
Reborn with a Hundred Wishes!(Dropped!)

*Warning this is for my entertainment and this is my first fanfic so sorry for grammar mistakes.* The mc is the luckiest man in the world and like any other person will do is use that amazing talent, and go to a casino and become rich. The mc was not a bad person he gave more than half of the money to orphanages and hospitals around the globe. One day when our mc was with his gf, he was stabbed in the heart by his gf and killed. He wakes up in a white room with Japanese tatami mats and a table with an old man sipping tea. The worlds(in no order): My hero academia(first world) One piece Naruto Dragon Ball Fairy tail Marvel

13_33 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Quirkless and Showing Dominance!!!

Doctor: "Sorry kid but you don't have a quirk and not getting one"

Akira is disappointed in the doctor in how he said that them he looks at his shocked and sad brother and thinks: 'I wish I could just give him a quirk'

Alfred: 'My lord I have forgotten to mention that all your wishes are kept with the system so if you want to use one of them then you can'

Akira: 'Why didn't you tell me earlier, and I don't think I should give izu a quirk because I don't want him to change too much and he is going to get one for all anyways so the best I can do is prepare his body for it until he is 14.'

Izuku looks up at his mom and asked:' mom can I become a hero like all might' Inko was about to cry and say no but a hand stopped he from say anything, she looked at who it was and it was Akira, Akira steps up in front of izuku and said:" izu like I said even if you don't have a quirk I, mom, and dad will support you and help you become a hero, I promise" and izuku smiles and hugs Akira and his mom. after they get home and Akira asks his mom to look for a martial arts dojo for him and izu, but then he remembered that momo Yaoyorozu has a martial arts dojo so he asks her about the Yaoyorozu family dojo, and she agrees.

{The next day}

They are going to the dojo in the morning and they walk up to the receptionist. There were a couple of reasons why Akira wanted to go to the yaoyorozu dojo is because of the yaoyorozu family company, when he plans to publish his novels and manga to help his dad and mom, and the second reason was Momo yaoyorozu herself, Akira had a crush on Momo in his past life, so he wants to make her his and also to meet her. So after talking to the receptionist they go and meet there, teacher izuku is nervous while Akira is confident as always. they walk into an office and they see a man with black hair sitting on the couch, he walks up to them and introduces himself: "Hello my name is Yami yaoyorozu nice to meet you Mrs...Inko?"

Inko: "Yes my name is Inko Midoriya and these are my sons, Akira Midoriya and Izuku Midoriya."

Akira and Izuku: "Hello nice to meet you Mr.Yaoyorozu."

Yami: "well hello you two, so are you the ones that want martial art lessons?"

Akira: "No only my brother, I already know some martial arts."

Inko and Izuku: "What you already know martial arts, Aki!"

Akira: "Yeah I already learned some form the internet, and I'm going to learn how to use a sword for igis and a dagger."

Yami: "ok kid, I want to see how good you are let's have a spar."

Akira: "ok, but if I win me and my brother learn here for free and if I lose I will clean you dojo until highschool"

Yami was shocked that a kid would think he could win in a fight with him:" your pretty confident for a kid, fine but you can't use your quirk"

Yami looks at Akira and is shocked because he thought that the kid is confident because his quirk must be flashy but no he so no fear or hesitation and he heard him say: "sure that's fine"

They all go to the sparing room where a lot of kids their ages are and Akira sees a black haired girl with a spiky ponytail, as they entered everyone stoped and Yami told everyone that he was going to a have a spar with a kid and if he wins he gets to train here with his brother for free if I win he will be cleaning the dojo until he is in high school, some of the kids laughed because there was no way a kid like him beat a master like there teacher. So they begin the rules were if any of the other uses there quirk they lose, if they pass out they lose, if they give in they lose.

The referee: 3...2...1...go!

Akira attacks first with incredible speed and appears in front of Yami and kicks him across the face and sends him flying into the wall everyone is pin-drop silent no one is saying anything until Yami stands back up and looks at Akira like he is looking at a monster.

Akira: "Take me seriously that was a warning shot now get serious"

Akira doesn't wait for Yami to respond and goes in for an attack Yami reacts and doges all the kicks and punches and redirecting them now Akira might have the perfect technique and more strength than Yami but he has more experience and the long Akira fight the more experience he will get, kind of like Broly in the dragon ball super movie. so Yami is shortcutting right now he is thinking: 'Karake, judo, muay Thai, MMA, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, jujutsu, and boxing and there all master level or higher, Not only that but he is improving while were fighting, OH MY GOODNESS!!!' as the whole thing is happening there is the dojo grandmaster watching: "oh ho ho look what we have here, such a talent I must make him my student." back to the fight Yami is getting pushed back and you can see that Akira is getting better everyone is depressed watching a kid there age going head to head with their teacher, but in the crowd, a black-haired girl is watching in amazement and curiosity at the boy.

The fight went on another 10 minutes and finally Yami who has a lot more brushes than Akira gives in, and that makes Akira the winner or the fight. Akira and Yami look at each other in the eye each having respect for each other and walk there separate ways, and then Akira gets tackled by izuku and Inko and Akira go up to Momo who is staring at him: "Hey my name is Akira Midoriya nice meet you, what is your name?" Momo is startled and is immersed that such a handsome boy is talking to her: "Ummm h hey my name is Momo Yaoyorozu and that was my uncle you beat, you were super cool, how did you get so strong?"

Akira: "Oh I just learn from the internet and exercising I guess, so want to be friends?"

Momo: "sure I would love to"

Akira:" ok I will see you tomorrow, bye"

Momo; "bye" whisper "friends"😊

The Midoriya family leave and go back home because it's school time, and Akira Summoned a healing mage to heal his wounds.

{at lunchtime at school}

Akira and izuku were going to have lunch when they saw bakugou bullying some kid and izuku walked up to the kid and told kacchan to stop being mean.

Bakugou:" what are you going to do deku you doing even have a quirk, so get out of the way"bakugou goes in for a right hook explosion palm attack but a giant shadow or a bear tanking the puny explosion, then we see a boy on top of the bear, he pets the head: "That's enough tank, good job, now go back" the shadow bear dissipates into the boy's shadow and he was Akira.

Akira:'Alfred buy me the skill bloodlust'

Alfred:'as you wish my lord'

{ding*bloodlust mastered}

Akira: "Bakugou is this how you're going to act when you're a hero, now tell me this have you ever heard of a hero bullying someone?"

Bakugou:" shut up loser don't act like you better than me, takes thi..." Akira used his bloodlust on bakugou and stopped talking and started crying and peeing his pants. Akira went to Izuku and the kid to check if they're alright and the kid said thanks and ran away. {authors not: when he used bloodlust his eyes started glowing blue.}

the next day bakugou didn't come to school and the second day he stayed away for Akira this continued until they were 13 and there are only 11 months left until the UA entrance exam.


Author: "sorry guys for the short chapter but it's 1:23 am right now and I need to sleep, so see ya tomorrow. bye. ✌🏾