
Founders Ball

In dark corner of an alley, a man could be seen with a the body of a dead person on the ground.

This man is Viktor, he had heard of a recent sighting of vampires coming into Mystic Falls after they cleared up the previous vampires.

Viktor: "who sent you? I won't ask again, I can get the answer from you but if I did that myself, I will be using the most brutal method I love to use when getting my answers, so tell, who sent you the easy way or we will have to use the hard way"

Viktor said as his claws came out, seeing this, the vampire on the ground panicked and struggled to get up and make a run for it.

Viktor: "don't struggle, you should have known about me by now, so we should skip the part I will introduce myself to scare you even further to make you tell me what I want which you still haven't done. Now there are two things that will make you defy me even if you know I can kill you, one, you are compelled not to tell me even if it cost your life and two, you owe the person who sent you your life even to the point of dying for the said person, so which one is it?"

Viktor smiled as he bent down to the level of the man who was scared silly by Viktor's deduction skill.

Viktor: "seeing as you are thinking straight and not like a mindless puppet, I will say the second one, so since you are so adamant enough to protect that person even at the expense of your life, let's not dilly dally anymore, shall we?"

Viktor pierced his claws in the posterior cervical area (back of the neck) of the vampire, which made the vampire scream in pain as Viktor looked through his memories.

Viktor: "even you haven't seen the face of the bastard, he puts on a mask anytime he calls a meeting, what sly bastard, trying to act all mysterious, but it was still not a wasted effort as I still got most of his plans. Now for you, time for you to die"

Viktor ripped the head for the Vampire before burning it and walked out of the alley.

The next day

Mystic Falls High School

"Hey, did you hear, Mr.Tanner was found dead last night, I heard it was another animal attack"

"These animal attacks are becoming frequent in Mystic Falls, what are the sheriff department even doing about the case?"

"We don't know but I hope they do something about it really fast"

Group of high school students gathered together as they talked about the animal attack on their teacher and coach, Mr.Tanner last night which led to his death.

Jeremy: "hey, have you seen Vicki"

Margaret: "nah, I've not seen her, and why are you even asking me that, you should ask her brother or the new guy I saw her with this morning, she was happily chatting with him when I saw them"

Margaret and Jeremy were on their way to their morning class when Jeremy started thinking about Vicki.

Margaret: "and I also want to ask, why are you so infatuated with that Vicki girl, there are so many girls out there, so why only her, if you ask me I would tell you to let Tyler have her, they seem perfectly made for each other"

Jeremy: "you don't know Vicki like I so, okay, and stop acting like my mom"

Margaret: "when did I do that, forget it, I will have a better chance making a stone listen to me than you"

Margaret said as she hasten her pace leaving Jeremy behind.

Jeremy sighed as he also increased his pace.

Another part of the school

Malia: "why do your school like so many events, first it was welcome back to school or something, then something I don't know party, then we had the comet party and now, you are telling us there is going to be an event you are organizing and then what, after this, there is still going to be a Halloween party?"

Malia asked Caroline who came to assign task to do on the day of the 'sexy stud event', a fundraiser event.

Caroline: "how do you know that, j was also going to organise a Halloween party, because you guessed right, I an going to give you a part to play in organizing the party, but that's not what we are talking about here, the 'sexy stud' event is a fundraiser event that will save lives, we can't let anything go wrong, that's why I need your help, please"

Henrik: "the sexy what now? I thought it was a normal event, why is there a sexy stud in the name?"

Caroline just kept quiet and flashed a smile at Henrik who just sighed.

Malachai: "well, you guys can do your thing, as for me, I have other things to take care of, like my assignments"

Malachai immediately bailed as he left them to god knows where.

Lexi: "we will help you, but tell that guy who told you to ask us never to do something like that again or he will get what's coming for him"

Lexi said as she looked at Vlad who was behind Caroline all these time.

Elena and Bonnie smiled when they saw how shaken Vlad was not knowing that Vlad was truly afraid for his life.

Elena: "okay, we have to get to class now and after that, I will have to look for a beautiful dress for tonight's founders ball"

Elena said as she winked at Henrik and walked away with Caroline and Bonnie followed by Vlad.

Lexi: "that's right, the founders ball, have you thought who you are going to take as a date, if not, you could take me, please"

Stephen: "how come you didn't ask me, I am also a member of the founders family, remember and I'm currently in a relationship with another member so my slot is still free, the same goes for Henrik"

Lexi: "I already know that Kai has ask for the slot and Henrik will be taking Elena, so Elena gave Bonnie her slot, so only Malia is free"

Lexi said as she stared at Malia who nodded her head.

Lexi: "great, I have already picked what I am going to wear to the founders ball"

With that, they all went to their respective classes.

Later in the day

Viktor: "these people never stop to impress me, you know during the early years of Mystic Falls, we were the ones hosting the founders ball, but now, the Lockwood's are the ones doing that"

Viktor said as he and the rest of his siblings and their partner arrived at the Lockwood's resident.

Elijah: "I don't remember attending"

Freya: "you were to busy dealing with the affairs of New Orleans to come brother"

Finn: "now is not the time for your bickering, we have a ball to attend"

The siblings smiled as they walked into the house where everything was going on.


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