
Record of Ragnarok watches Anime?!

The Gods are voting to smite Humanity, but they have aone savign grace: Anime

WRizz1 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Sasaki's Sushi

The arena was abuzz with whispers and curiosity, a contrast to the recent heated battles that had kept gods and mortals alike on the edge of their seats. Word had spread that an unusual event was about to unfold, something not on the official schedule of Ragnarok. The battle-hardened arena, which had already seen the fall of mighty Poseidon and the triumph of humanity's resilience, was now the stage for something much more light-hearted—an event orchestrated by none other than Loki and Buddha themselves.

In a secluded corner of Valhalla, where the echoes of Ragnarok's previous battles seemed distant and faded, Loki, the Norse God of Mischief, lounged comfortably in a chair, his signature smirk firmly in place. Across from him sat Buddha, a serene yet cheeky smile playing on his lips. The two gods had come together with a singular purpose—mischief. The recent tension of the battles had been exhilarating, but the atmosphere needed a bit of levity, and who better to provide that than the two most unpredictable gods in the entire pantheon?

Buddha casually sipped from a cup of tea and glanced at Loki. "So, what's your idea this time, Trickster? I hope it's not as catastrophic as that time you tried to replace Zeus' thunderbolt with a feather duster."

Loki chuckled, waving his hand dismissively. "That was just a misunderstanding in divine taste. But today, I have something that fits the mood perfectly. The sea-god's fall was a bit too... serious for my liking. I was thinking, why not give Poseidon a proper, albeit humorous, send-off? We could make it a celebration of sorts."

Buddha raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "A celebration, huh? You mean like a wake?"

Loki's grin widened. "Not quite. More like... Sasaki's Sushi. Think about it! Sasaki Kojiro, the man who 'caught the big fish,' can whip up some sushi in honor of his opponent. We'll get Adam involved too, you know, for that added mortal flair. And we'll make it a public event. Gods, mortals, and everyone else can join in."

Buddha leaned back, nodding slowly. "I like it. Light-hearted, good food, and a bit of mischief." He cackled evily. "Besides, I can't wait to see Kojiro's reaction when you start making fish jokes."

It didn't take long for Sasaki Kojiro and Adam to be roped into Loki and Buddha's plan. Adam, the father of all humanity, was intrigued by the idea, while Sasaki just grinned, seeing it as another opportunity to bring some joy to the somber proceedings of Ragnarok.

Standing in a makeshift kitchen area built near the center of the arena, Sasaki Kojiro donned an apron with a simple "Sushi Master" logo emblazoned across it. Beside him stood Adam, bare-chested and radiating his calm demeanor, ready to help however he could.

"Alright, let's get started!" Sasaki announced, rolling up his sleeves as he eyed the array of fresh fish laid out in front of him.

Loki hovered nearby, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Sasaki, you better handle that fish with care. Poseidon might not be as lively as he used to be, but he was a god after all. It'd be a shame if the sushi tasted too... divine," Loki quipped, winking at the crowd.

Sasaki began his work, slicing and preparing the fish with the precision of a master swordsman, every movement deliberate and graceful. As his blade cut through the fresh tuna and salmon, it was as if he were fighting an invisible battle, only this time his opponent was the sea's bounty. Adam, true to his nature, assisted Sasaki with the more labor-intensive tasks, like mixing rice and preparing the seaweed wraps, his hands steady and strong.

"Honestly, I never thought I'd be doing this," Adam said with a smile. "Cooking is quite different from battling, but it's... peaceful."

Sasaki nodded in agreement. "True, my friend. But it's all about adapting, isn't it? Just like in battle." He gestured towards the crowd. "Besides, it's good to see everyone smiling again, especially after what we've been through."

Meanwhile, Loki was doing what he did best—talking and making jokes. "Sasaki, you ever think about what Poseidon's final thoughts were? Maybe he was just wondering if he'd make better sashimi or grilled fish?"

The gods in the audience chuckled, and even the stern-faced Valkyries watching from their meeting room couldn't contain their laughter. Brunhilde nearly spilled her drink as she clutched her sides, tears of laughter welling up in her eyes. Göll, sitting next to her, had to take deep breaths to keep from falling off her chair.

Once the sushi was prepared, Sasaki and Adam, along with Buddha and Loki, began handing it out to the crowd. The gods, mortals, and even a few reluctant Valkyries made their way down to receive their share. Loki continued his commentary, his voice booming through the arena.

"Step right up, step right up! Try our Poseidon Special! Freshly prepared by the man who took the sea down himself! Guaranteed to make you feel... less salty about life!"

Ares, the God of War, bit into his piece, shaking his head in begrudging amusement. "Never thought I'd say this, but this sushi is divine."

Hercules, watching from the other side of the arena, smiled warmly at the scene. "This is exactly what humanity's spirit is about—turning even the darkest of moments into something filled with light and laughter." His eyes twinkled as he gazed at Adam and Sasaki, both of whom embodied the perseverance of humankind.

The Valkyries in their meeting room were doubled over in laughter as Loki continued his relentless string of jokes, each one more absurd than the last.

"One more round for everyone!" Loki declared, lifting a piece of sushi and popping it into his mouth. "I mean, if Poseidon's not here to enjoy it, we might as well make sure nothing goes to waste!"

Buddha smiled, chewing slowly as he glanced at Loki. "You know, this whole thing might be the most peaceful moment in all of Ragnarok. Who would've thought that some sushi would bring us all together like this?"

The gods, the humans, and the Valkyries all seemed, if only for a brief moment, to forget about the looming battles. They were laughing, eating, and sharing a moment that transcended the boundaries between gods and mortals. It was an event that reminded everyone—no matter what side they were on—of the simple joys that made existence worthwhile.

As the sushi event wound down, Heimdall took his place in the center of the arena, raising his Gjallarhorn to call for attention. The entire audience fell silent, turning their focus back to the announcer.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, gods and humans alike!" Heimdall's voice boomed across the arena, the gravity of the moment settling in. "The time has come to announce the next contenders in the battle of Ragnarok!"

The excitement in the arena surged, a roar rising from the crowd as they waited for the announcement.

"The fourth round of Ragnarok will see the clash of ideals, a battle between fortitude and darkness!" Heimdall continued, his voice carrying the weight of fate itself. "On the side of the gods, we have the mighty champion, the God of Fortitude, Heracles!"

A cheer erupted from the divine side of the audience. Heracles stood, his figure towering and powerful, a warm and confident smile on his face. He waved to the crowd, his eyes resolute and filled with purpose.

"And facing him, from the side of humanity..." Heimdall paused, allowing the tension to build, "is Humanity's Most Infamous Serial Killer... Jack the Ripper!"

A stunned silence fell over the crowd, followed by gasps and murmurs. The image of Jack the Ripper, dressed in a top hat and coat, appeared on the screen behind Heimdall. The contrast between Heracles' noble aura and the dark, mysterious figure of Jack could not have been more striking.

Sasaki, still holding a tray of sushi, looked up at the announcement, his eyes narrowing. "That man... he's the one representing humanity next?" He sighed, shaking his head with a wry smile. "Well, I suppose humanity comes in all forms, good or evil."

Adam nodded, his expression serious. "Every soul has a story. Perhaps Jack's tale is one worth hearing... even if he represents our darkest side."

Loki grinned, leaning over to Buddha. "Now this is going to be an interesting match. Fortitude against trickery. The gods are in for quite the spectacle."

Buddha chuckled, finishing off his sushi. "No doubt about it, Loki. And maybe, just maybe, Jack the Ripper has a surprise in store for all of us."

The arena was now primed, anticipation buzzing in the air as the fourth round loomed. With the laughter and joy of Sasaki's Sushi still fresh in their minds, everyone, god and mortal alike, knew that Ragnarok was far from over—and that each battle would reveal yet another facet of the eternal struggle between humanity and the divine.