
Reborn as frieza?!

What if an average and ordinary guy was reborn in the world of Dragon Ball as Frieza? *THIS IS A MTL*

Antsborn · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

DBZ Cold Rebirth: Ch.10: The Heart Virus Strikes

DBZ Cold Rebirth

Welcome to Cold Rebirth. A What If based on the concept of a person being reincarnated as a Dragon Ball character. This story follows a Dragon Ball fan reincarnated as Frieza and taking a different approach to life than the tyrant's original story. I hope you enjoy and have a great day!

Chapter 10: The Heart Virus Strikes

Yeah, that title basically says it all. And before you pull the "you should've known this would happen. You're supposed to be Mr. I know everything that happens in Dragon Ball." Look, I just got used to living in an alien's body and finally gotten to come back to live on a Earth after years of being in space. So cut me some slack, I didn't know this would happen. Besides, it does add some flare and drama to the story, now doesn't it? Now, where was I? Oh yeah, the beginning of it. It all starts right where it was scheduled to. May 12th in the a.m.

Chi Chi: "You had better be careful out there!"

Goku: "I will. No worries."

Gohan: "Good luck, Dad. Mr. Piccolo. Frieza. Be safe."

Piccolo: "We'll be alright, Gohan."

Frieza: (I hate that Gohan's not getting involved at all. Then again, I guess that fits with how he turns out later.) "You sure you don't wanna come with us to watch, C?"

Crystal: "A battle to the death with killer robots? Hard pass. Just tell me all about it when you're back."

Frieza: "Will do."

With that, we took off to towards South City to arrive at the meet up point where the others would be waiting.

Piccolo: "What do you think? Are we prepared for this?"

Goku: "I feel as ready as you can get."

Frieza: "For sure. We've definitely-..." *cough* "Sorry, tickle in my throat. We've definitely got the advantage thanks to Future Boy's warning. Besides, you have me this time."

Piccolo: "This time?"

Frieza: (Whoops!) "Uhhh... I mean... Hey look, we're getting close!"

Luckily for me, we arrived as scheduled and met up with the others, including a little baby Trunks.

Frieza: (Shew. Glad to see me being around didn't blink him out of existence. We'll need him for the Buu Saga.) "What a precious little thing."

With everyone here and waiting, time ticked down until 10 a.m. came and passed. It took a few more minutes and the destruction of Yajirobe's car before the action started, but 19 and 20 soon arrived and caused havoc in the city.

Tien: "I can't sense there energy."

Frieza: "They must not have normal energy to sense since they're androids. We'll have to track them down without our senses. I'll take the Senzu Beans and help your friend. Go into the city and find them

The group set out on the hunt while I quickly grabbed Yajirobe out of the water, then made a dash for Yamcha afterwards. Luckily, I made it just in time to knock Yamcha free from Gero's hands before Gero put them through Yamcha.

Yamcha: *gasps* "Thanks, man!"

Frieza: "So, you're the androids?"

Gero: "... What is this, 19?"

19: "Target is identified as Frieza, once ruler of the stars, now ally to Goku."

Gero: "Ah, yes."

The others soon arrived and Goku managed to convince them to move locations. We left the town and started flying out of the way of innocent lives.

Frieza: (Alright, so Goku will drop part way through his fight with 19. Once he does, I need to-)

I suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me. My first sign that something was wrong. Unfortunately, I brushed it off and kept focused on what was going on around me.

Frieza: (Ugh... I need to let Yamcha take him home to be treated. Vegeta will swoop in and fight off 19. Then that'll lead us right to the real androids.)

We touched down in a desert area and Goku's fight with 19 kicked off with him turning super saiyan. Their battle continues with Goku winning the fight with ease, only to discover that 19 can absorb energy. I was ready and waiting for Goku to succumb to his illness and fall, but it was strange. Nothing happened. Goku kept on fight, now learning from before and not using energy attacks against 19. The battle continued on from how it was in the original story.

Frieza: (What?! What's going on? Why isn't he...?)

Goku kept up his advantage and was winning his fist to fist battle with 19, but the Android was quick and managed to grab Goku from behind.

Gero: "Yes! Drain him away, 19!"

19: "Hehehehe!"

Goku: "Grrr!"

Goku tried to break free on his own, but 19's grip was broken by the sudden attack from Vegeta upon his entrance. Goku backed off at Vegeta's request and the prince showed off his new power, super saiyan. He then locked eyes with me with a smug grin.

Vegeta: "Impressed, Frieza? Before you stands the true legendary super saiyan!"

Frieza: (Pfft. You're not even half the size of Broly.)

While he was expecting me to look in amazement, I was too fixed on Goku.

Frieza: (Goku should be getting sick right now. Why isn't he? Why-) "AH!"

Everyone: "?"

A sharp pain shoot through my chest out of nowhere. At first, I looked around to see if I was attacked by Gero or something. But the pain wasn't from an attack. It was from within. That's when it finally dawned on me what had happened. Goku wasn't getting sick because he wasn't sick at all. I was the one with the Heart Virus.

Frieza: "I... cant believe it... I... caught the-..."

Before everyone, I collapsed to the ground as everything around me went black. I could hear the muffled sounds of people talking and shouting. Probably asking me what was wrong. But the pain was so strong, I found myself fainting into darkness from it. All I remember was being in a dark dream of nothing with pain shooting through me randomly. However, that soon stopped after a while. After that, it only felt like an hour or so had passed before I slowly started to regain consciousness. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling of a room for a minute before I looked around. I recognized the place as Gohan's room. I was in a bed and wrapped up in a blanket with a fan next to me. As I slowly started to get us, Crystal and Gohan walked in with wet cloth that I assumed was for me.

Crystal: *gasp* "Frieza!"

She rushed over and held me tightly with signs of tears in her eyes.

Crystal: "You're finally awake! Thank goodness!"

Frieza: ('Finally.' That's not a good sign...) "Crystal, what happened?"

Crystal: "They said you collapsed. You had the symptoms of the Heart Virus that Trunks warned Goku about. So we've been giving you the medicine. Thank goodness it worked. I thought you were... You were screaming so much..."

Frieza: "I'm ok. I promise. I'm all better now."

She pulled me into another hug and I couldn't help but hug her back. But now wasn't the time for this. After the hug, I turned to Gohan.

Frieza: "How long have I been here?"

Gohan: "A while. A lot's happened while you were gone."

Frieza: "Oh boy."

I stood up and sensed for the strongest energy I could find. Sure enough, Piccolo was now the strongest one to sense. No doubt from his merging with Kami.

Frieza: "I have to go. I'll be back later, I promise."

Crystal: "You're already going?"

Frieza: "I have to."

She paused for a moment, but then gave me a smile.

Crystal: "Then go."

She then did something that left me speechless. She stepped up next to me and placed her lips on my cheek. A moment passed before she pulled away blushing.

Crystal: "Be careful."

I could feel the heat coming from my face from a whole mix of emotions.

Frieza: "Hmm. Hmm... K bye!"

I then teleported away and appeared inside a flying craft with the Z fighters.

Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien: "Frieza?"

Frieza: "I'm back! Goku, tell me everything-"

I looked around for no sign of Goku.

Frieza: "Goku's not here?" (Oh, he must've gone up to the Lookout to train. Duh.)

I turned my attention to Piccolo, who had a grim look on his face.

Piccolo: "... He's gone..."

Frieza: "Huh? Who?"

Piccolo: "Who else? Goku. He's dead. The androids killed him while you were gone."

I froze.

Frieza: "........ Huh?! How could he-" (... Oh no. He didn't get sick and stay out of the fight. Which means he ran right into... android 16.)

Piccolo: "There were more androids. Androids 18, 17, and 16. The big one, 16, took one looks at Goku and went all out. There wasn't anything left of him after that..."

Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha: "..."

Frieza: "..." (No Gohan. Now no Goku... Unbelievable...) "... What about Vegeta? Or the Future Kid?"

Piccolo: "He's called Trunks. He's Vegeta's kid from the future. He's off trying to learn from his father, who is apparently trying to surpass super saiyan. Honestly, I hope he can. Because right now, we face a threat far worse than the androids."

Frieza: (He's here.) "Who?"

Piccolo: "Cell."

Piccolo explained his run in with Cell and all that he learned. I tried to look interested as he told me everything I already knew while my mind raced. I had to fix this. It's because I was a crappy Frieza on Namek that Goku didn't go to Yardrat, didn't get sick, and now has ended up dead. And with no idea of where New Namek is, we couldn't bring him back. It was up to me to fix this.

Frieza: (How did they find New Namek in the story? Hmm... Goku learned it from... King Kai!) "Piccolo, you were on King Kai's planet, right? Can you speak to him?"

Everyone: "?"

Frieza: "I need to talk to him, now!"

Piccolo: "How do you know-"

Frieza: "Ugh! Uhhh... Goku told me about him! Now hurry. I need to speak to him. We need to find New Namek and go use their Dragon Balls."

The others finally listen to me and follow my lead. Piccolo reaches out to King Kai and the Kai responds.

King Kai: "Yes? Hello?"

Frieza: "King Kai. Sorry for the suddenness of this."

King Kai: "I figured I'd hear from you after my guest here arrived."

Goku: "Hey guys!"

Everyone: "Goku!"

Goku: "I'm back here at King Kai's place. You guys alright."

Frieza: "Good to hear from you, Goku. Don't worry, we're going to bring you back. King Kai, can you help me find New Namek? It I just know where to look, I can use Instant Transmission to go there and bring Goku back with the Dragon Balls."

King Kai: "Oh! Good idea. Hmm... let's see."

After a game of "hot or cold" to get me facing the right way, I sensed out and found the New home of the Namekians.

Frieza: "Yes! I found them."

Piccolo: "I'd better come along too. Just to make sure they trust us. Plus, the Earth is in need of a new guardian who can restore the Dragon Balls."

Frieza: "Good thinking. Hang on."

Together, we teleported to New Namek and convinced the locals to let us summon Porunga. The Dragon arose and asked for our first wish.

Frieza: "We need Goku brought back to life."

Piccolo provided a quick translation and the wish was made. Goku reappeared back on Earth at the sight of his battle with the androids.

Goku: *on Earth* "Whoa! I'm back!"

Frieza: "I can sense him! He's back!"

Piccolo: "Excellent."

Porunga then asked what our next wish is.

Piccolo: "Do we need another wish?"

Frieza: "... Wait. Maybe we do."

Piccolo: "?"

Frieza: "How is Porunga's magic when it comes to altering technology?"

Piccolo: "It can be done. Why?"

Frieza: "In that case, I think I know what our next set of wishes should be. For the first wish, we should remove the androids programming to kill Goku from them entirely. After that, wish to bring them right here to me."

Piccolo: "What?! Why?!"

Frieza: "Because if we pull this off... we can pull the rug right out from under Cell's feet and ensure that he never reaches his Perfect Form."

Next time on DBZ Cold Rebirth!

Chapter 11: Dismantling the Cell Saga