
Lions of the port

The content of a letter is in this style: [….]

Sorry for the slow updates, but it's not always easy to write on top of working.

This chapter is worth two of them, so enjoy :)

(It's over 4K words)


One month later

Casterly Rock, 285 AC

Today, I wake up in a sore mood. I feel depressed, as one of us has died. Tygett passed away three days ago of the pox, at the age of thirty-five years old.

We buried him yesterday in the Hall of Heroes, with the rest of our fallen kin. It was a quiet and fast funeral, like his death was only one more daily occurence. 'Ser Tygett Lannister, third son of Tytos Lannister' is now written on his tomb.

Uncle Tyg was far from being bad in battle. He may not have been an overly outstanding swordsman, but he was a respected knight without a doubt.

What I appreciated the most with him, was his kindness towards Tyrion. Surely, he mocked him from time to time, but Tygett always played to role of the strong and friendly uncle.

I know that his relationship with my father has always been tensed, sometimes even stormy. Uncle Tyg was against his elder brother's ways, seemingly having inherited a part of Tytos kindness.

But I know that deep down, there was more than that. I understood it after sensing a few of his lies. Tygett was a man full of doubts and insecurities, always feeling himself inferior to my father. He felt like he was his brother's shadow.

In 260 AC, he fought in the war of the Ninepenny Kings, killing a man during his very first battle. For the events of Castamere, in 261 AC, he was still young and was squiring with house Marbrand. This was his mother's house, Jeyne Marbrand. But it is also ended up becoming the house of his wife, Darlessa Marbrand.

He has left behind him a young son, Tyrek Lannister, only born two weeks ago. My poor little cousin will never know his father.

I silently shed some tears for him, at his funeral. I will miss him, my uncle Tyg. Rest in peace, wherever you are.

''I won't let your son be the shadow of our house, as you were afraid you had become, uncle. Neither were you one. He will have his own glory and fame, I promise you. I will personally see to it.''

Two days ago, I asked permission to Tywin for me to go to Lannisport. I stated my goal of making it better defended and trying to find what it would lack.

By the same occasion, I asked him if I could start to form my own private group of soldiers. I want them to be few but to live for battles and die while fighting. They would act as a large number of personal guards, or they would carry some small scale missions I would assign them to.

My father accepted the first, under the condition to bring satisfying results. He will however only allow me to form my own men after my project in Lannisport, and only if it turns out to be successful.

Now, here I am, making myself ready to go there. But I'm in bad mood and nothing would make it worse.

Just when I thought that, maester Creylen came knocking at my door.

''I received a message for you, young lord. Rest assured that I didn't notice your lord father. I wouldn't like a child to be punished for an action that he hasn't done. This is a letter from Hornvale.''

The maester gives me the letter in hands, before going back to his quarters like nothing happened.

''Hornvale ? Could it be Melara ? What does she want after four months of silence ?''

Could it be that she was pregnant and lied to me ? No, it's not possible. I'm pretty sure that I didn't sense any lie when she mentioned the moon tea, back then. So what is it ?

I open the letter and start to read its content.

[ Dear Leonard,

I hope that you fare well in Casterly Rock. The way we met at Kings Landing may have been as rocky as our hills, but it was a good time none the less. On another note, I have something that I must reveal you, as I feel the remorse growing inside me.

That night, I was told to bear your child. I didn't genuinely let you approach me. But in the end, I just couldn't do what I had to. This was too much for me to psychologically handle.

You have to know that I really liked your company. You were very kind and gentle with me, in a way that I never experienced before. You may not remember it, but our long hour of discussion was a lovely moment. So I slept with you willingly, may there have been an order or not.

I am now more desperate than ever before. Things are getting worse with each passing days for me. And I'm still praying in the hope to see you again, Leo.

Yours truly,

Melara Brax, ]

My mind is trying to process what she just wrote me. She tried to betray me and my house, but couldn't ? Is it her excuse ? And she still want to see me, is it a joke ? What does she really want ?

She had to ? An order ? Desperate ?

Who would try to make her do this ? Her father, maybe. He could have tried to have her brear my first child, bastard or not.

Lord Brax could have then tried to claim the Rock. But who would have been capable to face the Lannisters ? Nobody. So if it's the case, this lord must be somewhat crazy, in addition to being way too ambitious.

As for her despair… the events of Kings Landing happened four months ago. Her punishment is most likely what puts her in that state. But what kind of punishment makes someone despair for such a long period of time ?

There are too many questions and I don't have the time for those. I have enough projects as it is. But I will make sure to inform myself more concerning lord Andros Brax. I must keep tabs on him, from now on. He could be dangerous, if he really tried something.

He isn't known to have a bad relationship with my father, but it could be a facade. If I inform Tywin of this, it may turn into a bloody war or even a massacre. So I will try to handle it differently. We have enough potential future wars as it is. I don't want to waste good soldiers.

Outside from this, all I know is that Andros Brax has three sons and a daughter. Melara is the oldest, but the heirship belongs to his first son, Tytos. I met the young heir in Kings Landing. He is four years younger than me and not a bad lad.

I can't take the risk to send back a letter. My father's instructions were very clear, concerning Melara.

But let's focus back on Lannisport, for the moment. Damnit… my day is ruined, now.

I destroy the letter in small pieces before trowing it away with the trash. It's better to make it disappear. And I don't want my father to discover that maester Creylen gave me my letter without informing him. He could potentially loose his head for this. And I want someone like him around, to help me keep some privacy in my exchanges.

I prepare myself and exit Casterly Rock, accompanied by ser Cerval Marbrand, ser Benedict Broom and a couple of Red cloaks.

Lannisport is only a little less than three hours away on horse from here. But letting an heir go there unprotected wouldn't be right, nor wise.

On my way there, I mentally review what I know of Lannisport and his weird political system.

In the age of heroes, the branch members of house Lannister developed Lannisport from a village into a town, and then into a city. They prospered off of trade and fishing, rather than mines. They built walls to defend the city, long ago.

And they also used to rule Lannisport itself, but now only act as a gentry under the Rock's rule. The title of 'Shield of Lannisport' now belongs to my father, and me after him. In short the current groups of Lannisters of the port partially rule, under my father's name and mainly take care of maritime trades.

As for their families, it's a bit complicated. The branch house of Lannisport also call themselves the Lannisters. But it's without counting the three direct cadet familial branches named Lannetts, Lantells and Lannys. Outside from trades, some of them are knighted and thus part of our bannermen.

If I want to know more about Lannisport, who better than my relatives ? I will go meet the main ones.

I actually visited the city a couple of times in my childhood, due to its proximity and importance.

So I know that Rechar Lannister used to be the man in charge of Lannisport. But I wouldn't be able to tell who are his family members, for example.

Even if I was more mature than any other kids, these still were early childhood memories. I need to truly analyse the city, this time.

I turn my head to face ser Cerval and ask him if he knows more about the Lannisters of the port.

''Tell me, ser Cerval, do you still remember of your younger years at Lannisport ? Do you know anything about my relatives, there ?''

He scratches the back of his head briefly before responding.

''Well, Rechar was the lord of the branch family. If he still is nowadays, he must be an old man. I believe him to have a younger wife and three sons. But I could be wrong.''

I nod in appreciation and we continue our ride down to the port.

When we finally arrive, we are met with the beautiful gates of Lannisport. Its size is impressive, but pales in front of the Lion's Mouth of Casterly Rock's gate. While the Rock's gate is sixty-five meters high, this one must be a little above the half of it.

I can see the port guards peering to people from the harbor's wall. The security is visible and the guards seem very vigilant.

I turn my head to the side, viewing the different roads leading to Lannisport. The port is at a meeting point of three of the greatest roads of Westeros. The Gold road connects it with Kings Landing, the River road with Riverrun and the Ocean road with Highgarden. The merchants travelling by these roads are very numerous.

We are nearing the entry of the gates and are met with a dozen members of the city watch.

They are of an entire different league, when compared to the city guards of other places. They are keeping a serious air, under their expensive armors. Duty seem to be their absolute priority.

One of them approaches and salutes us.

''Lord Leonard, we have been informed of your arrival. Shall we lead you to lord Rechar ?''

''No need to hurry anything. I'm here to analyse the city thoroughly. Notice him of our presence and indicate me his location.''

''Very well, my lord. Lord Rechar's house is situated near the city's square. Its luxurious features are unmistakable. Welcome to Lannisport, my lord.''

The guard does a last reverence before swiftly going back to his duty.

I decide to go and explore every streets of the port. And the first thing I notice is that the city has its own particular scent. An oaky aroma of wood smoke permeates everything.

When I ask myself where this odor may be coming from, I begin to watch the different shops. Magnificent trading houses and merchant town houses line the well kept broad streets. And I directly see the abundance of jewelers and goldsmiths.

Everywhere, large items made of gold are being molded and decorated with imported gemstones and other metals. The fires used to melt and mold the gold should be the reason of the ambient scent, perhaps.

I stop as my thoughts are interrupted by the sounds emitted by the bustling crowd.

''That's a fine piece, you got there. I will give you two hundred stags for it, lad.''

''Don't underestimate my product, dear client. This one is going to be a big trend in the future. The ladies are going to be fawning on it. Just look at this perfect design.''

''Mmmh, now that you talk about it, my wife would surely love that. Fine then, fifty Moons. That's my last price.''

''Deal, mister. You won't regret it, that's for sure. Next one, please !''

Well, the city is quite lively. That gives me the desire to explore it a bit more.

On the streets, I see other guards making their way dutifuly. I'm nearly tempted to compare their rigidity with the guards of Buckingham palace. Place yourself in front of them and they will step on you, while shouting from the deepest of their lungs.

Their presence marching up and down the streets seems to simultaneously threaten people and reassure them. This gives the feeling that disorder is intolerable here, as it should be.

When I lift my head, I realize that Casterly Rock is still seeable in the background. The Rock is towering above the harbor, as if present for everyone to see its glory.

It isn't so surprising to see it everywhere, when one knows that the Rock is three times as big as the Wall. It is part of the misteries of nature.

The size of Lannisport isn't to be underestimated, as it is the third largest city of Westeros, after Kings Landing and Oldtown.

The people here are from every corner of this world. There are traders of all kingdoms, but also from Braavos and Tyrosh.

I decide to end my walk by visiting the docks. And I discover that it's not too different from other docks.

Here, the sight and smells are worse. The smell of stale hale hangs heavily around the taverns. Sailors are enjoying their life in bars and brothels of all kinds for their few days or hours ashore.

I see port officials and ship captains shouting instructions at each other, seemingly trying to be louder than the buzz of the port. In the meanwhile, groups of fishermen are energetically making their way to old inns.

My thought are broken again by a loud discussion between drunk sailors.

''Hey Carl ! Did you hear about this menagerie thing, in the other side of the city ? It's said to have exotic animals from around the world. I would go there if my captain gave me more pennies.''

''Aye, I know of these Scuttlebutts. But a good steak is the only kind of animal I'm lacking. Besides, Regina's thighs are exotic enough for me.''

''Aye, that they are. I wouldn't mind exploring them after your turn.''

''Not now, Creg. I'm too groggy to erect my big mast.''

''Haha. Go sleeping then, you old sea dog.''

So there is some kind of menagerie too, here. Does this one work like a circus from back home ? I wonder… but I got better things to do.

After a while, I finally decide to go back to the square to meet lord Rechar. On my way there, I hear a group of drunkards happily singing the Rains of Castamere. This cracks a small smile on my face, they know their classics.

When I arrive, I end up in front of a big mansion with a decorated exterior, adorned with gold. Its size slightly dwarves the other buildings. And I can see some nice balustrades, on the higher floors. A Lannister's house, no doubts.

I announce my arrival to the guards and they lead me to a living-room, where the lord is awaiting me.

''Greetings, lord Rechar. I'm Leonard Lannister, heir to the Rock. I hope I didn't make you wait too much, but I desired some much needed exploration.''

The old man in his mid sixties doesn't show any emotion on his wrinkled face. His golden hair are turning white, but are well taken care of. His clothes don't make him appear like any less than a nobleman.

''Well met, young lord. And no offense taken. Your visit is on your terms, after all. I am Rechar Lannister, family head of the Lannisters of Lannisport. And the these young men by my side are my three sons, Lorent, Stafford and Reginald.''

Young men ? They are in their mid twenties. They are full fledged adults.

Lorent seems as noble and refine as his dad. Stafford has a serious posture, showing as much respect towards me as he can. But I can tell that Reginald is simple minded and a sleepy head.

''Well met, the three of you. I was actually hoping to speak with the most knowledgeable member of your household. I wish to speak about the politics, security and economy related to the city. I have my reasons to be concerned.''

Rechar frowns slightly and nods right away, before sending his sons away. He then leads me to his personal quarters, for us to speak privately.

''Before starting, you must be thirsty after all this walk.''

''It's fine. But I wouldn't mind some water. I decided to stop wine for some time''

Yeah, I 'decided' by the order of my father. This punishment is still in application, unfortunately. How am I supposed to build some resistance to alcohol if I can't drink a single drop of it ?

Rechar nods to my words, before shouting to his wife, out of nowhere.

''WOMAN ! Bring some wine for our honorable guest ! And by the seven, don't make him wait, Martha.''

WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME ? *cough cough* I'm loosing track of the situation…

''So first of all, could you explain me the situation of Lannisport in dept ? I mean it both in terms of denfenses and economy.''

''Very well, young lord. The great maritime trade routes from the east stop off in Lannisport as a last destination before going back home. If they make an additional two thousand and four hundred kilometers from Oldtown, it's for our highly renowned gold work.''

I interrupt him before he starts speaking about the military aspect.

''If I understand it properly, the goldsmith's raw materials are all coming from the mines in the caverns of the Rock. So the gold work of Lannisport heavily depends on our gold veins. If it were to ever run out, this last step of the maritime route may not seem as attractive for the traders.''

Rechar makes an annoyed and worried face.

''No need to speak about tragedies. But yes, most likely. It's even more true, considering the great number of merchants willing to carry the goods along the Gold road. The traders could then easily pick them up at the port of Kings Landing. And it's not the only danger. The taxes have an important impact on the willingness of the traders to come here. A recent example would be the temporary decree employed by king Aerys, which made the taxes hike way too much. Most traders stopped coming in that short period of time.''

The situation is more precarious than it seems at first glance. The gold work and the regulated taxes are the only reasons for traders to come here.

And if I learned something from my passed life, it's that ressources are limited. When mines run out of raw materials, entire regions get poor in a single generation.

We need both more financial incomes and reasons for traders to pass here.

Our military might isn't enough for us to create a bank comparable to the Iron Bank. But it would be a good plan of the future. For more soldiers, we need more inhabitants and wealth. It should be possible with my recent changes. We would then benefit from the interests on loans and attack those who refuse to pay us back.

As for an other reason to stop here, it would be doable if we aren't the last interesting port of the sea routes anymore. The Iron Isles have an important port on Pyke, but they close themselves to us. And the North lacks a western port.

The solutions would be to either change the Iron Isles, or build a port for the North. The events of the Greyjoy rebellion wouldn't be enough to accomplish the first. They are too attached to their wicked culture and mass murder wouldn't pass well right now.

For the second part, I don't want to help the North before the wars to come, if they still happen the same way of course. And at this point, I already doubt that it would. Well, I'm long since prepared to change things to the way I see fit. But consequences aren't always predictable.

''I see. It would be wise to begin to search for additional ways to value Lannisport. Even if the future is unsure, the mines one day running out of gold is a certainty. I would advise you to let more restaurants install themselves here. Turning Lannisport into a culinary destination could be an option. Now, what about your defenses ?''

''Mmmh, Defense is our second important priority, after the trading aspect of the port. I'm proud to say that our city wall has proven to be greatly effective. It marks the bounds of the harbor and curves the side of the city inland as well. We have a couple of sea guard monitoring the coasts. We also have old cranes on the docks and don't lack any watchtower either. As for the troops, we have six thousand men, all under your father's command. We keep the twenty-six warships shored near the docks.''

''I see. What about past records of battles ? The Ironborn came here a couple of times through history, I presume.''

''Unfortunately, yes. But we hold on nicely, most of the time. I know that in the recent history of Westeros, they raided us a couple of dozen times. The Ironborn defeated our defenses only two times, before sacking everything and burning entire parts of the city. Even with their six hundred warships, they still only won when they took us by surprise. The sea may be their playground, but Lannisport is ours.''

So assuring a victorious defense wouldn't automatically be about major changes. They need to be informed before the enemy's arrival and be prepared.

I can't just say that something will happen. I don't want to spout nonsense like I'm a greenseer or have valyrian dragon dreams.

The solution would be a faster network of informations, faster than the sea guards and the ravens. And I have a good idea, for that purpose.

In my past life, I visited the beautiful island of Corsica and discovered the Genoese towers. It's a simple but effective concept.

Small stone towers are place on the entirety of the coastline, with each of them having a tower seen on each extremity of the horizon.

When an urgency occurs near a tower, appointed guards lighten a fire on top of it. Upon seeing the signal, the nearly towers do the same. And like that, the entire coast is informed in no time.

''I believe the rapidity of informations to be a major flaw in the current system, lord Rechar. We were beaten by surprise attacks two times, no need to record a third one in history books. I actually have a plan in mind to make it more efficient. This includes the need of architects and workers. We could talk about the details with my lord father.''

''If it bothers you to that degree, than I don't mind. Lannisport is important for me, so more defense is always appreciated.''

''But still, the Westerlands only possess seventy-five warships on the entire of its coasts. I would say that your twenty-six warships need to be doubled. Financial help will be granted to the city, but I want fifty-two of them to be present for maximum a couple a years from now.''

''This could be doable. But it is going to yearly costs us more than before. The taxes may have to be slightly raised to compensate the losses, young lord. It means potentially less traders… but we could manage by keeping it reasonable.''

We continue to speak about the details until nightfall. It lasted for so long that Rechar narrated me a small story of my father's deeds, for us to stop working for some time.

He explained me that in his last years, my grandfather took in a lover. The girl got a little too comfortable at the Rock, due to Tytos kindness. Of course, this didn't please my lord father. After grandfather's death, Tywin forced his mistress to walk through Lannisport on a walk of atonement to show the city she was a wh*re.

It's always nice to have stories of good old daddy. He really didn't chill in his younger years, but it was needed. Our house was slowly falling appart under the weak behaviour of Tytos.

My father had to flip the tables of the political scene to prevent our downfall. And he did it effectively, by pushing away the limits of what was seen as acceptable. Aaah that… they heared him roar like the lion he is.

Anyways, the next steps of my plans are going to be discussed with Tywin. The time has come for us to go sleeping, and Rechar has a guard lead me to a nice room prepared beforehand.

The bed is just like it must be and I fall asleep in less than a minute, too happy to finally being able to relax.

That was a busy and productive day.