
Reborn With A Doomsday System

Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · สมัยใหม่
109 Chs

CHAPTER 85: Enraged

"Janet, why haven't we moved yet?" Marisa asked.

"I think they are waiting for Leo." Janet answered her.

The two were currently in the cargo ship, with 300 more survivors, who were busy eating and relaxing as if they were already in heaven.

"Hey beauties!" A young man called out walking toward the table the two girls sat.

"What is it?" Janet asked politely.

"Will you like to have a drink with us?" The brown hair young man asked pointing at a particular table occupied by two of his friends.

The two girls followed his pointing finger seeing the other two guys.

"I'm sorry, we aren't in the mood to drink." Janet declined, her voice still as polite as before.

The young man frown slightly, and added in a cool tone. "What? Don't you see everyone is enjoying themselves, come on girls only one drink."

"Are you deaf?! Please we have a lot of things troubling us right now, so please I will have to ask you to leave." Janet said coldly.

"Ok, Ok, I get you." The guy said and sat down on the chair opposite the girls.

"IF you don't want to come to our table, we can come to yours." He said with a mischievous smile and waved for his friends to come over.

"This guy is truly shameless" Marisa said calmly.

'No beauty, you haven't seen anything yet.' The young man thought with a smile.

"Hey dude, why did you call us here?" A man with roughly black hair with a bear of bottle in hand asked.

"Sorry bros, they refused to move to our table so they invited us to theirs." The guy said, staring at the girls.

"No one invited you guys, please don't disturb us!" Marisa said in mild frustration.

"Calm down love, you know those things are outside, you two need strong guys like us to protect you." The third guy with dark brown hair and brown eyes said.

"love...? Strong guys?" Janet turned to her friend. The next moment the two girls burst out laughing.

"Hahaha... Strong guys, hahaha" Marisa said while till laughing.

"You three won't stand a chance against our friends, and you are here claiming to be strong guys. Strong my foot" Janet said coldly.

Now the three guys were confused, staring at each others not understanding why the two girls in Front of them were busy laughing.

'What is wrong with them? Of course we are strong guys.' The first guy thought.

"Do you know how many zombies we had killed?" The brown hair guy asked the till laughing girls.

Hearing his question, the two finally stopped laughing and asked. "How many?"

"We don't really keep count, but I can confidently say we killed above 50." The black hair guy said.

The two looked at themselves and burst into more laughter, "above 50, that is it"

"Is that too little? Can you girls kill 50 normal zombies that easily?" The first guy asked.

"No, but our friend can kill 200 with one strike of her sword." Marisa said remembering Nora attack when they were trapped in the office.

"Kill 200 in a single strike?!" The three guys were the ones laughing now.

First guy: "Zombies can't kill us but your joke will surely do the job."

Second guy: "Hahaha... Kill 200 in one strike! Do you think we are still children, that can be easily deceive."

Third guy: "come on girls, you can just say you two were impressed by our feat not by making things up."

'These guys are really morons, didn't Leo revealed that humans will be able to use different skills after doomsday, then why are they acting like they don't know that?' Janet thought staring at them with a small frown.

"Ok, girls let enjoy ourselves." The first guy said.

"Yeah!" The second who was holding his bear said loudly.

"Come on beauties let dance." The third said stretching out his hand to grab Marisa.


Out of nowhere a hand grabbed hold of the third guy outstretched hand, the guy frowned and turned his head about yelled at the person who had the gut to grab his hand.

Seeing the person his and his friends face changed dramatically. "Sorry sir, is something wrong?" He asked in a respectful tone.

A red hair young man was standing in Front of him putting on a full black uniform with a emblem on his chest which revealed a Dragon bitting down on a long sword. A logo known to everyone present on the ship.

"What are you doing?" The young man in the black uniform asked coldly.

"Nothing sir, doing nothing sir." He replied twice out of fear.

"Nothing? Aren't you trying to grab her?" He asked, tightening his grip.

"I was, girls I'm sorry, it won't happen again." The brown hair guy quickly apologized to Janet and Marisa. He swear if this young man in Front add more pressure his wrist might snap.

"It's ok, he didn't touch us" Janet said calmly.

Hearing her words, the red hair guy finally let go and said to the two girls. "I'm sorry, but the fourth king asked me to protect you two."

"We know, thank you." Janet said.

"When are we going to move?" Marisa used the opportunity to asked.

"We are waiting for the lord and his kings." The man answered calmly, and gave the three guys a warning glare before walked away.

First guy: 'what just happened?'

Second guy: 'protected by the fourth king?'

Third guy: 'thank God he didn't break my wrist, who are these two? And how are they related to Leo?'

The three have different questions running through their heads, after a while they looked at each other and said.

"No worries, we'll leave now."

"Yes, thank you for the company"

"Yes thank you."

They said and quickly left the girls table, what if what they said is true, that their friend can kill 200 zombies with one strike. Why would they offend that kind of person?.

"Thank God, they are gone" Marisa said with relief. Moment next.


A strong attack collided with the ship, causing it to tremble violently, causing the till walking guys to fell over.

"What the hell?!" Marisa yelled out loud.

"Can zombies use explosives too?" Janet asked a little confused.

The red hair guy ran up to them and said. "Stay calm, we are under attack!"

"Are zombies attacking?" Janet asked.

"They are not zombies." The guy gave a simple answer.

"What do you mean by that?" Marisa asked loudly.


"Hahaha, I won't be able to kill leo, but I can till destroy his ship!" A man with inky black hair and brown eyes, putting on a black vest and long black pants stood on a damage car, laughing loudly with countless waters waves floating around him.

"What if Leo find out it's us?" Another man with black hair and green eyes asked, he was standing calmly beside the car with both hands behind him back.

"How can he?, he is in the station as we speak!" The man laughed loudly and launched another water attack on the ship, throwing away countless celestial fighters.

Celestial fighters are all in man formation 1 star realm, not yet to the stage of using skills so they were no match for the man water attacks.

"Time to show you my new skill!" The man said, the next moment all the water around him separated into different shapes and started forming long spears, the water spears all formed pointy tips and with a command they all shot forward towards celestial fighters, killing some of them in contact.

"Hahahaha....!" The man laughed loudly seeing as more then ten fighters have met their demised under his water spears.

"You see that! That's power" the man in vest said loudly.

"Kill that fool!!, we need to hold on till the lord and kings return." A celestial fighter shouted, the rest celestial fighters opened fire toward the two figures.

"What a pathetic move, if it was in the past I will say guns are useful but now, not so much." The man standing beside the car said calmly.

All the bullets stopped two feet away from him and the next moment they caught on fire and dissolve into dust.

It prove how powerful his flames is.

"Nice skills, but look at me!" The man standing on the car raised his hand and countless waters surrounded him absorbing all the bullets, the next moment they shot back toward celestial fighters.

The fastest dodged the bullets but the slowest got pierced by them. Celestial death squad members didn't screamed out but instead gritted their teeth and stood up.

'These guys are really strong will.' The black hair man standing beside the car said, his face turned serious the next moment.

'What type of presence Is this?' He thought looking around. His realm was higher so he felt danger first.

"Hey it's Time to go!" He said to his battle hungry friend.

"No way, you can go I will stay!" His friend reply.

"Fine by me!!" The guy answered and shot away from the place as fast as he can.

'Why did I feel like a terrifying demon is heading towards that location.' He thought as he landed on a building distance away from the port. "I need to know who can emanate this pressure."

"Time for all of you to die!!" The man in vest raised his hand again to cast his strongest skill, countless big water balls formed in the air, the next moment they all turned to solid sharp long spears all aiming at celestial death squad members.


With A command all the water spears shot forth. But a surprising thing happened, as soon as the spears moved, they vaporized instantly like someone switched on the temperature.

"What the...?" The man in vest was a little dumbfounded, Same with the death squad members.

The next moment a roar filled with killing intent descended on the port making every single place trembled.



Let the show begin😂😂😂

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And thank you for the power stones jesse14, at least it show people are reading my book.

Thank again🙏🙏.

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