
Reborn: Super God of War

Battle Emperor Fu Sheng is the most popular player in the game, The New Age. Everyone believes that only he will become the champion in the final battle! His real name—Lin Jie. The reason for his participation in the battle is to win the Capsule of Revitalization for his injured mother and sister. With the Broken Blade, a Heritage weapon, in hand, he finally makes it to the final battle! Only then does he realize that his best friend had betrayed him! After his devastating defeat, Lin Jie is shocked to realize that he had time-travelled all the way back to a few years ago when the beta version of The New Age was just about to launch! With all my knowledge of the game... Pros on the leaderboard? All of them my underlings! First kill of a BOSS? Mine! First clear of the exclusive dungeon? Still mine! Whatever I lost in the past, I’ll get them all back! Whoever brought me trouble, you’re as good as dead! When I have the chance to do it all over again, I WILL BE EMPEROR! I am Fu Sheng, the STRONGEST warrior in The New Age. No one, absolutely no one, can stand before me!

Expert · เกม
601 Chs

The Light Woods

บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

Lin Jie returned home with a tired body after being dragged to various Senior High Schools by Baili Changcheng for the entire night. He checked his hand the moment he got back. All the skin on the knuckles was peeling off due to the fight he had, and the bones underneath could be seen.

Lin Jie took a deep breath and took out the med-kit from his inner pocket and started to treat his wounds. When his hands started to feel numb, and a tingling sensation began to crawl on his skin, Lin Jie aimed at the wall and started punching it. The fists fell on the wall like cannonballs, but the wall was perfectly well. Wine God Elder's punch was powerful, indeed.

When his hands started to bleed again, he applied some cream onto the wound and wrapped with bandages. Lin Jie grabbed on the gaming helmet and entered the game.

——"Welcome back! You have appeared within City of Light."