
Reborn : I became the god of my own world

Matthew is fired from his job while he and his 2 friends they are celebrating John's engagement. When he gets call from his boss he almost gots a nervous breakdown, after he got fired from job, he was looking through his phone and found an application that he didn't remember having before. After using it, he was transported to the void, which turns out to be his new world, which he will create from scratch. Playing God, he creates his own world with his own religion and when he comes into the world he behaves like a psychopath, pretending to be one of the inhabitants of his own world. a lot of profanity and inappropriate scene descriptions. (still being written)/(Daily updates, if not sick)

xMimik · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter 3: The Awakening of Life

The task window hovered in front of me, illuminating the dark void with its soft glow.

"New Task: Introduce the first sentient beings to Eryndor."

I stared at it, my mind buzzing with possibilities. It was time to breathe life into my creation. Taking a deep breath, I opened the world creation menu again, ready to bring the first inhabitants to Eryndor.

I decided to start with humans. They were the most familiar to me, and I had already detailed their traits. With a few taps on the floating interface, I began the process of creating the first humans. I designated a lush valley near a river as their starting point, ensuring they had access to water, fertile land, and abundant resources.

"Generate First Humans," I commanded.

A progress bar appeared, filling up quickly. Within moments, a group of humans materialized in the valley. Men, women, and children blinked into existence, looking around in confusion and awe. They started exploring their surroundings, their expressions ranging from wonder to cautious curiosity.

As I observed them, a new window popped up:

"Task Complete: Introduce the first sentient beings to Eryndor. +10 points."

Great, now I had 20 points. Not enough to speed up the entire process, but a decent start. I decided to create the other races as well. With similar commands, I brought Elves, Dwarves, and a few Half-Humans into existence, each in their designated habitats. The Elves found themselves in a dense, enchanted forest, the Dwarves in mountainous regions rich with minerals, and the Half-Humans in a shadowy, mystical swamp.

Watching these new beings interact with their environment was fascinating. The Elves immediately started to explore the magical properties of their forest, the Dwarves began mining and constructing intricate stone dwellings, and the Half-Humans adapted to the eerie swamp, their eyes glowing faintly in the dim light.

A few days passed as I monitored their progress. Life was thriving, and the world of Eryndor was coming to life. It was time to introduce some challenges and see how these races would cope. I accessed the event menu and selected a few minor natural disasters—nothing too catastrophic, just enough to test their resilience and ingenuity.

First, I sent a heavy rainstorm to the human valley. The humans scrambled to find shelter, using large leaves and branches to create temporary shelters. They worked together, showing a remarkable sense of community and cooperation.

Next, I caused a minor earthquake in the Dwarven mountains. The ground shook, and rocks tumbled, but the Dwarves quickly reinforced their structures, showing their skill in engineering and resilience.

Lastly, I created a magical disturbance in the Elven forest. Strange creatures emerged from the shadows, challenging the Elves. They responded by forming hunting parties, using their superior agility and magic to fend off the creatures.

Each race adapted to their challenges in unique ways, and it was exhilarating to see them grow and evolve. I could feel a sense of pride swelling within me. This world, these beings, they were my creation.

One evening, as I watched the sunset over Eryndor, a new notification appeared:

"New Task: Establish communication with your world. Guide your followers."

This was unexpected. Establishing communication meant I would directly interact with them. I pondered the best way to do this. Should I appear as a mysterious figure? A divine voice? Or perhaps a more subtle approach, influencing their dreams and thoughts?

I decided on a balanced approach. I would appear to them as a celestial entity, a figure bathed in light, visiting them in their dreams and during moments of need. This way, I could guide them without overwhelming their free will.

With a focused thought, I projected myself into the dreams of a human elder. The dreamscape formed around me—a serene meadow under a starlit sky. The elder, a wise woman with silver hair, looked at me with wide eyes.

"Who are you?" she asked, her voice trembling with awe.

"I am your creator, the one who brought you into existence," I replied, my voice echoing with a gentle authority. "I am here to guide you, to help you grow and thrive in this world."

The elder knelt before me, her eyes filled with reverence. "What do you wish of us, great one?"

"Live well, treat each other with kindness, and strive for harmony with the world around you. I will be watching, and I will come to you in times of need."

She nodded, absorbing my words. "We will do as you say."

Satisfied, I left her dream and repeated the process with representatives of the other races. Each encounter was unique, tailored to their cultures and personalities. By the time I was done, I felt a deeper connection to my world and its inhabitants.

Returning to the void, I watched over Eryndor with a sense of fulfillment. Life was blossoming, and my creations were thriving. There was still much to do, many more challenges to introduce, and countless stories to unfold.

For now, though, I was content. Eryndor was off to a good start, and I was eager to see where this journey would take us all.