
Reborn as ssj4 gogeta

Random teen gets shot shortly after leaving his house and dies. he spends an unknown amount of time floating in a place he just calls the void, only for a R.O.B to show up and give him a chance at reincarnation, he gets five wishes and gets to choose where to go. our mc chooses to become a saiyan and embark on a new journey in his new life.

Elite41 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
23 Chs

chapter 6 going around the city

Upload times will be a little wonky since work is leaving me with little free time.










[ kaleth P.O.V ]

'It's been three months and kakarot was born, like raditz he was born rather strong. That was another thing that had changed, compared to being born with a power level of 2 he now was born with a power level of 8,000'

'My only guess as for why this happened is because of my wishes having some sort of lingering effect on her body. First caylin then raditz and now kakarot.'

'The one to benefit the most was caylin since we were in the womb together. I doubt she would have been born as powerful as she was otherwise.'

'Poor raditz the only "weak" one according to caylin, however with training he would have been able to get stronger but he avoids us and only sticks with our father, I've even offered to train him but he just rejected me'

'Whatever his loss, In this time I've already taught caylin how to control her oozaru perfectly now all that's left is for her to get the wrathful form'

'As for the super saiyan forms, that'll be for later, I want her to raise her base form as much a possible for now. In the future I'll also help kakarot'

"Caylin what are your thoughts on your training, do you feel any closer on obtaining the ikari form." I said wanting to know how close she was to achieving it

'She was able to master the oozaru after some difficulty in the chamber but it seems she has more trouble with the wrathful form'

"Yea I'm getting the hang of it, I think I'll get it soon I can feel it." said caylin happy about being close to achieving it

"Alright well any way for now lets take a break, training to much will get boring let's go have some fun." I said mainly because I want to explore the city that's near by

"Ok but what is there even to do in this planet." said caylin not very interested

"We'll that's the point we'll find out when we're looking around." i said

'Wait we don't have any money for anything and I'd rather not deal with the police over something so insignificant'

'Haaa I'll just use the dragon balls again, I've only used them once so far. And that was for the kai kai, the ability to injure my self for zenkais, and ahem food.'

'Rise shenron' I said feeling a little dumb since nothing happens when I call for shenron,I just hear his voice in my head and ask for what I want.

{ you have three wishes state them now }

'I want two rings that can store anything, for the second wish I want and unlimited amount of money, and last I want some clothes that fit this planets style for me and my sister'

{ Granted }


"Alright caylin catch." I said throwing her the ring

"Huh what's this." said caylin confused as to why I gave her a ring

"That's a ring, it has money and some clothes that fit this planets style so that we don't stand out." I said trying to explain why I gave her a ring

"Thanks kaleth, let's get changed and go have some fun." said caylin

'I wonder what entertainment there is hopefully it isn't bad'

"Alright I'm ready now what about you caylin." I said

"Yea let's go I want to see what the people of this planet do." she said starting to gain some interest

"Let's go there's a city over in that direction, we'll explore and also get some food I'm getting hungry." I said while starting to fly in the direction of the city

"Yeah me to we haven't eaten this planets food yet, do you think it'll taste good." said caylin finally excited at the mention of food

"Well we'll find out soon we're about to get to the city look." I said while pointing at the city in front of us

"They're looking at you funny brother, it seems they haven't seen someone like you." caylin said while starting to get upset and the people staring at me

"Yeah it's alright, I kinda forgot I don't look all that normal, but I don't care as long as they don't bother me, so ignore them." I said trying to get her attention away from them

"Let's see, now that we're here let's look for what we can do for fun." I said while looking around

"Hey what's that over there, it looks like a lot of people are going over there." caylin said after seeing a bunch of people gather at an arena

'Hmm that's, oh that's a martial arts tournament'

"I don't know let's check it out maybe it'll be fun." I said while walking towards the place

"Ok" said caylin

"Hello there little ones, would you like to buy tickets to watch the martial arts tournament." said the lady selling the tickets

"Yes" I said after having asked for two tickets

(A/n I won't even try to specify the cost of things he just bought it)

"Ok here you go, have fun." said the lady handing us the tickets

"Let's go caylin let's see how good these humans can fight." I said curious as to how good the humans are at martial arts

"I doubt they'll be any good with how pathetically weak they are." said caylin doubtful they'd be any good

'Damn she seriously dislikes anyone and everyone who's weak'

"Well obviously they are weak however they might just have some interesting techniques." I said not every convinced myself

'Welp that sucked, it felt like I was just watching a bunch of mr. satans'

"I thought you said they might have some interesting techniques brother." said caylin upset at having to waste time watching the tournament

"Haha well I did say they might have some not that they did. That was a disappointment honestly." I said having agreed with what she said

"Well what now that was boring, I hope there's something better than that." said caylin wondering if there was anything actually interesting

"Well let's go over there look, it looks like they are selling some food." I said pointing at the restaurant

"Let's go hurry I'm hungry especially now after wasting our time watching that pathetic show." said caylin eager to try this planets food

'It looks like a burger joint, I haven't had one in a while I can't wait'

"These are burgers let's get some they smell good don't they sis." I said also eager to eat now

"Yup I want five they smell amazing let's hurry." she said practically drooling

"Alright wait here I'll go get some." I said while walking to the counter

{ At the counter }

"Hello mister can I get 10 burgers and fries with two drinks." I said to the man standing at the counter

"That's a lot of food kid are you sure you want that much." said the man unsure about the order I made

"Yes I do." I said not wanting to explain further

"Ok we'll take them to you once they are ready." said the man just accepting the order

"Where is the food brother." asked caylin wanting to eat

"They are making them so we have to wait, once they're done they'll bring them to us alright." I said while sitting down next to her

"Alright I can't wait." she said wondering how they'd taste

{ few minutes later }

"Here's the food." said the person handing us the food

"Thanks" I said

"Alright let's eat sister these burgers look delicious." I said drooling since they smell amazing

"I know I can't wait, no more talking let's eat." caylin said starting to stuff her face

A few minutes later

"Ahhh that was good." I said satisfied

"Yea better than the food we ate back on planet vegeta." said caylin also satisfied with the food

"Let's go we have to see what else we can do." I said after a while

"Alright brother but hopefully it's actually fun this time." she said not every convinced

'Hmm I want to see what movies they have here'

"Let's go watch a movie hopefully it'll be good." I said wondering if they had any movies from my last life

"Alright but what's a movie." she asked confused

"It's a bunch of pictures on a screen you'll see when we get there." I said trying to explain in a simple way

"Alright then let's go it sounds interesting." she said a little interested

"Come on we're almost there huh??." I said surprised after having seen someone

"What happened brother." asked caylin seeing me surprised at something

'Isn't that the briefs family, wait what city are we in, I wasn't expecting to see them. Well it doesn't matter there's no reason for us to talk with each other right now'

"Nothings wrong sister just thought I saw something let's go, we should pick what to watch." I said walking closer to the theater

"Ok let's hurry then." she said while rushing ahead