
Reborn in My Hero Academia as a Demon Slayer.

Our protagonist Kai was a die hard anime fan, however, one day he dies while giving up he's life to save an infant, while lamenting he's death he encounters a self-proclaimed divine being called Wexof who gives him the opportunity to start a new life, watch as he overcomes the world of MHA but wait a minute..... HE DOESN'T HAVE A QUIRK??????? NOTE: I do not own anything from BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA nor KIMETSU NO YAIBA, all rights go to their respective authors Kōhei Horikoshi and Koyoharu Gotouge. I do not own the image, MHA x Demon Slayer Fan Art by BrArtKy on DeviantArt.

ZackDKaizo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
55 Chs

Before Season 3.

It was a day after the final exams of the class 1-A. Many passed with flying colors and even managed to impress some of the teachers, whereas others did not.

Sato, Kaminari, Kirishima and Mina are currently sulking at their poor performance and missing out the training camp.

"Everyone... I'm looking forward...to hearing your stories... about training camp..." Mina sniffed.

"W-We don't know for sure yet! There might be a last-minute twist!" Midoriya.

"Stop, Midoriya. If you say it out loud, it'll probably jinx it." Sero spoke.

"If we failed the exams, then we'd have to skip training camp and be in summer school hell. And since we didn't pass the practical exam...… If you guys still don't get it, then you're dumber than monkeys!" Kaminari stabbed Midoriya's eyes with his fingers.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!" Kaito laughed at Midoriya's pained expression.

"What the hell are you laughing at?!" Mina.

"Man, it's just that seeing Kaminari complaining even after his pathetic performance in the exam... I find it all too funny! HAHAHA!!!" Kaito.

"Tch! Sadistic bastard." Kaminari.

"Whatever you say, Pikachu." Kaito.

"Calm down. You're talking too much." Sero intervened.

"We don't know how they'll actually grade us. Your team passed thanks to you, but Mineta was sleeping the whole time." Sero.

"I experienced one of the best moments in my life, even if they fail me, it was worth it!" Mineta spoke with blood dripping from his nose.

"Anyway, since we don't know how they're scoring it..." Sero.

"If you feel bad for us, then I dunno, just bring me back lots of stuff!" Kaminari begged.

"Like what, a rock?" Kaito.

"Sunnova—" Kaminari.

Kaminari's swearing attempts were thwarted by Aizawa's arrival.

"Once the bell rings, get in your seats." Aizawa.

Everyone got to their seats and remained in silence.

"Morning. Unfortunately, there are those who did not pass the final exams." Aizawa.

The failing quartet flinched.

"Accordingly, for the training camp in the woods...everyone's going!" Aizawa finished the sentence with a smile.

"A last minute twist!" The failing quartet.

'His smiling face gives me the creeps.' Kaito thought.

"We can go, too?!" Kirishima.

"Really?!" Mina.

"Yeah. Some failed, but no one failed the written exam. In the practical, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, and Mineta failed." Aizawa.

"I knew it, so long pervert." Kaito teased the purple Smurf.

"Piss off, precocious!" Mineta.

Kaito swiftly threw an eraser to his head, making him wince in pain a little.

"For this time's exam, we on the villain side made sure to leave a way for the students to win while watching to see how you all would take on the task at hand. If we hadn't, most of you would've gotten stuck before you started." Aizawa.

"So, when you said you were really out to crush us..." Ojiro.

"That was to make you feel cornered. In the first place, the training camp in the woods is one to increase strength. So those who failed need it the most. They have to get stronger. It was a rational falsehood." Aizawa smiled again.

"A rational falsehood?!" The failing quartet.

"Sensei, please abstain yourself from smiling in my presence ever again." Kaito.

'Kaito!' Midoriya hissed in his mind.

"I was tricked again! As expected of U.A!" Iida grunts while the idiotic 5 celebrate.


"However, since you lied to us twice, our faith in you will waver!" Iida.

"Wow, you're being a wet blanket, Iida." Uraraka said relaxed.

"That's true. I'll consider that. But I wasn't lying about everything. Failure is failure. We have prepared a separate time for extra lessons for you all." Aizawa.

The failed students get saddened by the news.


They all saw a flash and then looked at Kaito with his phone out.

"This pic will be called 'Memories of a failed trip, part 1." Kaito.

"Frankly, it'll be tougher than the extra lessons you'd get if you stayed at school." Aizawa.

[Hours later]

"Well, in any case, I'm glad we can all go together." Ojiro spoke while holding a "Training Camp Guide"

"A week of training camp, huh?" Iida.

"We'll have to bring a lot with us." Midoriya.

"I don't have a bathing suit or anything. I'll have to buy a bunch of stuff." Kaminari.

"Night vision goggles." Mineta.

Kaito grabs him by the hair and throws him at Tsuyu who slams the dwarf unto the floor.

"Oh, then since we're off tomorrow, and we just finished our exams, why doesn't Class A all go shopping together?!" Hagakure.

"Are you smiling? I think you're doing it but, well, invisibility." Kaito.

"Kaito-kun, Idiot!!"

"Drop the 'kun'. Just Kaito." Kaito.

"Still, it's a good idea! Wouldn't that be the first time we all hung out together?" Kaminari.

"Hey, Bakugo, you're coming, too!" Kirishima.

"Like I'd do something so irritating." Bakugo.

"I'm calling your mother." Kaito.


Bakugo tries to take Kaito's cellphone but he evades him without a care and problem.

"Will you come, too, Todoroki?" Midoriya.

"I go visit my mom on our days off." Todoroki.

"You guys are such party poopers! Get a clue, you clueless guys!" Mineta.

[Next free day]

"And so, here we are! With the most stores in the prefecture, the newest and coolest, most advanced-- Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall!" Mina.

"This seems nice." Kaito.

"Isn't this the place where you had your da—" Mina was about to finish but was "neutralized" by Kaito.

"Sorry, Mina. My hand slipped." Kaito.

"D-don't worry. I think I slipped as well." Mina.

"They don't just try to cover the various body types due to Quirks by numbers, but they actually have designs that fit a wide range of ages, from teens to seniors, so..." Midoriya began to ramble.

"You're scaring the children. Stop that." Tokoyami.

"And it's not even Halloween." Kaito.

"Oh, aren't those U.A. students?!"

"First years?!"

"I saw them on TV!"

"Sports festival, yay!"

"Oh, there are still people who remember that..." Uraraka.

"Anyway, I need to buy a big carry-on bag." Jiro.

"Oh my, then why don't we go around together?" Momo.

"Where can I get lock-picking tools and small drills?" Mineta.

"Ask that to the security guard over there, he'll take you where you need to be." Kaito.

"I don't have any outdoorsy shoes, so I want to go buy some." Kaminari.

"Oh, me too, me too!" Hagakure.

"The guide said to bring shoes that are already broken in-- Oh, but I see, perhaps we should choose based on utility?" Iida.

"Everyone has different things they want to do, so why don't we decide on a time to meet back up?" Kirishima.

"I agree!" Mina.

"Let's just get this over with!" Bakugo.

"Behave yourself or I'll go to your house to eat dinner." Kaito.

"Fuck! You!" Bakugo.

"Let's just meet back here at three o'clock before Bakugo blows up!" Kirishima.

"Okay!" Everyone agreed while running elsewhere.

Kirishima had to drag Bakugo. Everyone left but Uraraka, Kaito and Midoriya, the greenette and brunette because the others left too suddenly and Kaito for upcoming reasons.

"Everyone's really fast." Midoriya.

"Yeah." Uraraka.

"It almost makes me feel sad." Kaito.

"What will you do, Uraraka? I want to get some heavier wrist weights." Midoriya.

"I need bug spray..." She zoned out remembering what Aoyama said to her.

"Bu... Bug spray...!" Uraraka said while running away from Midoriya.

"I'm a bug?!" Midoriya.

"Well, you do have green hair. Or maybe she saw an insect on top of you." Kaito.

"Even though we all came together, I'm by myself…" Midoriya.

"AHEM! Am I drawn or what?" Kaito.

"Oh, yeah sorry!" Midoriya.

Kaito sharpened his senses and felt a hooded figure walking behind him. He knows what's about to happen, but he cannot forget one problem with taking down Shigaraki now.

It will make the future even more uncertain. He hasn't tried to NOT alter anything, given, but if he wants to get the better ending for this story of his, Kaito needs to use the cards from the future at his advantage.

The only problem being that he will have to wait for said cards to be drawn, he can't interfere with the current events.

'I never made it to the endgame of your plan, Shigaraki. But I'll allow you to fool around, for now.' Kaito.

"Oh, students from U.A. Cool! Let me have your autograph!" Shigaraki put his arm around Kaito's shoulders and then proceeded to do the same with Midoriya.

"You were the one who got all beat up at the sports festival, right?" Shigaraki.

"Y-Yeah..." Midoriya.

"And weren't you two also one of the guys who ran into the hero killer in the Hosu incident? That's so cool!" Shigaraki.

"You sure know a lot..." Midoriya.

"Man, I seriously can't believe it." Shigaraki.

Kaito looks at Shigaraki while he puts his hand near Kaito's neck.

"I can't believe I'd see you two again in a place like this. It makes me feel like there's something to it...something like fate, or destiny." Shigaraki puts his hand in Midoriya's neck, leaving his middle finger from making contact.

"Midoriya, you really are slow. How come you didn't recognize his voice?" Kaito commented.

Midoriya wanted to speak but he was too scared.

"Don't be so mean to him, from your perspective, I guess we haven't met since the attack on U.A., huh?" Shigaraki looked at Midoriya with his sadistic smile.

"Why don't we have tea or something, Izuku Midoriya, Kobayashi Kaito?" Shigaraki.

'Tomura... Shigaraki!' Midoriya.

"Act natural, like I'm an old friend. Don't make a fuss, okay? Calm down and catch your breath. Like your friend here." Shigaraki pointed at Kaito whose expression is relaxed.

"Just breathe, Midoriya." Kaito reassure his friend.

"I want to talk to you two. That's all." Shigaraki.

"How about we go sit somewhere first? It's too suspicious to remain here, don't you think?" Kaito.

Shigaraki somewhat tightened his grip on Kaizo's throat and touched him with 4 out of 5 of his fingers.

"Just try and do something funny. It's simple. The instant all five of my fingers touch your neck, you'll start crumbling from the skin of your throat. You'll turn to dust in less than a minute." Shigaraki.

"I-If you do that in a place with this many people, a hero will come and catch you in no time..." Midoriya.

"I'm sure. But look at these guys. Even though anyone could wield their Quirk at any time, how can they smile and gather like that? When it comes down to it, laws and rules assume that individuals have morals. They're convinced that there's no way anyone would do it. Before I'm caught, I could crumble twenty--no, thirty people..." Shigaraki.

Shigaraki was interrupted when he felt something sharp near his chest.

"This goes both ways then." Kaito spoke with a knife in his hand near Shigaraki's chest.

"Try any of your antagonistic bullcrap, and I'll send you to hell before you send me there." Kaito.

"Oh? I though heroes don't kill." Shigaraki.

"Heroes are alive, dead people have very little to lose, Shigaraki." Kaito.

Midoriya felt the tension between the two of them and decided to mitigate the blazes.

"What... do you want to talk about?" Midoriya.

Shigaraki smiles.

"This is nice. Since we've got this chance, why don't we sit down and have a chat?" Shigaraki.

"Oh. Nice idea. Let's talk the three of us like in the good-ol days." Kaito followed the roleplay.

They sat in a bench near some plants. Shigaraki tightened his grip in Kaito to try and make him falter but his neck strength was making that difficult, whereas the latter was still holding the knife perfectly directed at Shigaraki's heart.

"Anyway, I hate everything, but what pisses me off the most right now is the hero killer." Shigaraki.

"He's not with you?" Midoriya.

"I didn't acknowledge it, but that's how it ended up in the news. That's the problem. Almost everyone is looking at the hero killer. The attack on U.A. and the Nomus I released on Hosu City..."

"Everything was upstaged by him. No one's looking at me. Why is that? No matter how much he boasts, in the end, he just destroyed what he didn't like, right? What do you think the difference is between me and him, Midoriya, Kobayashi?" Shigaraki.

"Call me Kaito. Let's start with that." Kaito.

"Okay then, Kaito. There's also that thing of your little fan club but first. What is the difference...?" Shigaraki.

'Fan club? I hope it isn't what I think it is.' Kaito.

"Well, for starters: The Hero Killer had a vision, a mission and ideal. He wanted to make a society that no longer had those fame-hungry bastards, in his words. To achieve that goal, he went through all the trouble of getting his hands filled to the brim with the blood of said fakers."

"To his ideals, he never killed neither the civilians nor the heroes that he deemed as "true heroes", in contrast, you and your little playmates are nothing more than a group of misunderstood and possibly abused fools that kill and destroy anything is sight."

"Don't blame the public for picking the one that causes them less discomfort." Kaito.

Shigaraki looks at Midoriya.

"And you?" Shigaraki.

"I can't understand or agree with who you are. For the hero killer, I don't agree with him, but I can understand him. Because for me and the hero killer, it all started...with All Might." Midoriya.

He remembers his interaction with Kaito.

"He understood that he could've gone another way. At the very least, he wasn't destroying just because he wanted to. He didn't just abandon it in vain, like you did. Even if the way he did it was wrong, he was trying to live up to his ideals, I think." Midoriya.

The greenette looks at him but gets scared by Shigaraki's expression.

"It's like a weight off my chest. I feel like I've connected the dots. Why the hero killer pisses me off, and why you two irritate me...I feel like I understand now. Everything's because of All Might." Shigaraki smiles.

Midoriya flinches while Kaito looks at him with repulsion.

"Yeah, that's it... When all's said and done, that's where I ended up. What was I worrying so much about? These guys are able to smile thoughtlessly because All Might is smiling thoughtlessly." Shigaraki tightened the grip in Midoriya's neck.

"It's because that trash is smiling thoughtlessly, as if there was no one he couldn't save! Oh, I'm so glad we could talk. It's great. Thanks, Midoriya! I don't have to do anything different." Shigaraki.

Midoriya tries to struggle but can't escape Shigaraki's grip.

"Whoops, don't struggle. Do you want to die?" Shigaraki.


Shigaraki felt a sharp pain in his chest that was becoming greater and greater.

"Shouldn't you ask yourself that question?" Kaito.

"You think it's okay for the masses to die?" Shigaraki.

"Soften your grip or I'll make sure you'll never feel anything again." Kaito released his killing intent.

Shigaraki immediately releases Midoriya and tries to touch Kaito's face with his left hand but our protagonist not only releases Shigaraki's hand from his neck, but also stabs his other hand while he took Midoriya and backed off.

"These hurts." Shigaraki.

"Yeah, and I'll need moisturizer for my skin thanks to you." Kaito.

As he said that, a small layer of Kaito's neck skin fell off, VERY SMALL, like enough to bleed but not leave it as if you missed an entire chunk of it.

"Kai—" Midoriya's voice was cut off by his coughing, Shigaraki did choke him a little.

"Deku…? Kaizo…?" Uraraka said.

The three looked at the side where Uraraka was standing. Shigaraki quickly hid his injured hand under his jacket and put on the façade.

"Oh, you were waiting for someone? Sorry for the intrusion." Shigaraki.

'If any of you follow me, I'll get angry.' Shigaraki whispered.

'If you kill anyone, I'LL be the one getting angry.' Kaito whispered back.

Shigaraki just smiled and left.

'Too bad, I wished we could've talked about that idiotic quirkless cult of his.' Shigaraki thought.

'Such a damaged person. This is way deeper than just events going wrong, there's something that molded him into who he is today.' Kaito thought.

Suddenly, Midoriya spoke.

"Wait, Tomura Shigaraki!" Midoriya.

"Shigaraki...?" Uraraka.

"What is All for One after?" Midoriya.

"Who knows? More importantly, you should be careful. The next time we meet will likely be when I have decided to kill you." Shigaraki spoke and disappeared withing the crowd.

Kaito took Nezuko out and from her a first-aid kit, he tended to his injuries while Uraraka spoke with Midoriya about what just happened.

[Kaito POV]

So, what can I tell you?

Uraraka tell the police about Handy-Mandy, the mall got closed and I bought nothing, we went to the police station to give our sides of the story, Midoriya flipped out like a bazillion times due to my killing threat, even though I pleat that it wasn't gonna happen.

My mom came, Jinsei came as well as the doggy. There was a little OVA event that I didn't remember well that caught me off guard but that'll be for another story.

In the end, we were given our vacations and I was finishing supplying Nezuko with enough stuff for the next big arc that I'm gonna face, and it's not season 3.

[Third person POV]

"Alrighty! Now all that's left is to call Mei and ask for her to take me to I-Island." Kaito.

Before he could make the call, Kaito got a message from Mei.

{Sorry to text so late, I can't go to I-Island during these vacations. My parents won a ticket for a luxury cruise and we want to sell some of our inventions to the rich guys that'll go there. I know you'll understand XOXO 😉} Mei.

"And now, I'm screwed." Kaito.

Just then, he received a call from Midoriya.

"Yes?" Kaito.

"Kaito, All-Might has invited us to go to I-Island. Can you believe it?!" Midoriya.

"No, no I can't." Kaito lied.

"I know! We'll leave in about two days. Ah! But remember to tell Mrs. Kobayashi if you can go, otherwise we won't be able to bring you." Midoriya.

"Thanks, I'll be in your home that day." Kaito hung up.

'When a door closes, another opens, and on top of everything else, I stand supreme!' Kaito.

"What the hell was with that inner monologue?! Have I inhaled too much of the sleeping formula?!" Kaito.

Yep, Kaito will go to I-Island and will leave one of his first stepping stones as a prominent hero.



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