
Reborn in Naruto with an Unbreakable Shield

A Man from our universe meets GOD and gets the opportunity to get reincarnated in the world of Naruto with some powers. Will, he be able to survive and thrive or will he fall into despair and die.? SI Fanfic. Find out in the next episode of Dragon ball Z. First world - Naruto May include crossovers in the future.

crowkenz · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Unbreakable Shield chapter 1 (The Beginning part 1)

It was 3 Am. It was just like any other night. I was strolling through my neighbourhood without a care in the world.

I wasn't scared by the darkness of the night. More than anything I enjoyed the calmness it brought along with it. No more traffic noises by the impatient drivers on the road. no more people. Just silence.

The only thing that broke the tranquillity was the sound of cicadas buzzing. Even then it was more like a melody that calmed my nerves. One that brought me peace. A beautiful natural symphony.

However, all this was broken by a sudden wailing sound. It was as if someone opened the gates of hell.

Goosebumps crawled across my skin. Most people would run away from such a terrifying noise. They would turn their head and walk away without a second thought. After all, it is a human instinct to avoid the unknown.

A form of self-preservation.

It is what allowed us to survive and thrive all these years on this planet.

however, I wasn't just anyone.

I am Gilbert Styles.

An average-looking Asian with creamy skin and darker than black straight hair with an unhealthy obsession with anime and everything fantasy-related. Most importantly I'm an adrenaline junkie who thrived in stressful life and death situations. was I suicidal?


but my therapist did diagnose me with borderline depression even though I don't think I am.

Quietly I started running towards the sound making sure not to give away the element of surprise to whoever was there.

As I was going closer, I begin to hear someone mumbling in between their sobs.

"Please stop..... sob .... sob... please don't hurt me.... I'll give you all the money.... please." said someone with a feminine voice.

"Shut up. Be quiet if you want to live. Now quickly give me everything you have before you get hurt' said someone with a raspy voice.

The sound was coming from a dark narrow alleyway.

Quietly I peeked into the alley from a corner. There was a middle-aged man who was wearing dirty rags holding a big army knife. He looked like a homeless guy that was in need of some quick cash.

The poor blonde woman in front of him looked like a normal office worker in her 20s. I guess she was just unlucky enough to be his next victim. I mean what can you expect by walking alone at night. either you meet weirdos like me or some hobo trying to make a quick buck to fuel his addiction.

I looked around to see if there was anything I could use as a weapon against him.

All it took was one look at his 6-foot-tall build to know that I could never overpower the guy with pure brute force. Sure, he looked like he hasn't eaten in days but I'm not someone that would gamble my life on the chance that he might be just as weak as he looks.

Most people forget that we only use a fraction of our true strength. Our brain puts limiters on our body in order to prevent us from going PLUS ULTRA and destroying our body like that shitty Deku.

This is why people in desperate situations can pull off superhuman feets like moving a large boulder or lifting a car.

You might call me a coward or a wimp. I don't care. Doing a sneak attack is my only option here

. Unfortunately, there was nothing near me except for glass bottles left there by drunk salarymen on their night out.

Seriously, doesn't this count as littering? not that I'm not guilty of doing this sometimes.

"I guess it's better than nothing" I thought to myself.

As I quietly grabbed one of the bottles and started moving towards them making sure to stay in the shadows.

Thankfully both of them were too focused on each other to notice me.

Once I was in striking distance. I swung the bottle on his head making sure to put enough force to shatter the bottle into pieces.

"AAAAAAAHHHHH" he let out a shout and stumbled forward dropping the knife to the ground as he clutched his head in pain.

Serves him right.

Taking money from hardworking individuals. The woman probably doesn't even make enough to make ends meet and here was someone trying to take away her hard-earned cash.

"What are you doing? start running" I yelled towards the woman who was frozen in shock. while making sure to kick the fallen knife as far away from the man as I could.

That seems to make her come back to her senses as she started running. Thankfully she wasn't wearing heels otherwise that would have slowed her down quite a lot and all that I have done would be for nothing if she gets caught again.

"she's a runner she's a track star." I thought to myself smiling at my own joke before I too turned around and started running.

"WOOSH" I heard the sound of air being cut. Immediately I moved to a side. Just in time to see a piece of the broken bottle flying past me.


It seems as if the fucker got back to his senses.

Not to mention that he had the audacity to use my own weapon against me. That is almost on the same shitscale as cucking someone.

" fuck" I cursed my E-rank luck. My name is not Emiya Shirou for god's sake.

why couldn't he have stayed down a bit longer? I swear those guys in the movies go on a 7-day cruise ride before the bad guy wakes up after being smashed on the head with a glass bottle.

Turning around for a brief moment to see what he was doing now. I started running once more.

The guy's head was covered in blood. He could easily pass as a zombie with his bloody emasculated face. I could hear the guy chasing me grunting with every step, trying to catch me to get revenge for what I did to him.

Desperate to lose him I started turning around sharp bends hoping to see someone that could scare him away.

Surely if he sees more people, he will go away afraid of being caught. Right? Unlucky for me I wasn't near any bustling road or civilian hot spot. I was literally in one of the most desolate areas of the town.

Fuck my peace-loving miserable ass.

"Why did I wander so far away?"

Just as I was about to enter another alley. I tripped over a rock and fell forward.

Fuck you for giving me your E-rank luck. Just what unlucky star was I born under. What kind of asshole was I in my previous life for this shit to happen to me?

The last thing I saw before everything turned black was these two giant glowing yellow lights. Soon after that immense pain followed.


One minute I felt as if all my bones were being broken to pieces and the next moment, I found myself sitting in a chair on what appeared to be a cloud with a guy looking like Morgan freeman in front of me, and oh boy did he look pissed.

" What the fuck is happening right now" I thought to myself.

Check out my p@treon/crowkenz for advance chapters.First 30 patreons will not get charged instantly.

Please give me ideas feedbacks so i can improve my writing skills in the future. Hope you guys enjoy reading it. Peace out.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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