How much can a talentless kid accomplish in the shinobi world with the help of a Dark Souls System? Hopefully you will find answers to your questions by reading my fanfic.
The next day Yasahiro goes out into the village playground in search of the bully. The only thing he knows about the bully is that he is 14 years old so finding him will not be easy. Or at least that should have been the case.
Just as Yasahiro entered the playground a kid around the age of 14 started slandering him. Yasahiro knew immediately that this kid was the bully so he closed the distance by walking. Once the kid was within arms reach he grabbed the kid's shoulder and took him into Dark Souls.
After they arrived at the Undead Burg Yasahiro threw the kid out for the hollows to kill. Yasahiro tossed the kid a dagger as he was on the ground so that he could at least fight back against the hollows.
"Do your best to survive. It's not entertaining if you died in one hit."
The kid had a scared look, he realized he was screwed as he saw the hollows coming towards him.
The kid didn't last long as the hollows opened his chest up at the 2nd swing. As the kid was dying he saw Yasahiro standing at a distance smiling.
"Wow. That weak kid gave me 500 souls?"
Turns out the main world is filled with souls. Even the civilians there give 500~1000 souls which is a very decent amount considering how easy they are to kill.
"Do I really need to be a ninja? Won't it be better if I became a criminal like the Akatsuki."
Yasahiro however decides against it for now and instead choose a different path. He planned to become part of the Konoha military system 1st so that he has access to inside information and then he can kill in places they are not looking. Its a safer plan with almost the same end result.
Yasahiro then returned home and when on with his day like nothing ever happened.