
Reborn as ssj4 gogeta

Random teen gets shot shortly after leaving his house and dies. he spends an unknown amount of time floating in a place he just calls the void, only for a R.O.B to show up and give him a chance at reincarnation, he gets five wishes and gets to choose where to go. our mc chooses to become a saiyan and embark on a new journey in his new life.

Elite41 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
23 Chs

chapter 22 arriving at planet m-2

[ Kaleth P.O.V ]

Its the following day since the entire thing with the big gete star and turles happened. I wasn't expecting raditz to have encountered turles and then betray him. We got some nice gains from having run into turles.

Having the big gete star in our hands would help with making better technology. Bulma will be able to make more advanced tech, if she was able to make what she did in the original with primarily only earth technology, I could only imagine what she could make now.

Aside from that, I'm curious as to why raditz is so eager to grow stronger. I hope he doesn't try anything against me.

'I'll leave him alone to do what he pleases as long as he doesn't involve me in his mess.' I thought to myself.

'I should bring some breakfast for bulma.' I thought as I got up from bed and covered her up.

As I left the room I went straight to the kitchen where I found caylin eating. Seeing her there I go up to her and give her a hug and kiss.

After a moment I let go of her and grabbed some food. As I was about to go back caylin stopped me.

"Whats wrong." I asked

"You owe me for last night." Said caylin with a smile.

'I figured it was her meddling that pushed bulma.' I thought

"I'll make it up to you alright." I said and gave her a kiss.

With that done I left back to the room, arriving there I saw bulma awake getting dressed.

"Good morning bulma. I brought you some food." I said while handing her the food.

"Thank you. I was just about to go get some." She said while taking the food and giving me a kiss.

We ate together enjoying our time. Later when we were done, she left to continue her research, while I went to check the time of arrival.

Arriving at the control room, I saw that it would take about a few hours. Seeing this I went to the training room to meditate and work on my ki till we arrived at the planet.

Finally after 3 hours we arrived at the planet. I went to straight to the pilot seat and started the landing procedure. Landing we got ready to either be welcomed or surrounded and attacked.

'This planet looks that one place where there are nothing but machines.' I thought walking out of the ship.

'If I wasn't convinced that gt was a part of this universe then now I am. Yet it seems like a mix of the movies and gt.' I thought

"This place looks so advanced." Said bulma excited.

"Caylin get ready it seems they are going to surround us. If they attack then kill them." I said immediately putting a barrier around bulma.

"Do you have to kill them." Asked bulma.

"Yes I do, only if they attack though." I said.

"What are you doing here and what do you want." Asked a blue skinned man.

"We're here just to explore and learn of your technology." I said

"What makes you think we'd allow an inferior race like you to look at our magnificent technology." Said the blue man with a smug smile.

'So they're that kind of race huh. They essentially think themselves gods. Above everything and everyone just because they are one of the most advanced people.' I thought while deciding if I should just kill them and get this farce over with.

"We just want to explore the planet and look at the technology. We do not want to resort to violence. Attack us and I will wipe out your whole race." I said

"Haha as if you could do anything. We have you surrounded, with our weapons you stand no chance." Said the same blue man.

"This is the last time I'll warn you. Put the weapons away and leave us be." I said while turning to look at bulma.

"You might want to close your eyes. It seems they are not going to back down." I said to bulma.

"Can't we just leave. We don't have to kill them. We can visit other planets instead please." Said bulma not wanting to see me kill off an entire planet.

"Haaa fine, we'll leave alright." I said to bulma before looking back at the blue man.

"We'll leave your planet. Like I said we don't want to resort to violence, so put the weapons away and we'll leave right away." I said

"Very well, we'll put them away now leave." Said the blue man while signaling the rest to put the weapons away.

'Fool like hell we'd let you leave. Once you're on your ship we'll just shoot you down.' Thought the blue man.

Seeing that they put the weapons away we started walking back to the ship to leave the planet. Though it's a bit disappointing not to be able to see their technology and take some, the big gete star is more than enough.

"Kaleth are we seriously going to let those weaklings threaten us like that." Said caylin upset that we're retreating.

"Leave it be caylin I don't want bulma to have witness something she won't like. Besides if they try anything we'll kill them all." I said

"Fine." Said caylin still unhappy.

"Thank you." Said bulma.

"Don't thank me yet. Until we leave this planet there's still the chance they'll try to attack us." I said not convinced that they wouldn't attack.

With that said we got on the ship and began to leave the planets atmosphere. As we were leaving we began to get attacked.

'Seriously these guys just want to die.' I thought as I stood up to go.

"Alright caylin looks like we're going to get to have some fun after all." I said looking at her with smile.

"Let's hurry. I want to kill those pathetic fools who thought themselves above us." She said with a bloodthirsty smile.

"We'll be back in no time bulma you'll be safe on the ship." I said before grabbing caylin and teleporting back to the blue man.

"Don't blame me for what's about to happen next." I said as I formed a ki blade.

After having said that caylin and I began to slaughter everyone who attacked us. That's when I noticed caylin ignore a mother and her child. Seeing that I was confused as she didn't care who she killed before.

"Caylin why did you let that mother and child live." I asked curious.

"I just didn't want to kill them." She said not fully answering my question.

'Huh well I guess I'll do the same.' I thought

With that out of the way we continued to kill everyone besides mothers and their children. Some time later we were done. Those who were left alive looked at us with nothing but pure hatred and fear.

'Well don't blame me. Blame the guy who thought him self god and provoked us.' I thought while looking at the stares I received.

"Alright we're don't getting rid of these weaklings." Said caylin.

"Alright let me get rid of the bodies so bulma doesn't have to see them." I said while firing ki blasts at the bodies and turning them to ash.

Having done that I went back to the ship to get bulma and bring her back. With her back we began to look around the different places that piqued her interest.

Looking at the level of technology this planet had a thought came to mind. What kind of androids could we make with the big gete star and the tech of this planet.

With that in mind I looked at bulma and ask.

"Hey bulma, if we made androids with the tech we currently have at our disposal, how powerful do you think we could make them."

"Hmm well I'd need to study the technology from the star and this place to give you a concrete answer." She said

"Why, are you planing on making some." She asked curious.

"Couldn't we have them made into powerful sparring partners." Added caylin.

"I was thinking of maybe making them in the future just out of curiosity." I said

"Anyway I have another thing to ask you both." I said getting their full attention.

"What is it." They said at the same time.

"What do you think of taking this planet as ours. That way no one else will get access to this level of tech and who ever tries to invade this planet will die." I said

'Also with the possibility of doctor myuu being out there I'd rather not let that lunatic get his hands on this tech.' I thought

"Let's do it. We'd be king and queens of this planet." Said caylin immediately liking the idea of becoming a queen.

'Since when did she start wanting to be a queen.' I thought confused yet amused at the idea.

"I agree as well this level of technology would be dangerous if someone else got their hands on it." Said bulma

"Alright then it's settled we'll take this planet as ours and become its rulers." I said

"First and foremost what should we name our new planet." I asked them both

"I don't know." They said in unison.

"Well we have time to think of a name." I said