrior, his shield blocking, deflecting, and absorbing each strike. His movements were not just a display of skill, but also of raw determination, the will to survive etched into every step.

However, Apollo's divine speed was starting to show its edge. Despite Leonidas' prowess, the arrows were relentless, and several began slipping past his defenses. One grazed his thigh, another pierced his side. Blood dripped onto the ground, but Leonidas did not falter.

"Humanity always survives," Leonidas growled through gritted teeth. "No matter how hard the gods try to crush us."

In a sudden burst of speed, Leonidas closed the distance between them once more. He lunged at Apollo, his spear aimed for the god's heart. Apollo barely managed to sidestep the attack, but Leonidas had anticipated this. He swung his shield in a wide arc, slamming it into Apollo's side with bone-shattering force.

The god staggered, gasping in pain. His perfect face was now twisted with a mix of shock and anger. "You… wretched mortal!"

Before Apollo could recover, Leonidas pressed forward, his spear finding purchase in Apollo's stomach. The god let out a gasp of pain as the spearhead pierced his flesh. Golden blood poured from the wound, staining the arena floor.

For a moment, it seemed as though Leonidas had the upper hand. The crowd roared in approval, their cheers deafening as the Spartan king stood tall, his spear impaled in the body of a god.

But Apollo was not finished.

With a burst of divine energy, Apollo grabbed the shaft of the spear and snapped it in half, pushing Leonidas back. His wound began to heal, the golden blood slowing as his divine essence repaired the damage. Apollo's eyes burned with fury.

"You think you can kill me, mortal? I am the sun itself! You cannot kill the light!"

Apollo raised his bow once more, but this time, the golden energy around him intensified. The air shimmered with heat, and the arena seemed to grow brighter as Apollo gathered his power. His next attack would be his most devastating.

Leonidas, sensing the change, braced himself. His shield was raised, but even he knew this was going to be different. He could feel the sheer force of the attack building. Apollo was preparing to unleash the full power of the sun upon him.

With a final, furious cry, Apollo released his ultimate attack—the Light-Speed Arrow. The arrow shot forward, moving faster than the human eye could perceive. It tore through the air, a blazing streak of pure sunlight aimed directly at Leonidas.

For a split second, everything went silent.

Leonidas saw the arrow coming, but even with his incredible reflexes and skill, there was no time to block it fully. The arrow pierced through his shield, shattering it into pieces, and struck him in the chest with such force that the ground beneath him cracked. His body was lifted off the ground and sent flying back, crashing into the far wall of the arena.

A heavy silence fell over the crowd.

Leonidas struggled to rise, blood pouring from his mouth. His body was broken, but his spirit remained unyielding. He glared at Apollo, his defiant eyes never wavering. "Gods… like you… are all the same. You think your power makes you superior, but… it's our will that makes us human… our will to fight, no matter what."

With a final, labored breath, Leonidas collapsed. The light in his eyes faded as his body slumped to the ground. He was dead, but his face remained etched with defiance, a warrior's death for a warrior's soul.

Apollo, panting and injured, stared down at the fallen Spartan. His chest heaved, his pride bruised, but he had won. He had barely survived, and for the first time in a long while, he felt something new—respect.

The gods cheered, though it was a hollow victory. Apollo had won, but Leonidas had pushed him to the edge, forcing him to reveal his true power. The crowd of humans, however, fell silent, mourning the loss of one of their greatest warriors.

But even in death, Leonidas' spirit resonated through the arena, a reminder to both gods and mortals that humanity's strength lay not in their bodies, but in their unbreakable will.

Heimdall's voice echoed through the arena, announcing the result of the battle. "The winner is Apollo! The gods claim another victory!"

The score was now 6-3 in favor of humanity, but the gods had struck back. And as Apollo limped from the arena, his mind still spinning from the fierce battle, he knew one thing for certain—this war was far from over.

As Leonidas' body was carried away, the human crowd stood in unified silence, paying their respects to the fallen king. They knew that despite his loss, he had fought like a true warrior, and his legacy would live on in their hearts forever.

Apollo, meanwhile, walked away with a new scar on his body and his pride slightly diminished. The gods may have won the round, but Leonidas had left an indelible mark on the battlefield—and on Apollo's heart.