
Prologue - Where was my meeting with God?!

Slowly but surely I opened my eyes. For a second or two I was in a mass panic-like state as I remembered what just happened to me. I had been hit by a truck and damn did it hurt.

I remembered all the stories I read where protagonists save someone (usually a girl) from the horrific fate of being hit by a truck and sadly, I couldn't say I was heroic just like them. No, I fell over after some brat bumped into me, chatting to his girlfriend about how good some sh*tty rom-com they'd watched was.

Not only did I fall forward, but I also fell flat on my face as I didn't expect to be pushed by someone into the road. I was pretty dazed, so I didn't get up instantly. It's like when stub your toe - it takes a bit of time for you to register the pain. Anyhow, because of my body being out of view, a trucker minding his own business (I hope he didn't get harassed because of what that stupid kid did) simply ran me over.

Squashed, just like a bug...because some brat was too busy chatting up his girl!! Honestly, looking around at where I am, I think I may have survived because if not...

I'm about to meet GOD! My anime and light novel loving nature crept onto the big screen as I felt excitement at the room around me. All white, blindingly so, one door and no windows. Either I'm in some super secret hospital or I'm about to meet God.

My only complaint is that I can't seem to move my body very well. I also appear to be lying down and I'm currently restrained by something.

As I thought this, the door to my right slowly opened and I managed to swing my head to the right, to see the God who would grant me my wishes.

'Hello God!' was what I tried to say but...

"Hahbloo! Waaahh!" was what came out. Wtf, why on Earth am I making...baby...noises...My mind slowly came to a stop as I thought about what was happening and looked at the people, who definitely weren't God, entering the room.

There were 5 of them, each dressed in full white clothing with matching scrub caps and surgical masks. I couldn't see their eyes as they had black goggles on but just seeing them look at me I could feel the fanatic stares in their eyes.

The nearest evil surgeon, a tall and thin man, walked up to me and got close. He lifted up his goggles and looked at me with his eyes.

Seeing his eyes, I nearly shit myself (correction, I may have actually shit myself) because of how cold and lifeless they looked. They were an ice blue color which looked more at home in a wolf's eyes than humans.

"Look at him, such intelligence in his eyes even though he was just born...! And look at the scans of his body...See I told you it would pay to add other DNA to his sequences instead of just our own! You owe me a blood bag, Sergei!" the cold man looked at some monitors I failed to notice before and I could see his face smile, even through the mask.

His voice had a British accent to it, the posh-kind, and the more I looked at him, the more I thought I was looking at a British Noble. But my thoughts were taken from that when I heard what he said last.

A blood bag? Why are they betting with blood bags? And what do they mean they added other DNA to my sequences?!

While I was mentally freaking out, one of the short men huffed before looking at the British man, "Yes, yes, you're right Arthur, always right...Guess that means one of the ladies gets to name him, huh?" he looked at the three others who entered.

From what I could tell, one was a tall woman with a curvaceous body, she had tan skin and strands of brown hair fell down from his tied hair, framing her face. Even hidden behind goggles and a face mask, I could tell this woman was one hell of a beauty.

The second woman looked a lot like 'Arthur' as they called him. She had noble features and a rather petite and thin body. Blonde hair could be seen tied in a ponytail behind her head.

The final woman looked to of Asian descent and her pitch black hair and slightly tanned skin made her look slightly average compared to the other women.

The three women seemed to have a bet of their own, as the first woman, or the 'beautiful' one as I branded her, stepped forward toward whatever I was being held in, "We will call him Alexander~" she tried to tickle my cheeks but Arthur grabbed her hand.

"Don't touch him, Mia, he's worth billions of dollars and if you tainted him, the boss wouldn't be very happy," Arthur's jovial tone from earlier was nowhere to be seen and instead was replaced with coldness like a blizzard had passed through the room. Mia didn't seem to be affected by his tone as she tugged her arm away from him and walked back to her original spot.

Sergei came over and looked at the monitors before looking to the others, "We will let the child rest, for now, tomorrow we start the first dosage of Gene Therapy and Resistance Training," his voice made me shiver as I heard those words.

They all soon left with the 'beautiful' one or Mia and the 'average' one taking longing glances at me before leaving. (A/N: Not longing as in "I wanna have s*x with that baby that's just been born" but longing as in maternal instincts, they want to dote on the MC as his mother)

I finally came to terms with something - I'd been reincarnated. I'm obviously a baby right now and the last memory I can remember was getting hit by a Truck. But I have one problem with all of this...

Where was my meeting with God for my cheat wishes?!?!?!?!

You should be able to guess who and what have made him, right? There's like a massive flag in the chapter, a massive RED, BLOOD-FILLED flag.

If you can't get it...Just...just ask me and I'll tell you.

Anyway, hoped you enjoyed the chapter~!

Lazyycreators' thoughts