
Reborn as frieza?!

What if an average and ordinary guy was reborn in the world of Dragon Ball as Frieza? *THIS IS A MTL*

Antsborn · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

DBZ Cold Rebirth: Ch.11: Dismantling the Cell Saga

DBZ Cold Rebirth

Welcome to Cold Rebirth. A What If based on the concept of a person being reincarnated as a Dragon Ball character. This story follows a Dragon Ball fan reincarnated as Frieza and taking a different approach to life than the tyrant's original story. I hope you enjoy and have a great day!

Chapter 11: Dismantling the Cell Saga

Piccolo: "How? How can we keep Cell from becoming this 'Perfect being' he spoke of?"

I hated that I couldn't just come out with all the answers, but I couldn't risk pushing this too hard. While I love Cell as a character, right now we're not in a good position to take him on. Gohan's basically out and that's the climax of the Cell Saga. Without him, we need another way. Could I do it myself? Honestly, yeah. But to do that, I'd have to train. I can feel Frieza's body has hit the limit of strength before tapping into his true potential. I don't think reaching Resurrection F levels of power before Buu even shows up is a good thing. No telling what that would change. But as I am, I may not even be as strong as Piccolo right now. So doing things this way may be our best shot for now.

Frieza: "I know this sounds weird, but it's our best bet. Use the last 2 wishes to have Porunga bring the androids here and remove any programming that makes them want to hurt Goku. With that gone, we can convince them to listen and help us."

Piccolo: "You really think they'd be willing to listen? They were nearly unstoppable when we fought them and didn't seem like the reasonable type."

Frieza: "Trust me, if anyone knows a thing or 2 about the unreasonable types, its the reformed emperor of the galaxy."

Piccolo: "..."

With a bit of convincing, Piccolo finally gave in and made the wish. A little bit later, I was not face to face with androids 16, 17, and 18.

18: "Huh?"

16: "Hmm."

17: "Hey! Where's the truck go?!"

Frieza: "So, we finally meet."

17: "Huh? Goku's alien pal? What is this? Where are we?"

Piccolo: "You're on the new planet Namek."

17: "You again? Do I need to teach you a lesson again?"

Piccolo: "Grrrr! Watch yourself, android. I'm not the same Namekian I was before."

Frieza: "Easy now. There's no need for any more fighting between us. All I ask is for you to listen for a bit. There's something you need to know."

I began explaining the entire situation behind Cell and his hunt for them. 17 and 18 weren't exactly too believing of it, but 16 was able to confirm Cell's existence to them and Piccolo helped me by backing up Cell's time travel story.

18: "So this thing wants to eat us or something?"

Frieza: "Basically. And I can imagine you don't want to get involved with that."

17: "If this Cell monster is that dangerous, then I'll just get rid of him myself."

Frieza: "Listen. I know how you must be feeling. You have all the power in the world and now you're just looking for something to do. I've been there. I was on top of the whole universe until I met Goku. And you've already beaten him. Now you don't have any desire to, right?"

16: "My primary directive is to-..... Data not found. It seems my programming has an error to it."

Thank you Namekian Dragon Balls.

Frieza: "So you don't have a desire to kill Goku anymore?"

16: "Correct."

Frieza: "So what do you want now?"

16: "... I would like... to continue enjoying the world and being with my friends."

17 and 18: "..."

Frieza: "And you 2. You've already proven you're the strongest. You beat the galaxy's strongest warriors and now what? Just run around doing anything to pass the time? Take it from someone who had it all, that game gets boring real quick."

17: "Then what do you suggest we do?"

Frieza: "Become our allies."

18: "Pfft."

17: "What?"

Frieza: "I'm serious. Join us. Think about it. Where else could you possibly get more entertainment? Instead of killing everything off, keep fight with us. Let us become greater opponents for you and you may even improve yourselves."

17: "You seriously expect us to believe you'd be willing to let us just coexist after we killed Goku?"

Frieza: "There are literally 5 people living peacefully on Earth right now that have tried to kill Goku in the past. Piccolo actually did kill him once."

Piccolo: "Hey!"

Frieza: "Plus he's already back from the dead and no doubt more determined to fight you. Think of the fun you could have if he gets even stronger. You're data knows he can. Is it really worth losing such a great opportunity for fun and enjoyment by just randomly destroying and passing the time till the end of your days?"

Silence. I knew I had them.

Frieza: "I'm not saying that becoming close is something you have to do. But how about a truce. If not for us or yourselves, then what about for each other? You 2 care about each other, right?"

17 and 18: "..."

16: "Yes. They are my family and I care for them. I don't wish for Cell to harm them or anyone else."

18: "16..."

17: "..."

I reached out my hand for 17 to take.

Frieza: "Truce?"

17: "..."

18: "..."

16: "..."

17: "... Ugh. Aight. Truce."

With a handshake, the truce was made.

17: "So what now? Got a plan to squish this bug?"

Frieza: "I do. But it involves you staying here on New Namek for a bit. Think of it as a vacation/insurance policy against Cell. And as for you, big guy."

I looked to 16.

Frieza: "I need you to come with us. Piccolo, let's head back. It's time to stop Cell for good."

With a quick teleport, we were back on Earth. Goku wasn't too freaked about 16 after we explained the wish we made.

Goku: "You were unbelievable. I can't wait to fight with you again!"

16: "I no longer seek to kill you. However, I would have no issue with a simple match."

Goku: "Now that's what I'm talking about. And people say I'm crazy for giving people second chances. It's those people that make for the best fights. Hehehehe!"

Frieza: "Let's go grab Vegeta and Trunks. They could be of help taking down Cell."

Getting Trunks to help wasn't too hard. But Vegeta...

Vegeta: "Beat it! I want no part of your plan."

Goku: "Come on, Vegeta. We can beat this Cell guy really quick and then-"

Vegeta: "Don't forget that Cell and the androids are not my only priority, Kakarot. Our score has yet to be settled. And you!"

He pointed right at me.

Vegeta: "You and I are far from finished."

He then took off from his spot and flew off to the distance.

Frieza: (Man, it's easier to think of him as the best Dragon Ball character when you're not dealing with him in person...) "Well, the 5 of us should be enough for this to work."

Trunks: "So, how do we lure Cell out of hiding?"

Frieza: "Simple. Piccolo and 16 need to fight."

Piccolo: "?"

With a quick stop at Kame House, we flew out to some islands for Piccolo and 16 to fight without damaging anything. Goku, Trunks, and I lowered our power as much as possible and hid while Piccolo unleashed his full strength.


16: "So you have fused with Kami."

Frieza: "Now we wait."

Goku: "I don't get it. How will this bring out Cell?"

Frieza: "Because he knows Piccolo is our strongest fighter. So if he senses the energy of Piccolo going all out against an opponent he can't sense, then Cell with think he's fighting one of the androids he needs."

Trunks: "I get it! He can't sense them just like we can't. Androids don't have energy to sense."

Frieza: "And since he's a time traveler like you, he probably doesn't know about 16 like you didn't."

I know for a fact Cell doesn't know because I know the story like the back of my hand, but I couldn't tell them that. And so we began waiting until our trap caught the prey. Soon enough, Imperfect Cell arrived in secret to scope out the situation.

Cell: "... That's not one of them. What is this?"

Frieza: "He's here!"

Cell: "!"

Before Cell could react, he found himself surrounded by us.

Cell: "Impossible! You set me up!"

Frieza: "So you're the monstrosity made of our DNA named Cell. What an ugly creature."

Cell: "What?! Frieza?! Alive?!"

Frieza: "So I'm not around in your time just like Trunks'. How interesting. Unfortunately for you, I am here to bring your quest for 'perfection' to an end. HAH!"

With a quick change to my 5th Form, I rushed Cell with super saiyan Goku and Trunks at my sides. Together, we managed to catch Cell off guard quickly. It wouldn't last long though. I could feel his power rising. No doubt from his absorbed victims. But with 16 now on our side and no other androids for within light years of Cell, we had him where we wanted him.

16: "Hah!"

The massive android came in and slammed Cell to the ground before unleashing his Burning Flash. I then used my Multiplication copies to find and attack Cell before he could do anything.

Trunks: "We've got him!"

Frieza: "I doubt it. If he has Piccolo's DNA, then he can regenerate damage at the cost of stamina."

16: "Then we must completely obliterate him."

Goku: "He's hiding again. I can't sense him."

Before we could get out another word, Cell emerged from below and pierced his tail into 16's neck.

Goku, Trunks, and Piccolo: "!"

Cell: "Hahahahahaha! I suppose you'll have to do! Now your power is mine!"

Frieza: (Perfect!) "16, grab him!"

While Cell attempted to drain 16 to no avail, 16 grabbed him and held him in place.

Cell: "What?!"

Frieza: "Everyone, give it your all! Don't hold back!"

Together, us Z Warriors prepared our strongest attacks while Cell struggled in 16's grasp.

Cell: "Release me! This is not how it ends!"

16: "You shall never achieve Perfection, Cell! This world will never suffer by your hands again! Now, BEGONE!"

With a hefty throw, 16 launched Cell to the sky in everyone's line of sight.

16: "Burning Flash, FIRE!"

Trunks: "Masenko!"

Goku: "KamehameHAAAAAAA!"

Piccolo: "Light Grenade!"

Frieza: "Supernova! HYAH!"

Cell: "No! NO! My DESTINY! My... Perfection......"

The final words he uttered before being completely obliterated. No trace left this time. The day was saved and the Cell Saga was dismantled. Is that anticlimactic? Yeah and trust me, it's not the best feeling in the world, but what's done is done and the Dragon Ball world was still standing. My friends were all here. However, now there were some major changes. After defeating Cell, the androids were brought back to Earth. We also brought Dende back to take to become the new guardian and restore the Earth's Dragon Balls. It took some time and convincing to keep the Z Fighters calm around the androids, but the androids seemed rather calm given how welcoming Goku was. But this left a major question for Trunks as to what he would do about the androids of his time.

Frieza: "Goku, Vegeta mentioned something about surpassing the super saiyan, right? Could it be possible to do that?"

Goku: "Hmm... I think so. I've been thinking about it for a while."

Frieza: "Maybe you and Trunks could train together to reach such a power."

Trunks: "But how long would that take? I'm not sure Dad even knows where to start with that."

Goku: "Yeah, but I think I know!"

With a quick day trip to the Time Chamber, Goku and Trunks emerged as mastered super saiyans. Yeah, 4th grade super saiyan level, allowing them to stay super saiyan with ease. With a quick match of Trunks vs the androids, it was clear that he was more than ready to save his timeline.

17: "Holy cow! You got that strong in 1 day?!"

16: "Indeed. His power suffers no loss of energy at all from the transformation."

18: "You think you could've said that sooner! Ah..."

Krillin: "Are you ok? Here, let me help you up."

18: "Thanks..."

Frieza: (Huh. Guess some things are just meant to happen. Go Krillin.) "Hmm?"

From the shadows, the watchful eye of Vegeta loomed before sneaking away.

Frieza: "..."

Trunks: "This is it. I'm ready to go back."

With some heartfelt goodbyes, Trunks returns to his time to face his time's androids. But while many were happy to return to times of peace, my mind was racing.

Frieza: (So Perfect Cell never happened. The strongest of us is Goku at super saiyan grade 4 and he isn't dead. Vegeta is less tame and didn't bond with his future son. And I'm here as Frieza... This is crazy and completely out of wack. But this brings up a few interesting things. No need to worry about Bojack since King Kai's planet is still good. I don't really think DBZ Broly is a thing. Cooler may show up with his Metal bodies and the Big Gete Star, but now Goku's strong enough to handle that. So for now it seems that we've got 7 years till another threat. But there's the problem... no super saiyan 2, no super saiyan 3, NO FUSION! This could be tricky...)

Crystal: "Are you ok? You looked worried."

Frieza: "Huh? Me? Nah. Just lost in thought. Don't worry... I'm sure everything will work out. (I hope.)

And man was I in for it. While we were in for a few years of peaceful times, I had to begin planning for the future. With my meddling in the story and altering the Cell Saga, I needed to prepare for the harder battles ahead. While I could just complete my training and reach Dragon Ball Super Frieza levels of power, I still felt that it could cause problems to the Dragon Ball world by busting that out "that form" in the DBZ era. But I did have a great idea while everyone had been gathered together.

Frieza: "Say, mind if I ask about for of your adventures? I know of a few things, but I'm quite curious about what you've done here on Earth before I showed up."

Bulma: "Oh, well there's a lot to tell."

Frieza: "I don't mind if you're willing."

Bulma: "Well... a trip down memory lane couldn't hurt."

With that, I listened through a retelling of Dragon Ball from Bulma. It was a bit hard since she wasn't always the most accurate, but I held my tongue for my plan.

Frieza: (Hang in there, Iida. Once she's done, then you won't have to explain your knowledge of the past with issue. No more worrying about others looking at me weird for knows things I shouldn't know!... At least of past events...)

After making it through Bulma's tale, my excuse for past knowledge was set. With that done, I had to think on what could help the others gain the power needed for handling the Majin Buu Saga. Figuring out what I wanted to do about releasing or not releasing Buu was pretty hard and was something I put a pin in for now. So I chose to think on how I could help Goku improve himself. Luckily, we have 3 androids on our side and Super showed that an android can improve quite a bit with effort.

Frieza: "If Trunks has that kind of power, then your power must be even more amazing, Goku. But you had better watch out. With their infinite energy, 17 and 18 could easily surpass you."

Goku: "You think so? Hmm... I wonder how much stronger an android can get?"

Frieza: "Maybe we should find out?"

While 18 didn't have much interest in fighting and 16 was now a 100% retired fighter who tended to nature, 17 seemed keen on getting stronger to keep fighting Goku. While not too much has happened, 17 does appear to be getting stronger so hopefully he and Goku can reach some amazing heights in the next few years. But for now, it was time to enjoy ourselves. For somewhere out there were forces coming for me and my Z Pals... and a very problematic reunion awaited me.

Next time on DBZ Cold Rebirth!

Chapter 12: The Cooler Force Invades