
Reborn as Sasuke Uchiha: The Fallen Uchiha

Hi! This fic is about a guy who gets reincarnated as Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto with four wishes. I am a new writer, so please cooperate if my grammar is wrong or if the story is not good. Feel free to give suggestions. New chapters coming soon. I do not own Naruto or any characters. (Except Sasuke's Life)

Trevil_Lock · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs

Another timeskip!

Out of the remaining 4 years, eighteen long months dissolved into the past. My mastery of Lightning Style blossomed, steadily approaching the pinnacle where I could harness lightning itself – a feat that would unlock the devastating Kirin jutsu. I can confidently say that in few more months I will tame lightning and can launch Kirin. Overall, it will took 2 years of non-stop training to master it. In this time frame, except for basic I didn't practice anything else. Now, why so slow progress? Because I want to avoid the very real risk of self-inflicted cardiac arrest from misdirected lightning coursing through my own body. So I practice at a slow pace. But I did used shadow clones. However, a curious anomaly emerged. Despite lacking proficiency in the base jutsu, Chidori, I found myself wielding its advanced derivatives with surprising ease. Techniques like Chidori Stream, Chidori Spear, Chidori Split, and Chidori Senbon flowed through me with practiced fluidity. Upon closer examination, it became apparent that these techniques relied more heavily on refined chakra shape transformation rather than a base understanding of Chidori itself. The intricate manipulation of my chakra to achieve the desired shapes and properties was the key, not necessarily the specific flow of the Chidori technique.

Two birthdays arrived and departed in a whirlwind of activity, marked by the now-familiar extravagant celebrations meticulously orchestrated by the ever-unpredictable cats. This time, however, I intervened, putting a firm, albeit polite, stop to their shapeshifting theatrics of changing into women and fooling the poor villagers. The experience of my first birthday celebration had been… overwhelming, to say the least. The first two time goes same as people has to pay for their lost items to be found. But the third time they were careful and it resulted in a decrease of the lost items.

Four days had passed since the whirlwind of my birthday celebration, and the Uchiha compound gleamed after a thorough cleaning. It was a sweltering Sunday, and I sought refuge in my room, a cool beverage in hand. Under the soothing embrace of a genjutsu, my surroundings transformed into a haven of air-conditioned comfort.Rest, however, proved elusive. My mind wandered, revisiting the vast library of anime I held within. A nostalgic trip down memory lane led me from Naruto to Boruto, its characters and storylines flitting through my thoughts. One question snagged on my curiosity – the newly released game, "NarutoXBoruto Connections." Did it offer a glimpse into canon Boruto lore? Could it be possible that an Uchiha, unknown to the world, remained sealed away? Was Nanashi, this enigmatic figure, real? If yes then...

Now I don't know where the thought came from but...


Gathering every historical record and document within my house, I ventured towards Naka Shrine, its hallowed halls housing additional scrolls of significance.

So with that, I started reading each and every document with my Sharingan and my Clones.

I took one month leave from the academy AND training. I pushed myself to my limits. Shadow clones multiplied, their Sharingan blazing as they devoured the documents alongside me. Sleep was sacrificed, my mental capacity strained to its breaking point. The throbbing ache in my head threatened to engulf me, but a genjutsu-induced veil of numbness on myself kept me going.

After 24 days days I got what I needed.

The pros of doing that was that now I have the knowledge of every document which I supposed to have as a Clan Head. And I got to know that Nanashi is real.

Now the cons were, I don't know anything about her whereabouts. The Senjus and Sarutobi were the ones who sealed her, so know I need assess to their history record to find her location. And... I NEED SLEEP!

The well-deserved rest rejuvenated me. On the twenty-seventh day of my leave, I tackled the next phase of my plan. Acquiring Senju and Sarutobi clan documents was paramount. A day of meticulous planning yielded a strategic approach. After getting her location, rushing there held no merit. I needed to solidify my position within the village. Power, not just Itachi's lingering protection, was crucial. Itachi's protection can only save me, not her. Only by becoming a Council member and a respected Clan Head in the eyes of the village could I effectively advocate for her. Bringing her back prematurely would only risk her recapture. Graduation from the academy marked the turning point – then I would have the necessary influence. So I will bring her once I graduate. And now to find her location, out of two clans, the Senju clan seemed the more approachable target. I required Tsunade's permission to access their historical records. The cats, my ever-resourceful companions, received their next mission: locate Tsunade and return with a signed document granting me access. Persuasion was key. I devised an offer – to settle her current debts and even act as a safety net for future gambling escapades. In exchange, I requested access to specific historical documents. The cats were to emphasize that my quest wasn't on the village's behalf. I sought Senju's assistance as an Uchiha, appealing to the long-standing friendship between the clans predating Konohagakure's founding. I stressed my status as the last Uchiha, seeking aid from the last Senju. With a firm instruction to secure an answer and begin their investigation at the gambling den – a familiar haunt for Tsunade – the cats disappeared.

Finding Tsunade wouldn't be an issue – the cats had located her before, on my birthday in fact. Rejection, however, remained a looming concern. Yet, I wouldn't be deterred. If diplomacy failed, I had a backup plan – shadow clones equipped with Sharingan would infiltrate the Senju archives. Should they be discovered, they will dispel themselves.

The month of leave flew by, and I found myself back in the familiar rhythm of training and attending the Academy. And it was between these times that we had to write the name of the person we did choose to spend our last day on earth with. Interestingly, Hinata's choice surprised me. She didn't choose Naruto, she write the names of her father, sister and friend i.e. me. Well, I am her only friend as of now. I, on the other hand, wrote Itachi, Hinata, Shikamaru, Choji and Shino. Itachi is still my big brother, and if it's the last day of my life, I would like if we don't fight. And as for other names, well, I really got attached. Now I really know what it means to love as an uchiha. It has just been 1 month of me being friends with them but I got so attached that it feels like I have known them for a year!

Meanwhile, progress continued on my special custom katana. The necessary materials had been procured. They even started making it but the real challenge lay in inscribing the enchantment seals.

(Done! And those who don't know Nanashi, her picture is in the comment. Have a great Day/Night!)