
Reborn : I became the god of my own world

Matthew is fired from his job while he and his 2 friends they are celebrating John's engagement. When he gets call from his boss he almost gots a nervous breakdown, after he got fired from job, he was looking through his phone and found an application that he didn't remember having before. After using it, he was transported to the void, which turns out to be his new world, which he will create from scratch. Playing God, he creates his own world with his own religion and when he comes into the world he behaves like a psychopath, pretending to be one of the inhabitants of his own world. a lot of profanity and inappropriate scene descriptions. (still being written)/(Daily updates, if not sick)

xMimik · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter 2 The first day of creation

[From the second chapter it changes to a first-person story]

'What am I doing here?'

'Where the fuck am I?'

'What is this place?'

These were my first thoughts since I woke up in some black void. Still thinking about it, I was slowly losing my mind, but when I was about to go crazy, a game-like UI window popped up in front of me, and a voice, sounding like it came from a computer synthesizer, started to talk.

"Welcome to <New World Creator>. I am your guide system to <New World Creator>, and I will be helping you in creating your own world as a god."

What the fuck happened here, I thought, looking around, seeing nothing but darkness and this pop-up window.

"Why was I transferred here?" I asked, flustered and a little irritated.

"You were brought here because you were chosen as the perfect candidate to be the new god of this world. The previous world was completely erased along with the previous god, so you can start creating a new world from scratch," the voice of the system explained.

"And how did it happen that you had to erase the previous world and god?" I asked.

"It was erased because the previous god did not take care of it. After the downfall, there was complete anarchy, which meant the world was in ruins and had to be annihilated," the system replied.

"So if I also screw up my job, you will remove me in some way, or maybe give me a second chance?" I asked, slightly terrified about my future.

"Since you have just become a god, you will have two additional chances as a trial. If you do your job well on the first try, you will get bonus points."

"So if I succeed the first time, I will get some points. What can I do with them?"

"Points are earned from followers in the created world and by completing tasks from the system. The second method is more effective and gives you more points. Points can be spent on the development of the world and on upgrading your powers as a god."

"Okay, can I start now?" I asked.

"Of course, remember to take good care of your world. Even though you have become a god, you still have many limitations."

"Uh... So can you tell me how to start it?"

"Sure. Please fill out these headings:

[Create a name for your world]

[Give the world's structure conditions]

[Give the basic rules of the world]

[Provide details of the world's life]




"Damn, there's an awful lot of it. Do I need to fill everything out?"

"Yes, you must complete everything to ensure appropriate conditions for life."

"Eh... Does it have to be so difficult?"




"Data entered:

[World's name: Eryndor]

[A world filled with land and water, covered with green life, with many living things]

[A world with magic, many humanoid races (created in the image of a god), magical beasts, medieval technology (Earth's Europe history based), mana covering the world]

[World's races:

Elves: A long-lived breed with characteristic long ears that enhance hearing and farsighted eyes

Humans: A simple breed with an average lifespan. At birth, a newborn human receives a divine endowment granting skills along with magical confirmation.

Dwarves: A long-lived breed, living mainly in the mountains, short stature, gene for rapid growth of muscle mass

Half-Humans: A short-lived breed created by exposing a human to the miasma of a powerful magical beast for a long time. They often lose their skills and connections with magic when mutating.

Magic Beasts: Etc.




"I think that's enough for now, but I mostly copied and pasted it from my knowledge gained from anime and manga."

"Thank you for providing your details. Generating the world based on your input:

Generating 1%

Generating 6%

Generating 18%

Generating 30%

Generating 58%

Generating 82%

Generating 99%

The generation process is complete. Enjoy your new world."

Suddenly, a miniature planet, consistent with my description, appeared in the distance. It radiated an increasingly blue glow around itself. When it was big enough, it stopped growing and slowly moved in circles around me.

"Why does this revolve around me?" I asked the system.

"This happens because you are the center of this world," the system responded.

"So you're done creating this whole world?"

"It is not yet complete. It is still in the stage of creating life and managing space."

"So now I just have to wait until these processes are finished, and then what? Will I be able to go down into the world and live among them?" I asked, a little bored with the current situation.

"You can speed up the process by using points or rewind the time of the world at God's will."

"How many points would it cost and how many do I have?"

"It will cost approximately 50 points, and you have only 10 points."

"So I can only speed up time?"


After this exchange, I decided to take a look around the world I had just created. As I observed, I noticed the continents forming, rivers carving their paths, and forests sprouting. It was fascinating, almost mesmerizing, to watch life slowly taking shape. The initial boredom began to fade as I started to think about the potential stories and adventures that could unfold in this world.

Days went by as I monitored the development of Eryndor. It was both exhausting and exhilarating. I began to understand the responsibilities that came with being a god. Each decision I made had a profound impact on the world below. I had to be careful, thoughtful, and strategic.

One day, as I was engrossed in my world-building, a new window popped up, notifying me of my first task.

"New Task: Introduce the first sentient beings to Eryndor."

I took a deep breath, ready to take the next step in my divine journey. It was time to bring life to my world and see how it would unfold.

And so, the adventure began.

I'm sorry for my updates, but I was thinking about abandoning the new series, but if someone wants it to be continued write in a comment what you think

xMimikcreators' thoughts