
reborn as the perfect original, with some tricks

warning 2-7 my mc stays out of the way for the most part and changes small things 8 on is when there will be bigger changes. Chapter 13 is the start of marvel I've never written anything before, so it'd be nice to have some slack. —————————— I had a strange dream that I died and got reborn in a mixture of The Originals and Marvel as an original. I thought that it would be an interesting topic to run with. Ethan was just your average person, He had a trucking job and when he drove, he loved listening to fanfictions. mainly about The Originals and the MCU. He always wished he had powers and was in these worlds but don't we all, but it's all in our head, that was until God made a mistake and threw a bolt of lightning on him. ————————— This will be a mixture of two different worlds, but it won't follow the story completely unlike the show it will follow the story's rules like it should, until I add my own twist and rules. "Like the older the vampire the stronger they are, not until the plot needs it to change." all credit goes to the writers of The Originals and the MCU. I only own my thoughts and character. I didn't make the cover picture and if the owner wishes for it to be change plz contact me and we can talk.

Busy_Driver · ภาพยนตร์
41 Chs

My short fight with the Abomination

After the whole mess at the expo me and Tony had a blast with the media, luckily we calmed them down.

Luckily the military also got off both our asses, Tony because he let them keep the suit as long as Rhodes was the only one who piloted it.

After a couple of weeks when everything was cleaned up and settled with the media it was decided that the expo wouldn't go on for a year.

On a very boring day when I wanted something to do my savior came to me. "Sir; there's a problem in the streets of Harlem."

Yes, something fun, "let me guess it's the hulk and abomination?"

"Currently the hulk hasn't made an appearance."

"Fine with me."

I ran outside used magic to put my suit on and flew towards Harlem.

I got there just in time to see Bruce fall out of a helicopter towards the ground.

I looked slightly in front of were he landed and decided I didn't need the hulk, I want the fun to myself.

I flew down to where Bruce landed and put a sleep spell on him.

I looked up and towards the Abomination and yelled. "HEY, BIG GREEN AND UGLY, HOW ABOUT YOU TRY ME."

He just grinned and started to run in my direction, and I did the same.

We got pretty close when he jumped to me so I flew up to meet his height.

We both threw a punch and the shockwave shattered all the windows around us.

He used his other hand to grab me and throw me threw a bus.

I tried to fly to stop the momentum but that didn't work so I put a shield close to my body so no one could tell.

When I finally stopped and got back up, I levitated off the ground a little as he stepped over the bus.

"That wasn't fun, but now it's my turn."

He laughed, "come on!"

He ran at me again but I didn't move, he tried to punch me in my face, I lowered and went under his arm and punched him in the back of his head then the side of his face.

He staggered a little then tried again but this time I punched him to the ground then I started to repeatedly punch him in his chest and every hit sent out shock waves and sent him further into the ground.

After a few more I thought I knocked him out because he wasn't even trying to move.

But that was my tiny mistake, he moved when I was looking to see if the military was coming to take him.

All I knew was one moment I was above the abomination then the next I was once again soaring through the air to fast and hard for my suit to stop the momentum.

This time it happened so suddenly that I was stupidly not paying attention that I didn't put up a shield so my body didn't break.

When I landed every bone in my body broke, it didn't feel to well.

After a moment when my legs were back to normal I stood up and scratched my head, "I really need to learn how to fight people my strength, and make my suit stronger."

A huge crash broke me out of my thoughts.


"To your left a few buildings in an opening."

I sped in that direction to see that the hulk somehow woke up and is now fighting the abomination.

I looked away from the fight when I seen fire quickly making its way towards the downed helicopter, and a general and who I'm guessing is Betty Ross (Bruce's lover,) seeing hulk is handling everything I run and get both of them out the helicopter and away from the scene.

When I run back hulk had defeated the abomination and was roaring into the sky.

He looked at me like he was ready to fight.

I smiled, "you don't want to mess with me big green."

He didn't say anything he just turned and jumped away.

I waved in the direction he jumped, "see you soon jolly green."

After talking with the military then the media, I found out that I really don't like General Ross for more then creating the hulk he's just an all around ass.

I went to Fury's office straight from the fight still in my suit and all, sue me I felt like flying.

"I have a problem that your going to get rid of for me."

"Well hello there, come right in."

"Thank you I did, General Ross I want him gone you have more then enough from the mess he just caused.

I'm coming to you because I can't myself through shield, I'm not technically here anymore.

If you don't I'll use other methods but your the easiest route."

"He's to voluble to just throw away how about we just put him on probation."

"Didn't I make myself clear, he, needs, to, go, it's pretty simple."

"We'll I'm sorry this is one request I can't do for you."

"I don't believe you but I don't care at the moment I'll just use the other way.

Don't do this to much you'll lose my trust and I won't solve problems for you anymore."

Then I left, I wasn't in the mood of what do I get or the he's just fine it was one time argument he tries to pull sometimes.

I just called my strix and gave an order to have the members in the government to dishonorably discharge him.

As I take off I think, yay, cap should be found soon.