
Reborn as Sasuke Uchiha: The Fallen Uchiha

Hi! This fic is about a guy who gets reincarnated as Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto with four wishes. I am a new writer, so please cooperate if my grammar is wrong or if the story is not good. Feel free to give suggestions. New chapters coming soon. I do not own Naruto or any characters. (Except Sasuke's Life)

Trevil_Lock · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Timeskip Part- 3!

Half a year has passed, leaving only two years until Naruto and I graduate from the Academy. My first major hurdle – Haku, whom Zabuza considers superior to himself – is looming on the horizon. Orochimaru, the strongest Sannin, also awaits us on the bridge. I have no clear picture of my current skill level, so teamwork for the bell test is no longer the strategy. Instead, I'll face Kakashi in a one-on-one battle to gauge my abilities. The scene after fight will unfold similarly to how it did in canon.

In these past six months, I've achieved complete tamed lightning. Earth Release will be my next target. My Body Flicker Technique training is complete, and with only three tomoe in my Sharingan, further improvements can be made. Speed, however, is other thing. But it isn't a pressing concern. I anticipate significant gains during taijutsu training in my last year. My medical ninjutsu capabilities have also expanded, allowing me to heal exhaustion, minor scratches, and other basic injuries. Additionally, I've honed my sensory skills to become a decent, albeit average, sensor ninja.

My efforts haven't been solely focused on combat training. I discovered a group of half-Uchiha individuals through clan documents. Utilizing records detailing every Uchiha, I identified those who had left the clan or become rogue. The rogue ninja were eliminated, while those who left were civilians who departed for business or marriage. These civilians had their Sharingan sealed to prevent them from falling into enemy hands. Since they weren't shinobi, they lacked self-defense capabilities. The clan, however, didn't bother sealing the Sharingan of their children or grandchildren, as they weren't full-blooded Uchiha.

Armed with this information, I deployed the cats to locate and bring back these potential Uchiha. It took a month, but they were all receptive to the offer. Who wouldn't jump at the chance to transform from a simple citizen into a member of Konoha's most prestigious and powerful clan? Those motivated by financial gain also readily accepted the opportunity. Ultimately, everyone agreed to join. The integration process was lengthy. Extensive meetings, interrogations, and village approvals were required. Three months elapsed before the village officially recognized them as ordinary individuals with half-Uchiha blood. There were a total of twenty Uchiha trainees. They would form my own personal shinobi team, kept hidden from the village. Their training will encompass basic skills and techniques specifically designed to awaken their bloodline. Trainers will lead them to believe they're in life-or-death situations. If that fails, then genjutsu will be used. In the absolute worst-case scenario, a combination of Yamanaka mind techniques, genjutsu, and medical ninjutsu (administered in a controlled, safe manner) will be employed. Only if all other methods are exhausted will I abandon the attempt (temporarily).

During this period, Tsunade also greenlit the search for Senju documents. Researching their historical records for five months, alongside my Academy attendance and personal training, proved fruitful. I've pinpointed several sealed hideout locations. However, verification requires access to the Sarutobi clan's historical archives and I don't have any clue ow to do it. My past visit to the Senju library and subsequent reading of historical data caused quite a stir among the Elders, even with Tsunade's authorization. They barely tolerated my request for permission for all Uchihas just a week later. Given the current workload I've given the Hokage, particularly the paperwork mountain, another request feels futile. In short, I am ruining his official life more than Naruto right now. And he doesn't have an unofficial life. Therefore, I've devised a plan to infiltrate the Sarutobi Library at night and surreptitiously copy the necessary documents. I already know what and where to look. The first time senju and sarutobi worked together to fight the uchihas. And I also know the exact date. Given my already depleted chakra reserves from training, the process will be slow. The clone needs to maintain Sharingan activation, stay alert, keep its sensory abilities active, and hide his chakra, the progress will be very slow. Consequently, some nights prove too demanding for infiltration attempts.

I continue to excel as the top student in the Academy. This time, I've even managed to maintain good marks in social behavior, something the original Sasuke lacked. Naruto, unsurprisingly, has adjusted to my polite and respectful demeanor. He stopped coming to my desk, grabbing my collar and screaming my ears and then I always respond him so kindly and politely that he started that all over again. While he doesn't pick fights anymore, the occasional glare still betrays his competitive spirit. Other than that he has gone to his usual self on speaking about being Hokage and all that. But he is a little late for going to his usual self, 4 years late, now Hinata is not falling for him again with that. Happy marring Sakura Naruto and bye bye Boruto. My Rinnegan is safe now.

During lunch one day, I found myself at the same place as Hinata, Shikamaru, and Choji. Neji, ever the diligent student, approached us, announcing his intention and demanding an immediate rematch before he graduates. With Shikamaru officiating as the referee and Choji and Hinata as our audience, we began. Neji, having mastered the rotation technique, caught me off guard since I was already in range when we started, quickly landed some hits on my chakra points and sealed them. After that he showed a smug smirk and a condescending speech about destiny, laced with a hint of mockery towards Hinata for hanging out with weaklings like us.

Only one way to actually unlock my chakra points. While I hadn't used it before, I knew it would drain a significant amount of chakra. Lowering my head, I activated my Mangekyo Sharingan and the Susanoo – the chakra construct resembling a clock before the ribcage appears. This burst of power was enough to break my sealed points free. Stunned silence followed the explosion of chakra. Others felt fear emanating from the raw power they witnessed. Using my Body Flicker technique, I vanished and reappeared beside Neji. He recovered quickly, striking me with his Byakugan-enhanced attack. But instead of connecting, crows erupted from the impact point, revealing it to be a clever crow clone. Emerging from beneath the ground using Earth Release, I landed a decisive punch, sending him flying. With a kunai at his throat, I secured my victory. And with this I won the same way Naruto would win in future but my way was more eye catching.

Unsurprisingly, the sudden burst of chakra attracted some teachers. Before they arrived, I swiftly wiped the blood from my eyes. Their initial reaction was one of disbelief – two rookies from different years shouldn't be engaged in such a fierce battle. Thankfully, after some scolding, we were dismissed.

While the incident left me with sore eyes and a throbbing body, I didn't experience any changes in my vision. Pain and blood were expected after utilizing such a potent jutsu. However, a new kind of pain manifested – a dull ache in every cell of my body. This, I learned, was the inevitable consequence of forming a Susanoo, a burden I would have to bear every time I employed this powerful technique.

[Done! And forgive me for not uploading for so long. I was just out of it. 1 or 2 more chapter and after that canon is starting. I will upload the next chapter tomorrow. Until then, have a good Day/Night!]