
Reborn as Naruto "Demons that Smile" (Finished)

I would write something here but I don't want spoilers and I can't think of anything good at the moment so just read it Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or anything that is referenced here all that is not mine belongs to the original creators (Warning: Contains swears, dark stuff, blood, etc. if you can handle it proceed to read it)

IIDr_Reworkv2II · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 1: Changed

15, FEBRUARY, AM 09:35


"Naruto" P.O.V

13 years ever since I got reincarnated I have begun to go through the plot while training to get stronger while also keeping an eye on the ANBU that Hiruzen sent to keep watch of me and after yesterday's training I looked at my stats.

Naruto S. Uzumaki


Title:Academy student (exp gain doubled until LVL 10), Uzumaki descendant (start with larger chakra pool, +5 vitality, Fuinjutsu exp gain increased by 200%, Kyuubi Jinchuriki ( Increased chakra pool, ???), Sparda descendant( doubles all attributes except INT, WIS, and LUK, access to Sparda move list)

HP: 175 (350)

MP:250 (500)

Chakra: 15000 (30000) [9000000][uncontrolled]

STR:8 (16)


DEX:9 (18)





Kurama: 3/5 friend

Iruka Umino: 4/5 loved

Hiruzen Sarutobi: 4/5 loved

Hinata Hyuga: 5/5 Cherished

Mizuki -5/5 Grudge ball

Sasuke Uchiha 1/5 Begrudgingly respected

Sakura Haruno -1/5 hated

Bonding with Kurama was really... easier than I thought as he already knew of my existence when I got reincarnated and I usually entertain him with stories from my world he seems to like Assassin's Creed most specifically Valhalla but that like was more in the interest of there being more deities besides him much to my annoyance with the bond being more than enough to get my sweet devil arm but I refused the idea for now as it might attract unwanted attention, especially Danzo ESPECIALLY DANZO!!! and speaking of Kurama turns out that him being in my body changed me beside the whiskers my hair was orange and my eyes were that yellow from Kurma sage mode but without the change of pupil guess this is what Duncan meant by changes and now I am in the classroom asleep waiting to go through the canon of canon rite of passage the stupid clone jutsu.


(So Kurama what do you think of the plan?)

{I see it as idiotic and insane but then again your father or Minato did do the impossible before now please tell me again about my legend as it is in your world}

(Oh for the love of-)

NARUTO WAKE UP! luckily Iruka woke me up abruptly from telling the fox for the 55th time using his signature big head jutsu. Sigh Naruto get up and go on the podium Iruka said while massaging his head next to the podium there at the said podium was Mizuki the tiger prick I'm so going to kill him with the fox agreeing.

Alright, Naruto please show me your henge jutsu Iruka said which I complied doing the correct hand signs with me seeing Iruka practically begging to not use the sexy jutsu I complied and transformed there stood a 6.5 tall man with white hair wearing strange blue clothing but what made him stand out was his weapon a long katana with the grip being black and white the handle being gold and a black scabbard covering the rest of the blade there stood the alpha and the omega Vergil Sparda.

Hmm... interesting choice? Iruka said while checking the henge, Huh everything looks up to board better than usual ok naruto next do the substitute jutsu!

Iruka P.O.V

After seeing Naruto pull off a Henge jutsu thank Kami he did not use the sexy jutsu I asked him to do the substitute jutsu but he just suddenly looked around still in the henge saying where am I? much to my and everyone's confusion. COME ON BRAT JUST DO THE DAMN JUTSU!!! my partner yelled before suddenly a door slammed open and there stood... Naruto?!!!. Sorry, Iruka Sensei I used the jutsu, and... uh... who is that? Naruto said I became more confused about if you were there than who is- I got my answer as soon as I saw the man using his thumb to draw the sword before closing and before my eyes, Mizuki's clothes flew away in straps leaving him only with his underwear with the entire class laughing except the Uchiha and a few others did I see Shino snickering? Anyway, after Mizuki hid behind the table the man disappeared as if he wasn't there.

Protagonist P.O.V

Well, that was a good show I said with Iruka just looking at me with disbelief. Naruto who was that? Where were you? Iruka asked Well you see I was working on a jutsu where after using a henge jutsu and the substitute jutsu it switches with the guy who looks the same if they exist if not then it won't work guess I did not see that coming I answered. Just do

the clone technique and get out Iruka said as I did the hand signs and the clone appeared looking deformed and lifeless. Alright Naruto you failed Iruka said before I left looking sad but internally smiling as I left




26, JUNE, PM 05:37

Protagonist P.O.V

Three... Two... One-

hey Naruto! Mizuki shouted as he went towards me no longer in his underwear. If you're here to scold me for embarrassing you in front of the whole class then don't look at me I did not know that would happen... though I wish I did it I said with Mizuki for a second struggling to keep his smiling facade. Hey, it's nothing sorry you failed but there is another way to pass. Really? I said playing along. Well...



26, JUNE, PM 10:43

After grabbing the scroll of seals and going to the meeting place I decided to read the scroll finding the fabled iconic shadow clone jutsu and when I did the hand signs there stood hundreds of clones which I nod to myself before giving them the scroll and telling to write down as much jutsu as possible before Iruka arrives and soon enough he saw me but not before my clones copied the entire scroll and went back to my apartment to hide the copy. NARUTO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! THE ENTIRE VILLAGE WAS LOOKING FOR YOU!!! Iruka shouted, But Iruka Sensei Mizuki said that if I learned one jutsu from the scroll I pass I said playing along once more to the plot. If that's the case then that means- I interrupted him by tackling him to the ground narrowly missing the fuma shuriken hitting the tree instead of our heads. Ah, Naruto how nice of you to be here now give me the scroll Mizuki demanded which I smirked and say the most cursed thing to ever come from my mouth do you know da wae? I said which made Iruka sweatdrop. The what? Mizuki asked in confusion if you do not you know da wae you have to pay with your life! I answered with Mizuki laughing you and what army? he said daring me to get one. COME ON BRADDAZ! I shouted and there multiple armies of shadow clones of me appeared all around Mizuki armed with weapons of any kind. OH SHI-


One brutal beatdown later...

Hiruzen Sarutobi P.O.V

... I need a drink I said with a sigh as after listening to Naruto's story I can't believe that Naruto learned one of the hardest techniques in the shinobi world with ease while I can barely make a few dozen without fainting from chakra exhaustion and what even is Da Wae? Which Naruto responded as if it is a joke before leaving and looking at the giant paperwork that stood before me... sigh...damn you Minato you have to die to escape this enemy haven't you I mused before getting back to work.


The next day

Protagonist P.O.V

{so this is it kid putting on phase two?} The Kyuubi said while I was cauterizing my stump that used to be my arm since I cut it off to sell the fact more than I was dead as well as leaving a batch of ashes I got and pouring it to the ground while cutting the hand that I cut off just to make sure. Yea I know besides I know how to regrow it back I said as I opened a secret compartment with my one good hand revealing a prosthetic made entirely of chakra metal putting it on and channeling Kurama's chakra into the metal arm and an orange light flashed and there what used to be a prosthetic was an orange and black demonic like arm that fused into the skin of my upper limb of the cut off hand as if it was a part of me. {ahhh... much better feels good to feel again even though it's just in one body part} Kurma said. Didn't I allow you to feel, taste, and see within my body? I said is I wrapped the hand in bandages { yes but that was not completely as it feels less than what supposed to be} The fox said as I packed up what's left of what I needed in my scroll and there suited up and there I looked at the mirror and saw me wearing a long dark orange coat (imagine dante's coat but orange,has a patch with a spiral that shows 9 tales in a circle in the right shoulder, and the sleeves being long) with the right sleeve being rolled up to show my bandaged arm, with the left being outfitted with a black fingerless glove,wearing the scroll like a sling, Black long pants with the knees being armored with leather, and black heavy boots I look awesome and using my bandaged arm I summoned my devil arm: a black and orange scythe with a spiral and nine tales pattern circling at the top back of the blade at the handle and at the back is a thick hammer with spikes at the back of the hard metal block( imagine reaper scythe from aut had a orange and black color scheme at the back had the mjolnir without the handle and on the top had sharp blades) and using it I cut the air in a X that opened a portal with me leaving seeing my arm and the ashes there one last time before the portal completly closes and there an explosion occured as I have planned