
Reborn as Hagrid! AU.

Waking up in Azkaban as Hagrid in 1943, facing the terrors of Azkaban, and dealing with his isolation. How will the new Hagrid deal with the wizarding world and what changes will he bring? Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JKR. I own nothing but my OC'S. The picture doesn't belong to me. If you want me to remove it, just leave a comment.

jaliko · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

Chapter 9

On the first floor of Azkaban, in a narrow hallway, tens of prisoners stood in a row. To their left a bunch of men with wands stood, and to their right a black wall stood like a monster waiting to devour them.

The prisoners cast frightened looks at the men and at the wall, refusing to look forward. As if a basilisk stood there, waiting to turn them into stone.

However, no basilisk stood there, only a door. And behind that door, there is a small room, a room that had two chairs and one table.

Then, what is the reason behind the prisoners' fear?

Well, because in that room, a man that spreads terror in the heart of criminals, sat on the other side of the table.

Bob Ogden is a fearless man, he is the head of the Magical Law Enforcement Squad. Moreover, he is known, to the people, by many titles, The Fearless One, The Hound, The Noble Warrior, and Unofficially The greatest Auror to ever live.

But, one thing that people don't know about him, is that he is the indirect reason for the birth of Tom Marvolo Riddle A.K.A Lord Voldemort.

And right now, Bob is facing an insurmountable case, he is interrogating the prisoners of Azkaban.

After all, he already finished one round of invistgation, but no one saw or heard any thing. Furthermore, he used Legilimency to break into their minds, but failed to glean any useful information.

After all, half the prisoners are lunatics, and the other half are trained Occlumens.

Moreover, the dementors refuse to communicate with him, and tell him what happened.

He is now waiting for the Ministry's permission to use Veritaserum, but his request will properly be refused because of the large number of prisoners, and their questionable sanity.

While he was racking his brain thinking about a solution, his subordinate handed him a letter, and as he expected his request was denied.

"Tell the prisoners that whoever gives information about the incident will be released." Bob told his subordinate with a sharp voice. "Make sure to tell them that it's the Ministry's promise.

Meanwhile, Hagrid stood at the end of the row while furiously thinking about his situation. He didn't want to be in the same room as that man again. After all, he has never met a man that could inspire so much fear in him. As if he could uncover all his secrets, with just a simple glance.

While Hagrid was sweating in nervousness, the door opened making all the prisoners flinch.

"The Ministry of Magic has decided to release whoever has information that might help the investigation." The Auror that walked out of the room said. "If the information is correct, you will be released, but if it's incorrect you'll be subjugated to a dementor's kiss."

Before the Auror could finish, an old man jumped and said, "I know who did it!"

All eyes turned to the old man, and Hagrid's heart dropped in fear. However, before the Auror could say anything, several other prisoners said the same thing.

"Okay! You guys follow me." The Auror ordered.

Hagrid's mind went blank as he watched the prisoners being led away by the Auror. He hadn't seen any of these people when they were dragged out of their cells. Hagrid used occlumency to keep his expression neutral because he thought it was a trick to see their reactions, and determine who is the culprit.

Hagrid kept looking forward not daring to look at the observing Aurors.

Thankfully, Azkaban is a prison full of lunatics, and one lunatic started to get agitated. The lunatic lunged at the Aurors, only for him to be stunned by several spells.

The prisoners backed away in fear while looking at the Aurors. No one wanted to be the next victim. "Take him away and interrogate him. He might know something"

The Aurors dragged the unconscious man away while everyone watched in silence.

While all of this happened, Hagrid looked at the lunatic in terror because this lunatic lived in the cell next to him. Hagrid felt like the pressure of world weigh down on him, and his calm facade almost cracked.

Inside the room, Bob looked at the prisoners who claimed to have information. His piercing stares, made the prisoners cower in silence. But the lunatic stared at Bob, fearlessly, as if he has nothing to fear.

"Hmmm! What do we have here!? You sure are fearless. Who would've thought that an old man would be this fearless? Now, my lovely prisoners, What do you know? Tell me the truth, and you would be FREE!." Bob said with a sadistic look on his face. "Come. Tell me the truth. Don't you guys miss seeing the sun? Don't you miss using magic? Don't you miss having a drink at the pub? All of that can happen, if you tell me who caused the dementors to lose control?" Bob lied with a straight face.

After all, Bob is willing to do anything to achieve his goal, even if that means hitting a man while he's down.

The prisoners started to salivate at Bob's words. They desperately want those things to be true, and they are willing to do anything for them, even lying.

"I did it! I caused the dementors to lose control." The fearless old man said before the others could say anything.

Bob looked at the old man in amusement and said, "Then, pray tell, how and why did you do it!? Oh, great and powerful Wizard."

The old man just ignored Bob's sarcasm and said, "I used Legilimency to make them lose control as for why? It's because I wanted them to Kiss me. However, they lost control and attacked the others."

"Hahaha! You're funny old man! So, you're telling me that you managed to control a dementor with only your mind? Rubbish!!!" Bob yelled in rage, "In my long career as an Auror, I have never met someone as ridiculous as you. Now, be quiet while I interrogate the others. I will deal with you after I'm done with them."


"Petrificus Totalus! That should keep you quiet" Bob said after casting a spell to silence the old man. "Speak! What do you know? And if you say you guys did it as well, I will use Crucio on you consequences be damned."

The prisoners looked at each other before coming to a silent agreement.

"He did it!!!" The prisoners said while pointing at the old man.

In reality, they have no idea who did it. However, the reward tempted them to lie. And now, they have someone to use as a scapegoat.

Bob looked at them in rage his face turning red. He struggled to control his anger but failed.

"Baubillious Maxima!!!" Bob yelled while attacking the prisoners with lightning bolts.

"aghhh!!!" the prisoners screamed in agony before passing out.

"Hah, hah, hah," Bob panted while trying to get his anger under control before he kills them. "Take these bastards out, and leave the old man"

The Aurors dragged the injured prisoners out making the other prisoners quiver in fear.

Hagrid frantically looked for the old man that lived next to him, but Hagrid did not find him. Hagrid's felt dread because he knew that this is the end for him. He never felt this weak in his two short lives.

He hated this weakness, and he promised himself that he will never allow himself to feel this weak, ever again. Well, if he survived, that is.


Hey guys! I want to say a few things. First, dementors are able to communicate, this is Canon. I only changed their choice of food and looks. Second, Jack's personality is mischievous. You can see that from how he deals with the pedophile. Moreover, after his transmigration, his mind suffered from Hagrid's trauma. He will heal, but you have to remember that he is a prisoner, which means it might take a while for him to heal. Third, Hagrid's death left loose ends, which need to be dealt with, or Jack won't be able to move on. Finally, thank you to whoever left a helpful comment.

P.S: After I'm done with the investigation, there will be a chapter or two about Hagrid's training and then a time skip.