
Reborn as Hagrid! AU.

Waking up in Azkaban as Hagrid in 1943, facing the terrors of Azkaban, and dealing with his isolation. How will the new Hagrid deal with the wizarding world and what changes will he bring? Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JKR. I own nothing but my OC'S. The picture doesn't belong to me. If you want me to remove it, just leave a comment.

jaliko · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
18 Chs

Chapter 8

At the top floors of Azkaban, where the most dangerous wizards were imprisoned. Everyday, they suffered at the hand of dementors but not today. Today, the dark wizards finally had a moment of respite. Because the number of dementors watching them kept decreasing, until they completely disappeared.

Naturally, their happiness couldn't be described with words, and their cries of joy could be heard throughout the top floor. Some started singing, some started laughing in disbelief, and others just enjoyed the moment of clarity.

While some started to think that they were free of their jailers, others realised the abnormality of the situation, dreading the future.

However, what they didn't know was that they are about to face the most horrifying thing in Azkaban, an angry dementor.

Moreover, this time there will be no saving them.

"Dammit Bartimus, stop! Come back to your senses. This will not end well for us!" yelled Zaboren in desperation.

But, all of Zaboren's pleas will not stop Bartimus' rampage.

While Bartimus isn't usually like this, his continuous failure pushed him to the edge, he Failed to satiate his hunger because of his obsession with Hagrid. All these reasons, amplified Bartimus' abilities and rage.

Bartimus reached the top floor, making every prisoner shudder in fear because this is the first time they felt such profound fear and sadness, they were stunned for a second, only for their screams to break the silence.

The screams continued for hours before silence finally descended.

Unfortunately or fortunately, no one survived the unfathomable abomination. That night, became known as 'The Sleepless Night' because no wizard, prisoner or not, manged to sleep that night.

Meanwhile, in a luxurious mansion, a giant of a man opened his eyes. The man was eight foot tall, he had silverish-blue hair, his eyes were hazel with a hint purple, he had a defined jaw line, and a straight nose looking quite manly, but you could tell that despite his amazing stature and manly looks, he is nothing more than a child.

Hagrid looked around in puzzlement, wondering if he is in heaven or if he is just hallucinating. After all, there is no way for him to be inside a beautiful room. He tried to remember what happened to him, but he only remembered that he was attacked by dementors and then he passed out. Having no idea what happened to him afterwards, he feared that he might be dead.

However, being as smart as he is, he choose pain over a simple investigation.


"OUCH! Okay, I'm still alive. Now where the hell am I? This room doesn't look like my cell, and why do I feel so tired?." Hagrid said while rubbing his red face.

If others saw how he deals with his confusion, they might think that he is a masochist.

Hagrid started to look around, finding a door that said, 'Exit'.

While staring at the door, Hagrid's instincts told him that he needs to leave, or there will be consequences.

Hagrid decided to follow his instincts and use the door. When he opened the door, a black portal appeared behind it, making Hagrid wonder if his instincts is messing with him.

The portal looked like swirling black fog, floating in the air.

"Well, this isn't ominous at all! I need to leave or something bad might happen! But, what if there was a dementor at the other side? What should I do?" Hagrid said while looking at the portal hesitantly.

However, his heart kept pounding faster and faster, urging Hagrid to make a choice.

"Ugh, fuck it." Hagrid said as he closed his eyes, and rushed through the portal.

Hagrid felt his insides twist, turn, squeezed, and pulled before he appeared back in his cell.

"Check on the prisoners. count the number of the deceased. Thirteen prisoner died at the top. Check carefully!"

"I want everyone searched! Check for wands! Dementors won't lose control unless someone did something."

After Hagrid managed to stabilize himself, he wondered what happened. After all, he has been living here for a year, well if you can call what he was doing here as living, but he never saw another wizard, much less a group of them.

"Turn around, and stand against the wall." some one yelled outside of Hagrid's cell.

while Hagrid was lost in thought, he didn't notice that someone was talking to him.

"Did you not hear me!? I said turn around and stand against the wall!" The wizard seeing Hagrid unresponsive decided to use a stunning charm against him.

"Stupefy!" A red light hit Hagrid straight in the face.

"Ouch!!" Hagrid looked at his attacker speechlessly while covering his face. "Why did you do that? What's wrong with you!? That hurt!"

Hagrid's nonchalance only served to make his attacker angrier. "I said turn around, and face the wall!!" The wizards screamed in rage.

Hagrid still confused by the situation decided to comply.

"Hey! Mister wizard, what happened? Why are you so agitated?" Hagrid asked his attacker. But, before he could get an answer he felt three more spells hit him and he lost consciousness.

The wizard, seeing that Hagrid has lost consciousness, he opened the door, and started to search the room, not finding anything, he moved to the next prisoner.

"Is the floor clear?" A man in a black silk robe asked his subordinates.

Clearly, he is someone with a high position. He had long grey hair, piercing blue eyes, crooked nose, thin lips, and scars all over his face. He spoke with an even, indifferent, and cold voice.

His looks and robe created a glaring contrast, making people wonder if he is a noble or a warrior.

The people he asked answered loudly. "Yes Head Auror!!!"

{Dammit! We searched every floor, and we found nothing. What caused the two dementors to lose control? They refused to say what happened and the two dementors are now in prison. Well, since I can't interrogate the dementors, I will interrogate the prisoners} The well dressed man thought maliciously.

He never failed in an investigation, and he isn't planning to.

"Alright! We checked every inch of Azkaban, but we didn't find anything. Now, I want you to wake up all the prisoners and drag them to the first floor, so we could start the interrogation. Do you understand!? I want to know how, who, or what caused the dementors to lose control" The Head Auror said, in an authoritative voice.

"YES, SIR!!!" The aurors responded with renewed vigor.

Meanwhile, Hagrid, who woke up, and is pretending to be unconscious, listened to every word they said. Hagrid's mind started to race thinking about every possibility, and he came to the only possible conclusion, he is the culprit.

Hagrid cursed his bad luck, and understood the reason behind his instincts warning him.

If he stayed in that room, he would become a fugitive. While Hagrid wouldn't mind being a fugitive, he would rather not be a fugitive inside his cell.

The aurors started waking up and dragging the stunned prisoners one after the other. They used every spell they knew to tie up the prisoners, and move them to the first floor.

While they dragged Hagrid across the floor, he started to think of every possible way he can deceive them. Thankfully, he remembered to bring his pouch with him after they `woke him up`.