
Reborn as Naruto "Demons that Smile" (Finished)

I would write something here but I don't want spoilers and I can't think of anything good at the moment so just read it Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or anything that is referenced here all that is not mine belongs to the original creators (Warning: Contains swears, dark stuff, blood, etc. if you can handle it proceed to read it)

IIDr_Reworkv2II · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter 0: Reincarnation

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Devil may cry, or anything that is referenced here, real landmarks, or anything that is not mine belongs to the original creators


??? P.O.V

ow... my head... where... the hell am I?

As I said those words I awoke into a dark void of sorts... everywhere I see it's dark and impossible as it seems is darker than Vantablack and it's the darkest black can be. Until suddenly a spotlight appeared a few steps away and there a person is there he looked like the plaque doctor except there is no hat with a hood replacing it, his entire outfit is white, and most confusing of all a white belt had the assassin insignia from Assassin's Creed except had a gear as well as seeing a wrench and a hammer crossed together in the below part of the insignia and in the inside of the A part lies what looks like V.2 in it (my OC) and as I looked at awe with the combination of the spotlight and his clothing they blended as if he was a ghost.


Hello, there old chap. the masked doctor said in a British accent. Uh... hello? I said returning the kind words. You are probably wondering what's going on as well as too many questions going about in your head that remain unanswered The masked doctor said once more. How did you-. A clever trick I learned from my past life, speaking of which my name is Duncan Percies expert psychiatrist and physician of St Luke's medical center (a real place) what's yours? the now identified as Duncan asked. Chris... Chris Bellman, I answered. Well, Mr. Bellman to answer your previous questions inside your head this is the afterlife... or the afterlife of this reality as far as I know. Your second question is why I'm here well you see you got the top of the barrel when it comes to the many afterlives of many realities as many would usually make you go to heaven, hell, the between something like that you good sir are one of the lucky few to be able to reincarnate into other worlds Duncan said. WHAT?!! I screamed remain calm Mr. Bellman shocking as it seems yes as you might have guessed or not I have the ability to reincarnate you to any world you wish either in books or in anime all you need to do is say the word and that's not all I can also grant you 2 wishes of any kind trying to break the status quo of three to make things easier for you and as a bonus entertainment for me... come to think of it that's kinda dark he mused Woah... I said. So Mr. Bellman first things first which World do you want to reincarnate in? he asks. Well, I wish to go to the world of Naruto I said. Huh aiming the high barrel I suppose... very well but... here is a twist... what is the twist? I asked


You see Mr. Bellman in my previous life just like you I watched Naruto, yes I have been watching you, and here is the thing there were a lot of flaws in the show in my eyes... so I decided to change it a little... or big depending on the point of view for the sake of quenching my thirst of imagination. your point? I asked well you see the catch is you will star as Naruto in this altered story of mine and before you complain it has been minorly changed to make the side characters more relevant as well as tenten which I nodded to as well as some changes but the bases of the story is overall still the same... for now. BUT the changes are enough to change the entire story if circumstances are met so for the sake of my conscience and my entertainment please be careful and as for the changes... you should see it for yourself he said


Fine I said because in my mind it may not be so bad besides Naruto in canon can spam shadow clones like nothing and would have been a God early on if weren't for him not knowing it's the ability to relay information to the user as well as plot and there might be good changes to the story so I can vouch on that. Thinking about the positives to the changes I see? well not trying to be rude but can you please hurry it up as my family and I are about to watch modified total drama island in like 15 minutes he said. Ok for my first wish I want a system not too weak and not too strong just enough for me to survive I said. A fine man of balance I see very well he said. Now your second wish I may? he asked. Well for my second wish I want to have the powers of Sparda from Devil may Cry I said. Oh now that's interesting good choice very well but here is the thing you will gain stronger attributes in your new body, as well as a devil arm, and a devil trigger mode and it will come from Kurama and you can only access it if your at good terms with him the stronger the bond the better the state just to be sure you don't get any reckless ideas later on he said and

the hair color will not be white. Alright I said well then good luck Uzumaki S.(Sparda) Naruto before everything went black