
Reborn as Naruto "Demons that Smile" (Finished)

I would write something here but I don't want spoilers and I can't think of anything good at the moment so just read it Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or anything that is referenced here all that is not mine belongs to the original creators (Warning: Contains swears, dark stuff, blood, etc. if you can handle it proceed to read it)

IIDr_Reworkv2II · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter 2: Devil of the sand

7, AUGUST, AM 05:11


Hiruzen P.O.V

Sigh... oh Minato I'm sorry that I failed you I said in tears as I stared at his portrait. It has been days since the incident when at the day when Naruto was about to become a genin while not fully fledged but one nonetheless, tragedy struck, and at the dawn of morning his apartment was blown to pieces, the fire was everywhere, and worst of all at the aftermath of the attack with Naruto presumed dead with what remains of him being a pile of ashes and a bloodied arm that was all that remains of the blond. A funeral was held where the only people to arrive were me, Iruka, Kakashi, Teuchi and his daughter, Shikamaru, Choji, and the most unlikely visitor being Hinata as it was already bad enough that from his sources was kicked from the main branch of her clan and marked with the cursed seal but as well as the fact that she had a crush on him and now was too late as the day when she had enough courage to tell him what she feels was the day he died a gruesome death. After the funeral, while the near entirety of the village celebrated and drank and cheered me and the ANBU we're at it on finding the culprit much to the council's annoyance saying that he should be glad the "Demon" is gone 5 executions and demotions later and now the council's mouths are zipped shut.

As far as what they can gather, it seemed that not many people liked Naruto becoming a ninja and when one of them heard about him passing whoever they killed him and burned his house down in a seemingly last-ditch effort to prevent the "demon" from getting stronger and unfortunately, it worked and now he is gone the pranks gone, someone visiting him daily gone, his warm smile gone and the chance that the Kyuubi might return one day to finish what it started...Sigh the only good thing out of all this is at least Naruto can live in peace along with his family in the afterlife.


Somewhere else

Protagonist P.O.V

I'm surprised that he did not manage to find the box in the secret compartment I even made sure it survived the blast I mused as I began my long trek to Suna. I planned to go to find all the Jinchuriki in the elemental nations to make sure that Akatsuki does not get their hands on them as well as make sure they are strong enough to resist them so as I walked towards the village now slowly but surely being visible from the distance I decided that I should visit Gaara first as from the month away from the village I managed to replicate my seal all I have to do is apply it to him and Shukaku won't bother him in his sleep and to said seal, I made a few modifications to be sure they can as well awaken their respective devil arms can't wait to see how they look.

Now let's see the stats I said before opening the menu


Naruto S. Uzumaki


Title:Presumed dead (+35% in stealth and speed), Uzumaki descendant (start with larger chakra pool, +5 vitality, Fuinjutsu exp gain increased by 200%, Kyuubi Jinchuriki ( Increased chakra pool, ???), Sparda descendant( doubles all attributes except INT, WIS, and LUK, access to Sparda move list)

HP: 250 (500)

MP:500 (1000)

Chakra: 40000 (80000) [9000000][uncontrolled]








Kurama: 3/5 friend

Iruka Umino: 4/5 loved

Hiruzen Sarutobi: 4/5 loved

Hinata Hyuga: 5/5 Cherished

Mizuki (dead) -10/5 Eternal enemy

Sasuke Uchiha 1/5 Begrudgingly respected

Sakura Haruno -1/5 hated


Oi! state your business already! a voice shouted as I deactivated the menu I saw two suns guards giving strange looks at me hoping they did not notice. Oh sorry just dozed out I have come to claim a bounty on...what was he again... oh Sandman Ruku! (not canon) Sandman Ruku huh? alright, wait here the guard said before going inside the village. Minutes later I was being led by a group of ANBU towards the Kazekage tower and a few minutes later again I was face to face with Rasa the Fourth Kazekage. Greetings uh... no offense but what do I call you? I asked and to this day I still don't know how the naming system works. Just call me Kazekage sama he responded as he put the paperwork aside. So you have his body? he asked and in compliance grabbed a scroll and activated it showing the remains of Sandman Roku. Very good thank you mr... Sparda Ethan Sparda I said, Well Mr. Sparda you will receive your payment in a few days as at the moment we are hard pressured he said pointing to suna's poor economy. Eh, it's nothing Kazekage sama I said with a smile. Thank you unrelated but what happened to your arm? he asked pointing to my cast hiding my bandaged arm Oh, I will have to admit the guy gave me a good fight got a little reckless there and costed me a few wounds but nothing too bad I said it isn't a lie nor the truth as I got hurt when fighting against the sand bastard but luckily I emerged victorious and I don't want him to know about my arm. Oh well see ya later I said before going out of the office deciding to do what I came here for.


Sometime later...

7, AUGUST, PM 04:31

For a guy who spouts about blood and all that bullshit, he is a sneaky guy I mean I HAVE SEARCHED THIS DAMN DESERT FOR HOURS!!! WHERE CAN HE BE!!! I shouted in my head if I were a deranged psycho with a passion for blood where would I- AHHHH!!! Finally, I said as I went to look at the commotion and there I saw him I found the one who I am looking for... Gaara


huh well that's dramatic I mused


Temari P.O.V

After seeing Gaara squishing another person to bits we began to walk home hopefully this would keep Gaara relaxed for a week as long as no one pisses him off everything will be fine... Was fine until someone showed up he looked to be our age he wore interesting clothing but what set him apart was the cast on his right arm being held close to his chest in a sling. Finally, I found... you... three he said seemingly tired Uh who are you? my brother Kankuro asked To answer your question I came for him he said pointing to Gaara we both tensed up as we don't know what Gaara would do to him and it would probably not end well. Get out of my sight Gaara responded before leaving for a guy who has a raccoon inside their soul you don't recognize your kin do you sandbag he said once more with Gaara turning around and facing him making use tense up, even more, your the guy who holds the number one the crazy one the stranger remarked and then sand began to form around him and enveloped the stranger before being lifted and the same compressed and crushed him completely spilling blood everywhere. Kankuro Temari let's go- Slurp! damn, that's a good show! a familiar voice was heard and then we saw the same guy who got crushed drinking some sort of cup much to Gaara's anger and shock trying to crush him with sand coffin once more but suddenly the stranger dropkicked Gaara in the face sending him flying to a wall GAARA! I yelled as I and Kankuro went to him to check him worried about him and at the same time more worried that it might come out of him but the guy beat us to him and appeared right next to him holding a strange gun of sorts come on pal I'm not trying to kill you now stay put the stranger said with Gaara retaliating and sending sand towards him with the stranger jumping back and shooting at him piercing the sand along with the armor breaking it instantly it did not kill him but more than enough to stun him temporarily enough time for the stranger to place a seal in this unprotected stomach Seal he said before the seal glowed blue and Gaara screaming in pain before he passed out we rushed towards him in constant fear making sure he was ok and turned toward the guy that assaulted him YOU IDIOT DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?!!! I screamed as now that Gaara is knocked out Shukaku might be released and the village would be totaled but for some reason, Gaara did not transform he did not transform into Shukaku but that's impossible! unless... Congratulations! your brother's seal is fixed Shukaku won't harm him anytime soon he said oh and one thing tell your pops that the bounty is on the house I have done what I came here for he said before throwing something at me which I caught it and it was a card of sorts Demons... that Smile? I said out loud with Kankuro asking what is. If you ever need me or if he wakes call me and I will be there he said before summoning what looks to be a scythe and doing a X slash of sorts before a portal opened and there he entered and he turned back to us waving before the portal closes leaving us at absolute confusion