One month later
Casterly Rock, 285 AC
A month ago, I went into deep topographic studies to know more about our lands. And I realised that my knowledge related to it was a bit lacking.
There are vast rocky hills on the majority of our lands, but far less mountains. Only a small dozen of places could qualify as small mountains.
My view of the mountain people was also biased. There are no real mountain clans in the Westerlands, at least not in the same scale as in the North and the Vale.
Here, it's more about small groups of wanderers still following the old way, as the mountain clans do. They are shattered in the higher hills and the few mountains.
These people don't have any sort of village, seemingly living as nomads. From the rumours, they have some shelters in caverns, far away from cities and towns.
It means that their presence isn't as problematic as I thought. This made things easier, but finding a suitable place to cultivate winter wheat was still troublesome.
To succeed, I had to ask the help of some people with a vast knowledge of the terrains.
I first waited for the best moment to propose any business projects to my father.
And this moment arrived when we received our first profits from the stores and institutions we bought in Kings Landing and the Riverlands.
The results were very satisfaying, to the point that our gold lost while helping with the reconstructions of the Riverlands could be recovered in an additional to six to ten months.
I suggested to buy a good quantity of different seeds and plants from the North. When Tywin asked why, I explained the possible potential of the potatoes and my idea related to winter wheat.
But I also spoke about my little lessons with maester Creylen in regard of agriculture. I wanted to try to rotate more the crops used on each areas and see if it could turn out beneficial.
The farmers we spoke with were sceptical due to a possible loss of profits, if it fails to bring any results. But the idea in itself still seemed to make them question a possible profitable success.
My father ended up accepting both the projects. But I have to take responsability in case of failure.
The next week, Tywin made the deal with lord Stark and the trade has been done. Eddard Stark limited the amount of seeds buyable, as the North needs it the most. He used that same excuse to augment the prices.
My father wasn't pleased about it, but accepted none the less. Ned Stark seemed to appreciate our understanding. He is trying to help the North to the best of his ability.
The crop rotation and the potatoes were first going to be tested in the lands of two separate minor lords.
House Vikary will test the crop rotation, while lord Yarwyck is going to sow the potatoes. The results are expected for the next harvests.
Both houses will be compensated with gold in case of a major failure. So they accepted without thinking too much about it. If it works, they will be the first to see the benefits.
For the winter wheat, an expert arrived a week ago. I explained the average yearly coldness necessary and he only found four suitable places.
But there are problems for each of those. The first is way too rocky, so unpractical to cultivate anything. The second area is covered by a small forest, or more like a very big and thick grove. The third place has no flat space. Nothing durable could be built there. And the last location hasn't enough lands to start a profitable crop.
The problem of the second place is the only only that could be solved with our equipment and means.
So it has been decided that a small keep would be built at the edge of the forest. Workers will be sent there to populate a bit the place and cut the trees.
In the first phase, we will use the trees for our own needs and sell the rest. When the forest is taken care of, we will start to sow the winter wheat and see how it goes.
The place is located on a mountain surrounded by hills, halfway between Clegane's Keep and Silverhill.
A knight favored by my father will be appointed as a new minor lord and rule the keep. I already know who is going to be chosen. This is going to be formalized this evening.
Yesterday, I brought the idea of the spaghettis to our chef. He was a bit startled about my presence in the kitchen, and said that a lord shouldn't worry about such things.
But without listening to him, I took the lead and created pasta in front of him. I did my best to replicate a good enough tomato sauce with what I had on hand. We don't have anything to act as a replacement for the parmigiano. But I managed to create the dish.
The chef was surprised and loved the concept. We made some arrangment to find ways to profit from this creation. But right now, the best advisor in the matter is my lord father. And he must still approve it, anyway.
After long discussions on the matter, we found nice restrictions for pasta. We needed to benefit from it, by different manners.
Being invented by a lord, a restaurateur must pay a minimal tax to have the right to cook and sell spaghettis. If someone is taken doing it without paying the small tax, they will have to give us all their profits related to it, in addition to a fine.
Merchants selling already made spaghettis will have to give us a fifteen percents of the benefits.
People are bound to try making it on their own, at home. And we won't take any actions against it.
As for other kingdoms replicating it, we are labeling the appellation 'spaghettis'. Only those made here can be called as such. But in exchange for a certain price, we give a license to let others use the same appellation.
If a kingdom disregard our license, we take economic actions against them. The most likely to happen is that we would increase the taxes on their exports to our lands.
With all this story, my father was a bit weirded out with the concept of his own son cooking something himself. But I explained that I only did it this time to show my idea to the chefs.
He accepted the reason, but still told me to concentrate myself on more important things than cooking.
Now, I'm studying in my room and I hear a fast little ball of fury running in my direction before opening the door.
''Leo ! Leo ! My studies with High valyrian progressed. I can actually talk, now !''
''Aye, aye. Good for you, Tyrion. But I'm studying the book of Lancel Lannister the first. His tactics are quite interesting.''
''That's cool, but valyrians are cooler. Listen, listen. Tubis gevie issa !''
(He said: the day is beautiful)
I decided to not study High valyrian. I had enough with my lessons of latin in my past life. Learning lost language ? One time but not two, thank you.
''…I don't speak dragon. At least try to learn a valyrian dialect of Essos. High valyrian is only useful to speak with the dead, or to suck some Targaryen d*ck.''
''It's a bad word, Leo. And High valyrian is a highly refined and beautiful language.''
''Sure, whatever. Learn a useless language to boast about when you get drunk with your friends, in the future.''
The discussion continues and I hear a second person coming towards my room.
The door is opened and I see Tywin appearing in front of me. He observes briefly Tyrion, displeased by his very existence. But his eyes lands on me as he says what he came here for.
''Come. I will show you an important place.''
Without a word, I place the book back on the table and follow my father. We go together to another side of Casterly Rock and stop in front of an entrance I never used before.
We go in it together and I see great rows of tombs and armors. The tombs all have a thing in common, the name Lannister put on it.
''This place is called the Hall of Heroes. We bury every member of our house here. The old armors of the past are also kept in this place.''
We march in silence, until we arrive in front of the biggest monument.
''This is the resting place of Lann the Clever. He is the founder of house Lannister, from the Age of Heroes. Without him, our legacy wouldn't exist in the first place.''
Tywin leads me to a few other tombs of importance to narrate me different stories and deeds.
''King Loreon I Lannister, the Lion, was the first true Lannister king, with his wife of house Reyne.''
The notion of this house makes my father's voice go darker. It was to be expected.
''King Cerion was the one to extend his rule to the east, until the Golden Tooth.''
It must have been quite the accomplishment. That makes you want to conquer some stuff.
''King Lancel I Lannister. He brought the Westerlands to a short golden age by conquering a part of the Reach. He conquered their lands until Old Oak. His efforts were wasted by his successor, king Loreon III Lannister. For this, he received the nickname of Loreon the Limp.''
Well, we can't always win. The walk turned less glorious after each tomb. Some of my ancestors were simply pathetic.
''This one is king Loreon V Lannister, known as queen Lorea. Why ? He liked to dress in his wife's clothing and walk the docks of Lannisport in the guise of a common wh*re.''
Whut ? What was his god damn problem ? He must have been crazy. Well back home, he would be a lgbt maybe… I'm not sure if it qualifies as such, to be honest. I never cared about that stuff.
''King Tommen II Lannister, the Lion King. He disappeared with our ancestral greatsword Brightroar, when he went to explore Valyria. His successor, Loren I, was the last king of the Rock and first to rise as a lord.''
I don't think that Loren I was being a coward, when he kneeled to Aegon Targaryen. It's not that easy to kill a dragon.
It's a bit stressful, now that I think about Daenerys. But I'll be ready for that too.
Tywin turns to me and watches me with a more serious gaze.
''Now, tell me. What were lacking some of them to truely be accomplished rulers ?''
I think for a bit and voice my thoughts.
''Although Lancel was a good king and conqueror, but he failed to prepare his son to be a successful heir and lost the very legacy he gained as a result.''
''Yes, he knew how to expand his legacy, but not how to protect it. What about Tommen II ?''
''Tommen abandoned his duties for some fanstasy and died as a result. He even lost our familial valyrian steel sword. Was the Lion King a good or a bad ruler ? All that matters is that he made a very poor choice.''
''Yes, one must be wise and make the right choices. Such things as good and bad are of no concern. Now explain me this, but this time in terms of values and qualities. What makes a good ruler ? Try to be the most precise possible.''
Father now pays close attention to me, waiting for my answer.
''Being smart and wise is important, for a king or a lord. They must surround themselves with capable men and take the best decisions possible with each dilemma. They must place their duty and legacy before their fantasies, hobbies and feelings. If said ruler is strong, or a born leader, it's even better. The ideal would be to be both loved and feared. But if one cannot be both, then fear is a better choice. The trap is when this same fear turns into hate. For it will make men do unimaginable things. I think that it's what an ideal ruler should aspire to be.''
Tywin nods slightly before responding.
''Your opinion is very developed. A wise and feared ruler has the best chances to protect his legacy.''
He makes a pause before continuing.
''You seem to always place a part of importance in what others think of you. While you shouldn't be so concerned about some sheeps, you still are on point. But you blind yourself if you think that being both loved and feared is an easy matter. Don't let this desire weaken your desicions.''
I simply nod to him and we both exit the Hall of Heroes in silence.
While going back to my studies, I'm still thinking about some of my forefathers and what they did.
Is it enough to be richer ? Is it enough to seek more political and economic power ?
What if… I could be more like Lancel I Lannister. Becoming a conqueror doesn't seem like a bad prospect to me.
I will definitely think more about that in the future. The problem is that we are in a somewhat 'united' realm. This type of things need more preparations. So I'm going to cast that thought aside… for now.
In the evenning, I make my way to my father. It is the moment to name a new knighted lord of the Westerlands. This lord will take care of the operations related to the winter wheat.
When I arrive, I see that Tywin is ending the formalities and named ser Andrew as lord of the Windy Keep. He is now going to rise as lord Andrew Windhill.
Because yes, in addition to being cold and isolated, this place is quite windy. For those who like luxury, being sent there could be seen as a nighmare.
The newly appointed lord Windhill has to help with the construction first. So Andrew must depart tomorrow to his lands and begin his new duties.
When Andrew goes out of the room, I follow him to bid my farewell. He can be a bit quiet sometimes, so I know that he won't say goodbye when he leaves.
''Lord Windhill, it was a pleasure to fight by your side until now. We bled together on the battlefield and you knighted me yourself. I wish you good luck in your endeavors and a successful future.''
His eyes fixate the ground for a bit, before he lifts his head and responds.
''I know that I'm a man of little honor. I did things that most knights would frown upon. And the kids… their two small faces full of fear still hunt me to this day.''
He pauses for a moment, before watching me in the eyes and continuing what he has to say.
''But I'm a loyal man of the Westerlands. My honor reside in my pledge and service to the lions of the Rock. If I have to go to this hellhole for your family, then so be it. I wish you to become a great man and lord. May you be the greastest Lannister every seen. But this isn't a goodbye, young lord. A decade without a conflict is a rare occurrence. See you next time, for the next battlefield''
I smile when I hear all that. Andrew is more than a merciless mercenary listening to gold. He is a knight and truly loyal to my family.
''Until next time, lord Andrew. Show to all of us what you can achieve up there, on that snowy mountain. You aren't sent there to rot, but in the hope to make the Westerlands shine brighter. Don't forget that.''
After that, we both went in separate ways. My first plans are in motion. As soon as I can, I must concentrate myself on Lannisport. If I play my cards well, I should be able to go there in a month.
Sigh… there really is no time to rest. It's a world of war and death. Being always prepared is the secret to survive, here.