
Reborn in Game of thrones with LOHP as Arya Stark (DROPPED)

This is my Third life but it is the first time being a girl. I woke up in this cold place surrounded by loving parents and kind people but i know the future of this family and it is a TRAGEDY. My name is Arya Stark

Schooldean · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
14 Chs

Chapter 1

Arya pov

I remember my fist life the life of a young man who lived as a shell of a man, adapting to multiple identities as part of his job to infiltrate the lives of those I targeted whether to gather intelligent or to eliminate or both. Then I was transmigrated as Stefan Salvatore but that life was easy I suppose unless we talk about the love life of Stefan It will be another can of worms altogether.

I had fortune that has followed me into this life as well. I have a Library of heavens path in my head it contains all knowledge from cultivation and fantasy novels and TV shows I have read or watched as Liam in my first life. I couldn't even begin to read half the books inside let alone finish them so I just took what I needed.

The time of my Transmigration into Stefan Salvatore one of the main characters in a TV show about vampires witches and werewolves. This brother is the first lover to the main character and is later discarded by her for his older brother. My fist goal was to get strong and then protect my home from all these supernatural creatures harming my town.

I compiled my cultivation technique which turned out to be the combination of soul force cultivation and true essence cultivation. Later I compile a physical cultivation technique suitable for my body and it was over powered. The complete version of the technique would have Stefan turn into a beast. A dragon with it's own flame and multiple other advantages.

There was a catch, after transforming a few organs and gained their gifts there will be heavenly tribulation to overcome. The heavens would punish according to the amount of power. What Stefan Salvatore did not expect was the world to work against himself and try to eliminate him as an outsider who has already changed many tragic events that were supposed to take place in his home town to further the story leading to events the world wanted the world champion to overcome or whatever.

The forming of his nascent soul was thus a bust and the nascent soul escaped with his memories and the library leaving the world Stefan Salvatore without his memories forcing him to start over While the world tried to correct itself and bring the events that were previously prevented by Stefan from happening to take place.

Now this, the not so lady like lady of Winterfell everyone would agree that she is the most Northern of the young Starks of Winterfell. My family is destined to die in the hand of the lions, the Freys, the Boltons and so on and so forth.

I was a fan of the North watching the show I always wondered how it would be like to live in a place shrouded in snow all year round. This place seemed like fun on TV but in life it is a desolate place where crops don't grow and thousands die every month from starvation and the cold.

During my second life I was able to obtain emotions again due to my dragon heart but that's gone now. However I can imagine how my people are feeling, sending their children to death because there is no food. It is relatively better to get stabbed in the chest by your mother than to die in starvation.

I am here now, this place is my home and these people are my people, I will not let them suffer! I may only be 8 years old but my mind is that of a grown up I will succeed and the North will prosper but first I should probably go to my embroidery classes.

It is a normal day in the Winterfell castle the knights are training and the maids are following mother around learning how to take care of the many places in the castle such as the kitchen, the garden and the stables. The stables are mostly cared for by male servants and they are taught this job by other Male servants.

When I get to the lesson Septa Mordane looks at me scornfully as if she is looking at some sort of filth then I realize I am just a child now, powerless against adults. I look to my sister who is only 10 years old but is already showing to be ahead of her younger sister in lessons of ladyship. Sansa looks at me with scorn at the fact Mordane is unhappy with me. I just look at her with my young empty eyes.

Arya's eyes are large which usually makes it easy for people to see her emotions but right now I am looking at her with nothing in my expression I then turn and look at the Septa who is stunned in place after looking into my eyes. For an odd number of seconds I look at her without blinking making her very nervous she then puts down her needle and piece she was working on to instruct me on my work. I look at her and start working on my piece.

I start with sewing the big black wolf, then a big red wolf, a smaller than the black wolf but this one has shining urbane colored fur next to it there is a white wolf with red eyes, then a smaller red wolf, followed by a small black wolf with grey eyes then another black wolf with black eyes and lastly a grey wolf with black eyes. This is what I was working on as Septa went to explain the wonders of marriage and siring children for future husband.

I fold my work and I'm about to leave with the rest of the girls when Septa comes to me with a big smile pointing at my needle work and wanting to take a look. "I am very impressed with you lady Arya you were attentive and working hard during class. Let me see your hard work and maybe I can help you."

"Yes sister let her help, you could use all the help you can get." I look at Sansa who in turn shrinks to mother's side as mother walks in, Lady Caitlyn looks at me with what seems to be disappointment I turn my attention back to the Septa. I give her the cloth and she sucks in a breath, "Its beautiful lady Arya I had no idea you had such talent." That gained attention to mother and Sansa.

I usually sit far away from the others so they don't make fun of my work but today that far a

way corner hid how good my work was. When they put it on a stone table to see it they were all mesmerized by the details and the lifelike wolves in the cloth as if they will come out of the picture.

I has to work on my choreography as Stefan in order to make magical artifacts I needed a steady hand and excellent finger movement no to mention I'm an old soul in a young body. Mother looks shocked so I just take back my work and bolt to the door. I didn't miss Sansa's angry glare.

I get to my little room and continue making sweaters and polo neck Jerseys for everyone including Theon. He is a dick but he is also just a child taken from his home and hates himself for liking it here where he was supposed to be a prisoner.

I made a total of 10 and all have a wolf of a squid in the case of Theon. The material is available to teach ladies to do needlework all I had to do was ask a maid and then I found the stash of wool and sewing kit. I made the inside with normal material instead of wool so it doesn't become inche to wear them. In Arya's memory no one wears this sort of clothing style they all wear fur all the time.

The time for dinner approached soon enough and they family is already waiting for the maids to bring food. I walk in seemingly the last member to arrive. "You're late horse face." Sansa says and no one stops her it seems to me that they agree with her so I walk to sit with Theon and John giving them the sweaters I made for them. I ignore Sansa's remarks and starts talking to John and Theon who pretend not to like my gift but I insist on having him wear it tomorrow after training.

"What about me Arya am I not your big brother?" Robb asks as he looks at me with mock hurt.

"Just now, when the Southerner called me Horse face none of you said anything in my defense, therefore all your sweaters are going to be sold to the highest bidder." I say as the maids come in giving us our food. I notice what she is giving to John and I hold her hand.

"Take this food and show it to father. I want him to see how a mere maid is treating his son inside the walls of Winterfell. What is your name?" I ask as the entire hall becomes silent a all look at me and the maid, She looks art me with confidence.

"My lady my name is lily." I look at her and I see it, she resembles someone from the south. I look at mother who seems angry. Then I look at father "Lord Stark, your son is being mistreated by this Southerner woman are you going to keep your silence?"

"What would you have me do?" I smile at him.

"Flog her to death." His expression doesn't change.

"Does her crime calls for such a punishment?"

"John is the member of our pack, we might fight, we might argue but it is not the place of an outsider to decide who should eat bread and who should eat stale cabbage from the stables. She should die for her insolence. John will get sick from this food, then he will die who will answer for her crime then?"

"Then you should handle the punishment." Ned says. I look at him with a blank face, I know he is expecting me to back down now I instead look at him and nod. "You heard your lord bring this woman who wants to kill my brother to be flogged I'll do it myself." I say to the men who stand up and my father's eyes widen as he realize I will go through with this.

"My lord please spare her, she is ignorant and is spoiled by me. I promised her mother I'll take care of her." Caitlyn kneels in front of father who looks at me with question. The maid is scared now but is relieved when she sees mother beg for her life. Father looks at me and I look at him without emotions in my eyes. I want to see how he is going to handle this, his wife is obviously responsible for how the maid is treating John.

I smile at mother but there is no warmth in my smile and she sees it for what it is her 8 year old daughter is disappointed in her. I look at father with distaste and fold my arms watching this show. I'm young but he knows how significant his decision will mean, he will be saying it's okay to mistreat his son. He looks at his wife and points at me washing his hands of the matter.

"Arya lily didn't mean it I'll make sure it doesn't happen again." I smile at her with the same smile and she takes a step back.

"She is removed from her duties in the kitchen she will be my maid from now on. I remember that mother had forgotten to assign one for me so I'll take her she seems to need polishing but I'm fairly certain of my own skills. What do you say Lily?" Lily's eyes widen in surprise but she realizes she has no choice now.

"I also have to emphasize that is I find something similar happening to my elder brother again I don't care if you're my father's right hand man, they'll never find what would be left of your body." I say looking at the maids and they look away in fear they know it could have been any of them since these were the instructions from Lady Caitlyn.

I rub my belly and look at the cold food and just take my brother's hand and we leave the hall. I take him to his place of residence and realize he is sleeping in a room worse than the servants. I walk back to the hall and find my parents have started to eat so we wait outside.

"Why did you do that you know who is behind the servants."

"Yeah, that us why I didn't insist on killing her because she is just following her masters instructions." I say and John keeps silent.

"I have an excellent idea, we can stay here until be are strong enough and go across the sea. Mother might care for me but we all know I'm just an extra bargaining chip in case they need an army or something."

"And where did you hear that?" I hear father's voice I look at him with slight surprise.

"The Septa told me that I am not really necessary since Sansa is such an excellent lady and mother will definitely find her better marriage than me who is a brut and a boy.

She said that if I don't learn my lady lessons father will give me to marry the Iron Islands where women are treated as breeding mares with no freedom. I am going to leave this place where my own parents are looking to sell me and go where the sea lead me. I'll take my bastard brother with me. We are just extras not needed at all." My mother slaps me in the face I just look at her with unfeeling eyes.

"You are not going anywhere and you are certainly not taking the bastard anywhere with you do you understand." I just look at her without saying a word.

"It must be amazing walking around with all that hate in your heart. If John's presence is so hard to get used to then you won't have to deal with him." I turn to leave.

"Halt, apologize to your mother."

"Why? What did I say wrong? it's been 11 years father, if you had hoped she would come down you were wrong, the more John grows up the more panic she has whenever she looks at him. You need to do something about her or I will and I can promise you that you should dread that.

I have the blood of the Winter kings in my blood no one can threaten my family in my own home. No one. Make me feel helpless and hopeless then I'll disappear with my brother, this is his home he shouldn't have to feel like an outsider. If your God teaches you to hate and exclude innocent children then your God is evil." Mother wants to slap me but I hold her hand and look at her "And if you follow an evil God, you are evil."

She takes he hand and closes her mouth with it. I look at Ned who is about to dish out punishment but I look at him then look at mother, "Fix it or I will." He shuts his mouth remembering my threat. I take John to the kitchen finding my maid still working there.

"Lily make John and me something to eat and make it good because mother is not here." I say to her and she visibly sneers at me but looking at that face of hers I smile. She trembles and take a step back. "At once my lady." I look at John who just looks straight at me.

"How do you do that?" He asks me.

"Do what?"

"Scare them with a look?"

"It's an art that requires years of experience." I say with a proud tone.

"You are 8 name days." He says and I shrug.

Soon the maid brings us food. I take a look at it and nod in approval John and I start eating and chatting. We separate for sleep. On the hallway to my chamber I meet Sansa's gloomy stare.

"What is it now Southerner?" I ask and she seems angry at what I called her but then she smiles and look at me with a challenging glare.

"At least I am not a barbaric ugly boy who worships trees." I can feel that what she said makes me very angry so I leave her standing there only for father to come out of the corner with an obvious angry look at his face as he look at Sansa. I look at him with mockery.

"What do you think about the lessons Septa Mordane has been bestowing on your Northern children Warden of the North? If the Winter kings could see us now." Ned's eyes goes wide at that last statement. I leave the two of them.

When I get to my room I start taking a bath with my new maid taking care of it when I'm done I start my cultivation as soon as the candle light goes out. I discover an amusing fact about my new body. A girl who acts like a boy has a super girl's body pumped with pure yin essence and just waiting to be activated.

Pure yin body is rare but requires precise practice technique tailored for it or there will be terrible consequences which include lustful episodes or a sickness where the body is engrossed in yin essence and the episodes of pure unadulterated lust and physical pain become intense crippling the person's cultivation and in extreme cases paralyzing the body with bruising.

"I need pure yin techniques suitable for me. This is because according to the library my yin meridians are low level while the highest yin body has all the meridians in perfect sync with yin essence in the atmosphere, I have the option of reaching this stage but why would I? being immortal in this world means being alone so I'll pass on that one.

The library finishes compiling my cultivation technique best suited for my yin meridians. There is bad news however I can not cultivate this technique before reaching the age of 10. I am currently at age 8 so two more years I'll have to wait. Its interesting that this information means my sister can start cultivation immediately. She hates me so how do I convince her this is the right thing to do?

I can't cultivate for now I will just make father solve the problems of the North starting with this recipe of how to make glass. Then I'll take out three easy recipes on flue medication, Skin cleanser that can work to take care of any problem on the skin and lastly recipe for making soap. These should be able to lift up the food pressure and money problem from father and I'll earn something as well. I fall asleep thinking about how long two years are.

The next day my new maid came late so I took away two layers of clothing from her and assigned another maid to watch her and make sure she does not put on more clothes while I'm not looking. I give them a list of pictures of herbs for them to find outside.I know these should be available in the North since they grow in cold places. The maids look at me of horror, it's really cold outside. I look at them with no sympathy and they tremble and leave.

I go have breakfast and it's not as eventful as last night but the maids have ceased making John eat rotten food. He seems happier too but mother is glaring daggers at him and father keeps sighing in exhaustion which I find interesting since it is early in the morning.

"Father may I have a word with you after breakfast? it's very important." I say in between mouthfuls.

"Arya don't talk with food in your mouth." Mother chastise me.

"What do you want to talk to father about little girl?" I raise and eyebrow.

"Little girl?" I look at Robb who is trying to look as imposing as father and laugh. I can hear others laughing at him too.

"Yes little girl, after the fuss you made last night I'm afraid you are just looking to cause trouble without mother there to stop you."

"Looks to me like you're the one looking to make trouble." I say continuing to eat ignoring him. He goes back to his food after we all finish I follow father with mother following but I don't say anything I just ignore her.

Father looks at me with his stoic face and I flinch "Would it kill you to smile and appear friendly? Seriously what's with the scary look no wonder Sansa cries when I say 'I'll get father'." Mother is holding her laughs and father frowns and I take a step back.

"Are you really Arya? Did the demons possess you?" Mother looks at me with glistening eyes.

I roll my eyes at her and father coughs trying to get my attention.

"I came to give you these three recipes to earn you some coins and I want a share ofcourse." Father takes the piece of parchment from my hand and starts reading.

"The first one you obviously can not use to make money just build up multiple large ones for every house so we can start feeding our own people without relying on the stale food from the South. The second and last ones will obviously sell cheaper for our people and when you are selling it to the others sell it for an arm and a leg." I look at father whose hands are trembling.

"Where did you find this?" Father demands answers I look at him with a frown.

"If I don't say? Then did my demon lord give me?" I ask with a challenge.

"Arya watch how you speak to your lord father."

I smile at him. "If I don't say, then..." I'm about to repeat my statement but father speaks.

"No, what I mean is this information could make someone very rich. It could also make someone a target. So I'm going to ask you again 8 name days daughter of mine, where did this come from?"

"No where. It's all me, now do we have a deal or not?" I ask with annoyance.

"You will watch your tone young lady." Caitlyn says pointing at me with anger.

"Come down what happens if you get a heat attack or something?" I say and father holds her hand trying to calm her down.

"Why are you suddenly rude?" Mother asks with heartache.

"let just move on to the proposal I just gave to father."

"I'll look into this but we gonna have to discuss your source before I agree." I scoff.

"You will agree because you don't have a choice. After the disaster you caused by refusing the loot from Kingslanding that year, resulting in many deaths especially those soldiers who died, their families had to die in the cold and hunger because of your decision. This is your chance to make things right and convince the North that the children of WinterKings can still be trusted."

After that speech father seems to stand taller before he remembers what I said about Kingslanding and he narrows his eyes. "I see what is going on, someone is influencing you telling you all these things. Who is it?" I look surprised by his deduction so I decide to mess with them because mother seems horrified.

"Roose Bolton." I say and nod my head with a helpless expression.

"He has been filling my head with all sort of things such as how I am perfect to marry his son Dominick. And I think he is right even that name seems right." I say and I'm holding in laughter father sees that I'm messing with them and release a breath in relief. Mother catches on soon and goes after me I run around the table laughing.

"At least we know you are listening in your lessons of houses in the North." Father says with a smile.

"Don't try to distract me with that friendly expression I want 50% profit." Father's eyes goes wide with surprise.

"Alright I see your mind seems to have grown overnight and now you are looking to rob your father blind. Are you paying for the people working or the ingredients in the list you gave me." I look at him.

"No, you are paying for all that. Fine I'll take 30% nothing less and I'm suffering a loss here."

"20% and that's only because you are my daughter." He says with a stoic face.

"You drive a hard bargain sir, Fine I'll take it but my skin product does not go to Kingslanding."

"Why?" Mother asks because father kept quiet and started frowning.

"I don't like them. Especially the queen let her suffer from some wrinkles." Mother laughs while father looks at me oddly.

"I know what you are thinking, how would I know her enough to decide I don't like her?" I smile at his nod.

"I'll tell you someday when I know I can trust you. Both of you." I say and end the meeting with both my parents looking somberly.

After I left mother looks at father with worry. "What do you think happened to her, lord husband?"

"I think she has probably been very intelligent all along but did not show it and is showing it now because of what happened to John yesterday. She really was going to flog that maid to death herself yesterday because she realized John's treatment is only getting worse." Caitlyn gets angry but Ned holds her hand and she comes down.

"Do you think there is something more she is not telling us?" Father just give her the recipes and her eyes go wide in realization of what these all are. "Glass? Medicine? she wrote every step on how to make these as if she has researched them for years." Ned nods.

"It's seems we have a genius daughter and judging from her attitude she is going to be a handful. She said she doesn't trust us yet, but her showing us this much of her side means she is ready to be herself." Ned says with an intelligent glint in her eyes.

They stayed up longer deciding on who to trust with the process and it came down to a very few of their people. I can not help them with this since I need to be atleast 11 to do soul power cultivation and put soul implants to ensure loyalty from subordinates. I find my maid coming back from looking for my medical herbs with her little helper.

I smile and welcome them to the place I have prepared bathing water. They show me what they found and I am delighted that even though they didn't find most herbs for the flue medication they found many batches of the medical bath herbs so I reward them with a single leaf into both their mouths and they both feel the cold leaving their frozen limbs and soon they feel warm again.

They look at me in wonder but I dismiss them to take my medicinal bath. I put the raw herbs in a container and started mixing it making it turn into a paste I then drop the entire thing into the tub full of water and get inside. As soon as I got into the water my skin started getting itchy and I know this is just the beginning so I brace myself. The itchy feeling turns into a burning sensation making me scream in agony.

The two maids walk in panicking I screame "call dad." and it took then a few seconds to realize I meant father and then they ran but only mother comes in worry evident on her face. "Where is that man? I need someone powerful enough to hold me down, do you think you can do it with your tiny arms?" I shout at her and she goes out running. I am not having a good time at all. This was definitely easier last time.

Is it because I was a boy? or because I was older "Aargh" I scream in pain. The doors open and father walks in with mother "Hold me down and don't let me get out untill my body stops bleeding black goo. Got it?" I shout at him and he seems confused.

"Please this is important if I pass out or leave the water I will be paralyzed for life do you hear me? get here now!" He runs to me holding me down and watching as the water turns completely black and cold. He takes me out but I'm completely exhausted mother wraps me with a towel and gets me to bed with tearson her face, while father yells at people to feed the fire in my bedroom to keep me warm a while later I stop shaking and hold mother with all my might.

A day later i wake up to find mother sleeping with me and father looking at me with a stern expression. "What did you think you were doing pulling a prank like that? You could have been seriously hurt Arya, you better explain yourself." I think he is very angry with me.

"What do you want to know?" Mother has been looking at me her anger obvious.

"What was in that water you used to bath yesterday?" Caitlyn asks.

"Medical herbs."

"What do these herbs do exactly?" Ned ask

"Clean me inside out to bring out my potential and in the process make it easier for me to train my body." I say and mother gets angry.

"Why would you put yourself through so much pain just to train?" Ned asks with a frown.

"The alternative is what? staying weak forever and put my safety in the hands of who exactly?"

"You don't trust your parents to protect you?"

"Father please be reasonable in your questions. You love me and the rest of the family members but you can't be in all places at once, the best thing you can do for me to be assured of my safety is if I'm powerful enough to protect myself." I say and he keeps quiet but mother is not having it.

"You will not do this again do you understand me?" I laugh.

"In which world do you live in? do you honestly think your love and affection can protect your children? This is a very bad world, women suffer even more than men which means they should be trying twice as much to be strong." I say and she closes her eyes in pain.

"A princes in a royal castle was brutalized before finally being granted death, she was a daughter of a kingdom that prides themselves in strong women as much as men, she was married to a prince of seven kingdoms.

I am just a daughter of a high ranking lord who happens to be friends with a terrible king, I'm sure many people hate father for his part in the war that ended a dynasty. Look at me in the eyes and tell me if you really think we are safe." I tell mother while father comes to me with narrowed eyes.

"What do you know?" Ned asks with a stern expression.

"They are coming back. But they are not whom I'm worried and arming myself against. It is your so called allies who will come for us as soon as your friend dies."

"Speak clearly!" He shouts.

"If you start a war and want to go against someone you should make sure they are gone forever or your children and their children will pay for your decisions." Mother slaps me, I turn my head in her direction.

"You do that a lot. Are you finding that you enjoy physically abusing children?" I tilt my head.

"Stop messing around and tell us why are you suddenly feeling like danger is approaching." Ned is clear headed.

"All I know is that I am a Stark girl, which comes with a lot of responsibility not to mention my d

siblings and I will inherit all you friends and foes alike. But most importantly the words of our house are finally coming true." Ned pales at the news. We both say it.

"Winter is coming." we say together.

"This time, the dead are coming with it." I say and I sleep making it clear I want to be left alone. They both leave me alone. After they leave I get out of bed and do the fist technique to get a feel of my current body state. I find that my body is a lot lighter and flexible than before, this is evident as I perform the fist technique that I once taught to Damon.

Minutes turn to hours but I do not get tired instead my body gets easier to maneuver. My fist has no true essence but the technique can help me get around powerful opponents. Before long it is time for lunch but I have mine in my bedroom under the guise of recovery. I continue with my practice and when it is time for a bath I chase away the maids and make another dose of medical paste and then had a medical bath.

This time the pain was not so out of control to the point of making my delirious and hugging my new mother to sleep. The bath still takes just as long though so by the time I'm done the water is cold and full of black substance. "Any word to my mother about my bath and I'll make you age 30 years with medical hers do we understand each other?"

They both nod in fear, after getting warm from just eating a leaf of an unsuspecting plant from me they'll believe anything I say. When the room doesn't have too much smell from the medicinal bath I get into my clothes only to find out I have grown a few inches taller along with my hair that was previously at shoulder length is now reaching my bums. The hair is thick and smooth the kind of smooth that is shiny.

My baby body is even whiter now than Sansa's skin which will be very funny to see her realize. My black hair against my white skin I do hope I don't look like an undead. I laugh because my mouth seems fuller and red. This medical bath is going to be great.

I have included a brief past life events and an explanation which will hopefully allow smooth adaptations into the story.

Schooldeancreators' thoughts