
Chapter 1: Rebirth

_In a white blank space_

A young man with a transparent ghost-like body can be seen sitting in front of an ordinary-looking elderly man in silver garments who was reading a golden scroll in his hands.

"Hmm... Let's see here, Ryan Gray, age 28, an excellent lawyer and one of the youngest senior partners in his Law Firm, but corrupt to the core, egoistic and lacks a bottom line with a major sin count of 900 billion... Tsk... Tsk... Tsk... Young man, you really should be in hell right now, suffering for your sins," the elderly man otherwise known as ROB said as he glanced through the scroll, addressing the young man before him.

Ryan sighed and calmly crossed his legs, saying, "Let's get straight to the point old man, I know I'm already dead and i should have been thrown into hell as you just said, but I'm not in hell. So..."

He paused and looked ROB dead in the eye before proceeding.

"...You must want something from me, why don't you simply tell me what it is and we can find a way to help each other out, how's that sound?"

ROB burst into a creepy wide smile like a maniac.

"So straightforward, I like that about you. You see, I'm in need of a person who possesses a strong will, a will capable of weathering through the greatest of dangers unfazed without going astray or breaking down."

Ryan nodded casually, "So i take it that's why I'm here instead of in hell."

ROB smiled, "You cocky little... *Sigh* you're right, I need you to go into another reality to kill my rogue clone who has now decided to become independent. Don't worry though, i will provide you with 3 wishes to help you accomplish your mission," ROB said.

"Rogue clone?," Ryan raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Yes, you know him as The OAA. I had sent a clone of myself with 10% of my divine essence to create another reality which you know as the Marvel Fictional Reality, this reality was meant for me to go to whenever I needed a vacation, however he has developed a new consciousness of his own and no longer has any memories of his identity and I need you to kill him because I cannot allow an out-of-control clone to go around possessing 10% of my divine essence and i can't kill him myself to get back my divine essence because other ROBs would surely mock me if they found out," ROB complained.

Ryan was genuinely stunned by the stupidity childishness of this ROB and the absurdity of all that was currently happening, but he would choose this instead of hell any time of the day.

"Okay, i get your point. I'll kill the OAA, but I'm gonna need you to grant my wishes now to accomplish this task," said Ryan.

"Ask me for any 3 things below the three Os," ROB grinned.

"My 1st wish is to be a Mutant with all the powers of a Kryptonian. My 2nd wish is to possess the ressurection and adaptation power of Doomsday and finally, my 3rd Wish is to be Immune to supernatural mental tampering of any kind," Ryan stated his wishes with a glint of slight anticipation showing in his eyes.


ROB snapped his fingers dramatically and said,"Granted, off you go then."

Ryan began to feel his transparent ghost-like form gradually change into a physical form, but he suddenly got sucked into a purple space vortex that opened up out of nowhere before he could even make sense of what was happening.


_Afternoon, 3:30 pm_

_Xavier Academy_

A purple space vortex suddenly opened up on a basketball field in the Xavier Academy for the Gifted while the students were busy playing around and a naked young man fell out of it, then the vortex closed back up.


Ryan groaned slightly as he groggily stood up from the floor and that was when the bright sunlight from the sun shone upon his body and he suddenly felt some sort of mild electric charge spread all over his cells.

He could feel his body become filled to the brim with energy, unstoppable power coursing through his veins, enlightening clearity washing over his brain. It was the most exhilarating experience in his whole life.

Ring!!!... Ring!!!... Ring!!!... Ring!!!... Ring!!!...

Whoosh!!!... Whoosh!!!... Whoosh!!!...

Ba-Dum!!!... Ba-Dum!!!... Ba-Dum!!!...

"Arrrgh!!! Why is it so loud in here? Make it stop!," Ryan yelled out in agony as he gripped his ears, countless loud noises bombarding his ears all at once.

Seconds later, all his other senses were assaulted by various kinds of smells and scenes as well.

The students who were on the field were dumbfounded as they watched the naked stranger before them yell and kneel in pain, but they dared not approach. After all, he was a naked guy who just mysteriously popped out of a weird vortex.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Yeah, why the f*ck is he yelling?"

"He just came out of a Portal, is he a Mutant too?"


"Why the hell is he naked?"

"Shhh, make way, the professor is here."

The students who had gathered around to watch Ryan quickly stopped their chattering and made way when they noticed that Professor Charles Xavier had arrived.

There were four people accompanying him as well.