
Reborn With A Doomsday System

Everything in these world are gotten through pain. I accept the pain. Bath in the blood of my enemies and Grow to be the strongest enhancer in the world. A young man reborn 2 months back before doomsday, sworn to protect his families and friends, to give humanity a second chance, to fight and eradicate all the dangerous creatures from the world. But, can he do it?. with evil lurking in the dark, ready to be unleash on the world, to consume the life and shadows of everyone, but they forgot one important information. "I'm the only supreme primordial in this world and you are all below me!!." All the creatures tremble in fear hearing his angry roar and feeling his terrifying powers. read and unveil the mystery and dangers in these dystopian world. follow Leo to the end and discover how he will save the whole world from doomsday.

OP_Supreme · Urban
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109 Chs

CHAPTER 84: Admiration And Shock

Leo walked out of the room, looked right then left not seeing a single soul.

"Where is everyone? And how is it already daytime?" Leo asked no one particular staring out the window.

He walked toward it and stood still, observing his fighters patrolling around the station compound. He moved his daze ahead of the gate and was a little surprise.

"Why are there no zombies roaming outside?" He muttered.

A city overran by zombies, but no one roaming the streets was a little unsettling for Leo.

"I will find out later, I should first look for everyone." He said walking toward the stairs.

The station building have a total of three floors, and Leo was on the first heading to the third.

After climbing a fleet of stairs he got to the third floor.

Leo moved his daze around calmly and walked inside. He could hear the voice of someone he knows every well, Leo got to the closed door and listened.

"Everyone be patient, Leo would be out soon then we can all move out." Nora said trying to calm down the anxious people.

"Yeah, be patient if you want to survive." Mila also echoed.

"When we haven't arrived, didn't they all stayed here and waited for the zombies to attack, why are they in a rush now?" Jack whispered to Mike.

"Human nature." Mike answered flatly.

"No, before they had all lost hope, but seeing us their hope restored and now they are planning to get out of these mess as quickly as they can." Sam said calmly, sharpening the blade of her sword with a small rock.

"All of you calm down, you saw what happened yesterday, if Leo wasn't present, we won't be able to take out those 30 black zombies and we don't know how many is roaming the city at the moment." Ricky said calmly.

"Yes people, let wait for Leo." Cameron also added.


Leo stood behind the door, listening to everything.

'Not surprise." Leo said calmly pushing the door open.

"Sorry for keeping you all waiting." Leo apologize as soon as he opened the door.




'So handsome.'


'So cute, does he have a girlfriend?'

Everyone took a deep breathe, seeing the most handsome guy imaginable, even Leo subordinates aren't spared.

Mila: 'How did he got so handsome?'

Sam: 'Am I seeing things?'

Jack: 'what the hell?'

Ricky: 'why did I feel so inferior?'

Mike: "come on dude, this is pure cheating!'

Nora: 'Is this till my brother?'

At the moment different thought ran through everyone present mind, The men staring at Leo with open jaws feeling inferior, while the women stared at him with sparkles in their eyes, except from Nora.

All having different imagination with him.

Leo surely noticed the dazes on him and felt something is wrong.

'Something is not right here, why are they staring at me like I'm a golden trophy?"

If Leo knew that he was now more than a golden trophy in the eyes of the women but a big divinely handsome trophy waiting to be claim by them.

"What are you all staring at or Is there something on my face?" Leo asked touching his face, the next moment he froze.

'Why is my face so smooth?' He asked himself.

Nora walked up to her confused brother and asked. "Are you Leo?"

'What type of a stupid question is she asking? Of course I'm Leo!' Leo frowned.

"Can't you recognize your brother anymore?"

"Didn't you notice anything?" She asked again.

"Yeah I did, why are they staring at me like that?" Leo asked getting more confuse.

Nora stared at her brother for a moment then wave her hand and a drop of water appeared which then increased in size, then with a circular moment of her index finger the water took the shape of a circle forming a mirror.

Leo was still confuse, but when he saw his reflection he was stunned.

The face staring back at him was still he's, but the enhanced version. His raven black hair got darker and softer, his skin got more paler and smooth that he too was shocked, his dark blue eyes changed to aqua blue ones, his eyebrows and nose became sharper, his height also increased to 6'7.

Leo was normally a handsome guy, but now he was divinely handsome.

'How can I be this good looking? Or it's because of my increased in realm?'

'yeah, that must be it, because in my previous life I haven't heard of anyone reaching the transcendent realms, now I understand why everyone is giving me that look.' Leo sighed in relief.

'I thought it was something big.' Leo thought and turned his head to Nora. "It's nothing serious, when you reached my realm, you will be as beautiful as me." He said with a smile which earned him a eye roll from his sister.

Nora shook her head and dispersed the water.

Tyson: 'more beautiful, if she get more beautiful all the guys will get nosebleeds.'

Garrett: 'My love is already beautiful, but I can't wait to see her get more beautiful.'

These two have really lost it.

"Cough, cough." Leo coughed twice to draw everyone's attention, and it surely worked because everyone's eyes were glued on him.

"Ok, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, so please prepare and take what you can, we leave at ten. You six follow me outside." After saying that Leo quickly left the room, before the women undress him with their eyes.

The six looked at each other and quickly left the room.

"Ok, let get packing!" Cameron yelled out.

The woman quickly got themselves back and started packing their stuffs while murmuring.


"Leo how did you get so....?" Sam cut her words but everyone understood her question.

"Reach my realm and you will find out." Leo said calmly observing the city.

The seven were currently on the third floor, staring outside the Windows.

"Leo, you look troubled?" Mila asked, She have been staring at him from the beginning so she easily spot his mood.

Hearing her question everyone turned their attention to Leo.

"Am just wondering where all the zombies disappeared to." Leo said calmly.

The six stared outside the station and true to Leo words they wasn't a single zombie on sight.

"Do you think they gave up?" Jack asked.

"Zombies never give up unless their attention was drawn by something or someone else." Leo commented.

The others nodded, after a while Sam opened her mouth.

"Nora, remembered yesterday evening I dragged you outside right?"

"Yes..." Nora nodded turning her daze to her best friend.

"nothing really happened yesterday, but this morning after the sun rose the zombies started behaving weirdly." She said.

Leo turned his head to Sam hearing her words and asked. "What do you mean behaving weirdly?"

"Well, they were all roaming outside the station mindlessly, but then, thay all stopped on track and walked north as if they are being controlled or following orders." She revealed. "I didn't think it was important so I kept silent." She added.

'heading north? What can be in that direction to make them head north?' Leo was thinking overdrive, trying to understand what drew their attention.

"Why would they head north?" Mila asked a little confuse.

Everyone was silent for a while trying to understand the zombies motives. The next moment.


A deafening explosion sounded from the north drawing everyone's attention, including Leo groups.

When they saw the direction of the explosion their face turned pale.

"What the hell was that?!" Mike yelled.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Leo asked.

The six face changed dramatically.


They all yelled out, while Leo nodded.

'These black zombies are kind of smart, or did someone lead then there?' Leo thought remembering what the blood princess did the last time.

"What should we do Leo?" Nora asked.

"They are a total of 100 death squad members there and with the help of the ten battle ships, they will survive till we get there." Mike answered her after some thought.

Leo was about to nod when a very bright red notification appeared in Front of him.

[ ALERT: A fighter signed in your base have been killed -1 Doom stones.]

'What the fuck! Are there more black zombies at the port?, black zombies never engage in a fight when the normal and red zombies are present, these explain two situations, and non of them look good for the survivors over there. First: they are more than two black zombies, second: A silver zombie have appeared, the formal Is more likely because there is no way a silver zombie will appear these early. But still, two black zombies could kill all my fighters.' Leo thought the next moment.

[ ALERT: Five fighter signed in your base have been killed -5 Doom stones.]

[ ALERT: Two fighter signed in your base have been killed -2 Doom stones.]

[ ALERT: A fighter signed in your base have been killed -1 Doom stones.]

"Fuck!! Our fighters are getting killed out there!!" Leo roar out loud.

"Wait... What?!!!"


"What did you say?!!"

Everyone face changed hearing Leo. Before they could react Leo shot out the window, shooting forward like a bullet heading toward the port.

"You guys round up everyone and follow us, keep your distance!" Nora yelled at the five shocked subordinates and the dumbfounded celestial fighters downstairs as she shot into the air following Leo.


How do you guys want chapters release.

º Two chapters a day consisting of 1,000 to 1,200 words.


º One chapter a day consisting of 1,500 to 1,800 words.( lucky day 2,000 words.)

I need you guys reply, or I will choose myself.😶

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stay safe, much love.

OP_Supremecreators' thoughts