
Reborn : Life of A Former Apocalypse Warrior

Gab was one of the powerhouse that defended a base in an apocalypse world . One day , he fought with his fellow warrior and acquired a space that was formerly from the possession of the warrior . However , not long after he acquired the space . The zombie king arrived and attacked their base . Gab was forced to defend and managed to get its nucleus that cost him half of his life. Who would have thought that he when he was about to become the most powerful warrior in the world , the heavens didn't let him ascend . His core suddenly heated and died from the failure of breaking through the 12th rank . When he opened his eyes again , he became someone else . Not only did he become someone else , he also aquired a shameless husband . Gab looked at the contents of the flirtatious card . " What the fuck is this , since when did i become a lady ? " Book cover still temporary ; The ml

Thealovesbishies · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 10

Gab changed his clothes in the room and looked down at his body . He was wearing a maroon knee length tunic that has slits on both sides of his waist revealing his light brown pants . He then tied a brown leather belt around his waist and adjusted the wrinkles.  He took out a simple brown leather ankle boots and put it on his feet and tied the leather lace to tighten it .

Looking at his fashionable feet he couldn't help thinking that it looks too luxurious for a peasant like him .

Most of his clothes were new and came from the space but modern made medieval costumes had a very big gap compared to a real medieval clothing style amd how they were made . After all , their costumes were often mixed with modern costumization making it looked more attractive to the eyes even if these were just a peasant clothing .

Gab was pondering over his clothes when the door suddenly opened . Ryan entered and closed the door full of sweat , when he turned his head to the bed . He saw Gab looking at his clothes.  Ryan was stunned seeing the boy wearing such attire .

The boy has a simple but clean tunic with a leather belt wound around his slim waist.  He was also wearing an ankle length leather booth as his pants were inserted inside causing his legs to look more slimmer . Ryan's eyes narrowed and looked at the boy's body with an intense eyes .

" Oh? You're here . "

Ryan immediately diverted his eyes and hummed in response . He was about to open the closet to get mew clothes when Gab suddenly handed him something .

Ryan turned to look at him with confusion . Gab smiled and opened his hands to let him hold the clothes . " When we hunted a giant hawk last time , i ordered costumized clothes in the clothe shop for me to wear once i grow up , but since my life is going for the better now . I'll give these clothes to you , in return , you must take good care of us siblings . "

Ryan blinked and dazedly gripped the clothes . He thought to himself . ' is this really the first gift of my wife? ' .

Gab is fond of his husband and doesn't mind gifting him one of clothesline from the space . Moreover , he sincerely said those words to Ryan for him to take good care of him and Rose despite him being already capable of doing that . He was just being considerate as Gab recognizes Ryan as his husband now.

" Go ahead and wear it . " Gab smiled and patted his bicep before stepping out of the room .

When Gab left the bedroom . The room turned more silent . Ryan silently gazed at his wife's gift and gripped ok it tightly . A few seconds letter , a silly smile slowly surfaced upon his handsome countenance . If Gab happened to see this scene , he will surely fall inlove in a blink of an eye .

Unfortunately, Ryan immediately returned to his stoic face and started removing his clothes to take a bath , wrapping a towel around his waist , he stepped out of the room with his new clothes .

Entering the bathhouse , Ryan put the clothes in the basket and removed his towel . He poured a wooden dipper of water over his head and started rubbing his skin . While washing himself , Ryan suddenly noticed something. 

Ryan put the dipper back to the wooden pail and curiously looked at the containers in the hanging wall shelf . In the shelf , he could see several containers with labels written on it .

Ryan curiously picked up a container and read the text aloud . " Shampoo , a product made for removing dirts on the head while also making the hair smell good . - Green Apple Scent - Squirt a small amount of shampoo onto your palm and gently apply it to your scalp and massage your hair until it bubbles .... ... .... Avoid direct contact to your eye or it will cause eye irritation , rinse with water carefully ... "

Ryan followed the instructions and did the steps . Ryan was amused by the bubbles and smelled it . His eyes immediately narrowed when he recognized the familiar scent .

" Smells like my wife . " He muttered and sniffed it for about a minute long before reluctantly rinsing his hair .

Somehow , Ryan felt more refreshed than before . Ryan looked at the shelf again and discovered two more products for taking a bath . After applying those products to his body . Ryan felt more clean and light . He also smells like Gab .

Ryan smiled and sniffed his own body . He felt like he's becoming more addicted to this green apple scent .


When he exited the bathhouse , he was already doned in a similar attire with Gab . When Ryan realized this , he suddenly blushed and covered his cheeks .

If Ryan was a modern man he would immediately recognize it as couple attire . Ryan was however beginning to realize this thing .

A shy husband could be seen walking slowly towards the young boy sitting on the cart . Ryan sniffed his own body again before sitting on the driving seat of the ox cart .

While arranging the reigns properly , Gab suddenly came to his side amd sniffed him .

" You smell good . "

Ryan blushed and looked at Gab . " Do i? "

" Yeah "

Ryan lifted his collar and smelled himself again . " Well , i really do smell good . Do you like it? "

Hearing his question , Gab immediately nodded honestly . The boy's butt moved nearer to Ryan and sniffed his neck . " I really like it.  "

Ryan gulped looked away in shyness . Gab naturally noticed this and couldn't help smiling . The more Ryan acted shy , the more Gab wanted to tease him .

" ... You can smell me whenever you like . I don't really mind . " Ryan said softly and started driving the ox .

Gab heard his words and boldly sniffed the back of his neck . While doing this , Ryan's body became more stiff like stone making Gab feel amused .

While these two flirtatious couple were driving out of the village . They didn't noticed that they forgot a certain someone .

Rose was playing with his friends when she suddenly saw an ox cart passing by . The little toddler froze and stared at the ox cart with surprise and shock . When she determined that the two people riding on the cart was really her brother and brother-in-law , she immediately run towards their direction and shouted. 

" Brother!!! Brother-in-law!!! "

Gab turned to look at the back and saw a little toddler running towards them with little steps . Gab got surprised and realized they forgot to bring the little one .

Little Rose suddenly burst out sadness and cried . " Waaah , Brother!!! Wuwuwu don't leave me . "

Hearing Rose's milky voice , he felt a pang in his heart and immediately held Ryan's palm to stop the ox and jumped down from the cart to hug his sister .

Rose immediately pounced into his embrace and started crying out her grievances.  " Waaah , I thought y'all gonna leave me . "

Gab chuckled with a gentle smile and wiped her tears and snots . He lifted her up and walked to the cart with a still crying little toddler .

Ryan guiltily looked at Little Rose and apologetically said . " I'm sorry , Rose. "

Rose immediately wiped her tears with the back of her hand and blinked her red eyes . " No , it's nothing . "

Gab chuckled and rubbed the toddler's cheeks which were now soft and a little chubby . " Our Little Rose has always been a sensible child . She won't get angry at her big brothers . Right? Rosie? "

" En! " Rose nodded in agreement but is still wiping her wet face .

She looks so cute that Gab suddenly felt an impulse to bully her but decided not to . His heart will break if this little toddler cries again .

The ox cart exited the Willow Village carrying sacks of grains . They passed by several villages first before arriving at the town . Compared to the villages which were mostly surrounded with paddy fields and other kinds of soil . The town was different , it has a muddy wall around it and their houses were also better than the villagers' houses in the village . Most of the well off normal town people has brick roofs and houses built in a wattle and daubed construction method .

The town looks like a typical medieval town in games or comics . Still , the quality of the town was still inferior to that of hand drawn .

Ryan , Gab and Rose parked their ox cart in front of a rice shop . Ryan stepped down and went inside the Rice Shop . Rose also followed him while Gab remained to guard the rices .

When Ryan and Rose entered the shop , the shop manager enthusiastically welcomed them inside . " Ryan , long time no see . I heard that you're already married? "

Ryan awkwardly nodded and responded . " Yes "

The Manager was already accostumed to the man's short responses and didn't felt offended. 

" Congratulations ."

A small smile then surfaced upon his lips when he heard the congratulatory of the Manager . Manager Jimmy immediately ordered the shop assistant to bring them some tea and smiled at Ryan . Then he suddenly saw a little girl sitting beside Ryan staring at him with bright eyes .

Jimmy was taken aback then slowly smiled . " Hello there , little girl . "

" Hello , uncle . "

Jimmy's mouth twitched when he heard her address . He seriously pondered wether he really looked old to be called uncle already .

" Hello , Brother . " Changed Rose and smiled cheekily .

Jimmy arc up his brows when he noticed the little girl's playful smile . Well , it seems that she was deliberately calling him that to see his reaction .

Jimmy smiled at her then extended his hand to give her a small chocolate wrapped in an exquisite linen sachet bag . Rose curiously recieved it and opened the linen sachet . Then she saw a round chocolate inside . She's not unfamiliar with this , because she had eaten this last week . She recalled that her brother summoned a pack of chocolates out of nowhere and gifted it to her , brother even said to share it with her friends . The taste was so sweet that she couldn't even forgot that taste .

Rose immediately popped the chocolate into her mouth and chewed on it , but then she frowned . " Brother , it's bitter . " Not sweet at all! Unlike my brother's chocolates .

Jimmy was taken aback when he heard the the little girl's response . He expected her to exclaim in delight that it tasted delicious yet he didn't expect to get a completely different response .

" How come? Don't you know that this is the most popular dessert in the capital city these days? Most noble ladies were fond of this chocolate you said to be bitter , you know.  "

Rose tilted her head and pouted . " My brother's chocolate were one hundred times more better than this . Yours was lacking sugar . "

" !!!! " Jimmy widened his eyes like saucers in shock . " What did you say? Your brother has chocolates? Is your brother from the capital? "

Rose blinked her eyes and shook her head . She was about to take out a chocolate coin ( a coin shaped chocolate wrapped in a golden foil wrapping paper ) but decided not too . She then suddenly remembered his brother's instructions .

Rose immediately stuck out her chest showing her proudful look and started boasting . " I tell you brother , my brother's baking skills are top notched . The chocolates he made were sweet and even knew how to bake varieties of chocolates . Compared to the bitter chocolate you gave me , my brother's chocolates were far more Superior to the capital's . "

Jimmy's mouth gaped open in speechlessness and chuckled . " Alright , your brother's chocolate is more Superior . I won't argue you for that.  " Of course , Jimmy was just indulging the child . There's no way he would believe that. 

Rose still has words to say but seeing as she was about to ruin their negotiation , Rose obediently sat on her chair while nibbling on the newly arrived cupcakes brought by the shop assistant .

Ryan possessed 5 acres of paddy field , and every rice yield per acre was 50 bags of rice weigh-ing 50 kg per bags .

When they harvested all the grains and milled it , the amount of rice were astonishing high that it almost filled up their storage house. 

Ryan handed over 100 rice bags to his clan and saved 50 bags to his small family.  This time , they were planning to sell 100 bags of rice to the rice shop . This was a big transaction so Jimmy was respectful to the big land owner .

Ryan and Jimmy agreed to buy it for 30 copper coins a kg . Jimmy then happily paid 150 silvers for 100 bags of rice .

The Jimmy Rice Shop helped transporting bags of rice from the cart . Ryan only managed to bring 15 bags so the shop's personnel personally went to the Willow Village to transport the rice to the town .

Gab watched the busy staffs and looked at Ryan holding a big sachet of silvers . Gab asked Ryan about the currency of the town and learned that 1000 copper coins were equivalent to a silver coin . 10 silver coins were equivalent to a gold coin , and 10 gold coins were equivalent to a gold bar .

Basically , having a gold bar is equivalent to 100,000 copper coins . So having 10 gold bars were equivalent to 1 million copper coins .

They decided to roam around the town . Gab was curious about the town but then immediately lost interest when he took a bite out of some specialties .

Most of the things sold in town were just Vegetables , rye bread , fruits and roasted meat . There are hardly any desserts that could be found and from what Gab learned from Rose . The chocolates from the capital were even bitter .

Gab's face gad long since turned cold from frustration that Ryan was already worried that he didn't enjoy his trip to town . Gab indeed did not enjoy the trip , he was only interested at first to roam around a medieval town but it quickly diminished .

Ryan worriedly looked at Gab . Ryan tried to hold Gab's hand to comfort him . Gab didn't flick his hand and instead hold on to it with a silent face and straight lips .

Ryan , seeing the dejected look on the boy couldn't help rubbing his head . If not for the sake of showing off their couple attire to the town , he would have not agreed to roam around the town but seeing as Gab didn't enjoy the trip , he was a bit worried .

" You look disappointed? " Asked Ryan .

Gab puckered his lips and said . " I don't like the food . "

" Then I'll cook for you back in the house . "

" You only know how to stew meat though . "

" ... " Ryan , well , he can't deny that it was true .

Gab looked around to find more interesting food in town. Then he suddenly stopped in front of a table . Gab squinted his eyes on the flatbread intensely .



Base from what he knew , modern pizza was said to have evolved from flatbread sold by street vendors in Naples . Just add some twist on it , then it'll evolve to pizza .


Gab subconsciously gulped when that thought flashed across his mind . The little girl with a coif around her head cutely lifted her head and looked at the greedy look on the young boy's face .

Then she suddenly asked . " Do you want to buy flatbread? Brother? "

Ryan behind him nodded to the girl . " Give us 10 of that please . "

The little girl's eyes immediately brightened when Ryan ordered 10 pieces of flat bread . She immediately stood up to pack .

Ryan went forward to pull Gab's head to his chest.  " Look at your face , you look like a greedy jackal . "

Gab immediately glared at Ryan . " I would rather be compared to a wolf than jackals . "

" Jackals and Wolves are the same . "

" Still!!! Wolf sounds cooler . "

" ... " He didn't noticed that Gab was actually this childish .

When the little girl handed him the leaf wrapped flatbreads . Ryan gave her 20 copper coins and dragged Gab back to the ox .

Gab was still fantasizing the pizza's flavor when he was suddenly woken up by the cold flatbread pressed on his mouth.  Gab held a piece of flatbread and started eating it .

Well ...

Munching ...

It's not bad ....

Gab took a bite again .

Not soft at all ...

But he likes it dry and crunchy .

Well ... Doesn't this taste just like biscuits ...


( Wattle and Daubed - Wattle and daub is a composite building method used for making walls and buildings, in which a woven lattice of wooden strips called wattle is daubed with a sticky material usually made of some combination of wet soil, clay, sand, animal dung and straw . Please refer to google.  )

( There's a mistake in the 4th chapter , 100 copper coins for 50 kg of rice was actually 1000 copper of coins which is equivalent to 1 silver . I'm sorry for the mistake . It was already edited . )

( I also forgot to correct the dual ability , Gab still has the wood system . So he's basically a unique triple attribute ability user before.  )