
Reborn as an Eye

In a treacherous land filled with magic and other mystical energies, an unmoving entity known as the Eye observes the creatures that roam below. As its sight grows, the Eye finds itself peering into a hidden world of conspiracies and schemes, but the greatest truth that it gets closer to is that of its own. Read on as the mysterious “Eye” impacts and changes the lives it watches… for the Eye’s better. As the Eye does not only watch. ——— Arc 1 Synopsis: The country of Desmia is one of many on the continent that is home to many forms of mystical energy. One of Desmia's smallest cities, Jade City, is dominated by two powerful families, each tracing their lineage back to a shared ancestor. This city was established and continues to be inhabited by particular users of mystical energy—cultivators. In actuality, Jade City is deteriorating and stagnant. Travelers seldom venture there, overshadowed by the vast, forbidden Hilden Forest nearby, a region teeming with beasts. In an effort to solidify unity, the two great families arrange a marriage, marking the start of a long journey towards shared interests—the start of a plan. However, within the menacing depths of Hilden Forest, an enigmatic entity known as the 'Eye' is rapidly evolving, a force that could potentially derail the families' plotting. ——— *Important: Novel 1 Serialization will continue on WebNovel. As a free novel, you may eventually see it roll out to different sites. Tentative Release Schedule: M/W/F (due to time zone differences, this may be T/R/S for some). A heartfelt ‘thank you’ is also in order to all readers—rest assured, RaaE will never be dropped. ———

CCBlue · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Ancestral Archives

The blue handmaiden gently poured tea into four cups before sitting down next to the red handmaiden. Across from them were Fang Zhou and Steward Lang, while the black and white handmaidens guarded the door.

Seeing the red handmaiden looking down at her teacup, Fang Zhou took the initiative to start the discussion. 

"You have a lot to explain, so start."

Although the red handmaiden appeared tense, the blue handmaiden stared directly at Steward Lang.

"Why don't you first ask the steward, Young Lord?"

In response, Steward Lang lifted his hands, a gesture meant to convey his innocence.

"I'm not entirely sure what's going on either. Since when are there monsters in Madame's Hidden Shadows?"

Hearing the familiar phrase, Fang Zhou couldn't help but stare at his steward.

"Aren't my mother's Hidden Shadows traveling with her to Hilden Forest? And how can monsters infiltrate them in the first place?"

Seeing the confusion on Fang Zhou and Steward Lang's faces, the blue handmaiden couldn't help but sigh.

"I guess it's come to this. We can't keep it a secret anymore."

The blue handmaiden spread her hands in a dramatic gesture to emphasize her next statement.

"The Hidden Shadows are monsters to begin with."

In the background, the black and white handmaidens weakly added to the conversation.

"They come from the forest."

"They don't cause us harm." 

As if to corroborate their information, the blue handmaiden finished her explanation.

"The Madame gets her Hidden Shadows from Hilden Forest. They normally work for her, but they closely monitor us whenever she goes to the forest for her quarterly report." 

Fang Zhou noticed the strangeness of the statements and seized the opportunity to voice his thoughts.

"The monsters come from Hilden Forest! Is that why we've had so many problems? And who is my mother working for?" 

The image of his mother rapidly changed in his mind. Not only was she associated with monsters, but their obvious surveillance of her handmaidens suggested she worked for them!

Hearing Fang Zhou's questions, the red handmaiden became more visibly agitated, setting her teacup down with some force.

"We don't know!"

Eyeing her fellow handmaiden, the blue handmaid set her hand on the red handmaid's shoulder to calm her down.

"I apologize, but tensions usually run high when the Madame leaves. Please understand."

Steward Lang gently replied, dismissing the red handmaid's small outburst.

"We don't mind."

Steward Lang remained unfazed by all the information revealed during the discussion, looking as cool as a cucumber.

Furrowing his brows, Fang Zhou couldn't help but remark as the pressing conversation wound down.

"Steward Lang, you are one of the three people that I've never been able to see through."

The steward's eyes flashed as he started playing with his messy beard.

"I take that as a compliment, Young Master. However, I'm also a little curious. It's obvious another is your mother seeing as how you've never understood her, but who's the third?"

Looking down, Fang Zhou pointed out.

"You wouldn't know him. No outsiders, no matter how talented or promising, are allowed to enter and meet him."

"...I see. Well, now that we've gleaned all the information we can about your mother's whereabouts, let's be on our way."

"Where are we going?"

As the black and white handmaidens opened the door to reveal the storm outside, Steward Lang stopped at the entrance, turning his straw hat to the side with his hand. 

"Where else? We're heading to Hilden Forest. Your mother is waiting." 


A young woman looked out of the carriage window as the city behind her grew more distant. Seeing the ominous clouds gathering over the city, she softly spoke.

"Tao, it looks like we left just in time. I wonder if this is a good omen?"

A furry noodle of a creature on the young woman's shoulder lifted its head up, looking at the storm brewing over the city. Not finding anything interesting, it set its head down, nestling into the young woman's shoulder to get some sleep. 

Suddenly, a shadow covered the carriage, causing the furry creature to wink open its eyes in annoyance. 

"There, there, my fuzzy friend."

Fang Qian soothed the weasel with her hand, gently stroking its fur before scratching its head.

She looked out of the carriage to see a series of humongous moon gate-like arches, the tens of guards and supervising Fang Clan cultivator at each gate eyeing the lone carriage passing below. 

As the carriage rode on, Fang Qian noticed the occasional patrolling guards becoming more frequent up to the final arched construct, almost double in size compared to the rest.

The carriage rolled to a stop before the largest of the gates, ready for the gatekeeper to make their inspection.

"Fang Qian, is… is that you?"

Exiting the side of the arched gatehouse was an elderly woman with ruffled and messy hair, plumes sticking out at the sides like feathers. A curious yearning was evident on her face as she made her way to the carriage side. 

Turning to the sound, Qian recognized the woman speaking to her, warmly smiling.

"Great Elder Ha, I forgot you were stationed here!"

"Forgot me already, huh? I suppose that's fine, you were just a small girl when you last visited."

Qian's ears turned pink when she picked up the distant remark.

"I'm sorry. I've been so busy, and I know that's not an excuse but–"

"Ha! I'm just playing with you. Time for us cultivators… passes by so quickly. Anyways, what brings you to the Ancestral Archives today?"

Fang Qian paused as she looked at Great Elder Ha. Although she was a cultivator, wrinkles had started to form around her hands and face. As one of the oldest cultivators in all of Jade City, she was full of knowledge, but her limited cultivation talent had allowed age to take its toll.

In a way, it was as if Fang Qian was looking at her future self—but no, even Great Elder Ha had shown more talent and had worked excruciatingly hard, fulfilling all the missions of the Fang Clan while being stationed here for decades.

Suddenly noticing that her thoughts had sidetracked her, Qian cautiously responded.

"You know, Great Elder Ha, I've been a little lost while cultivating, and I came here to seek inspiration." 

The old woman inspected Fang Qian's youthful and curious face, eager and full of determination. Then, she glanced behind her, toward the towering structure known as the Ancestral Archives.

Turning back, Great Elder Ha warmly smiled.

"You've certainly got a good head on your shoulders, Fang Qian. Not many youngsters these days like to read books or learn about the Ancestor. So, I'm sure you'll get the assistance you need here. Though, I do get lonely sometimes, having to defend this place day and night, 360 days a year…"

Seeing the elder's mischievous smile, Qian relented with a laugh as she understood the response that the old woman wanted.

"Okay, I promise I'll come to visit you again."

"Excellent! That's the best news I've heard all decade. Now, I approve your entry into the archives!"

"Thank you!"

Walking back, the old elder looked over her shoulder to see the carriage start moving again.

"One more thing, Fang Qian!"

Fang Qian stuck her head out, the distance between her and the elder lengthening as the carriage picked up speed.


"It's great to see you again."

Fang Qian recalled the conversation she had with Great Elder Ha as she walked up to the archive. The innumerable steps led to a massive library that blocked off the sun from the other side.

Reaching the entrance, Qian noticed the words 'Ancestral Archives' painted in calligraphy on a plain wooden board above the enormous doors. The sign stuck out in sharp contrast to the polished stone.

Taking in a deep breath, Fang Qian entered, pushing the doors to reveal a grand hall with a wondrous amount of books. 

Her sight stopped at the sight of a circular counter in the center of the area with heaps of books placed all over it. 

Walking across the tiles etched with designs of qilins and phoenixes, Fang Qian reached the front desk and noticed a man sleeping behind the stacked books.

"Are you the librarian?"

Waking up from his slumber, the man peeked out from under the piles of books as he patted off stray crumbs from his clothes. 

"Oh! Oh, yes! Yes, I am. Welcome, young lady. Are you here to browse or borrow?"

Trying to play off how he was slacking off just a moment ago, the man looked terribly earnest in his duties, a true professional. 

"I'm not sure. Do you have any books on concealing one's cultivation?"







"Oh! Silly me! I was thinking about what I would be having for lunch today. But how funny! Someone had asked me that very same question before. If I remember correctly, the book was on Floor 4, Aisle 7. Look for Artifacts of the Sea on Shelf 28. It's a great read."

"Thank you."

Qian was internally shocked that she received an actual answer. Was it so simple to hide one's cultivation? Was the secret to Fang Zhou's success a book?

Passing by the counter, Fang Qian made her way to the staircase. The noises of her heels against the stone stairs couldn't help but echo across the library, a melody singing in the stale silence.

Finding the correct floor, Qian moved to Aisle 7, Shelf 28. However, when she got there, the book the librarian had recommended wasn't there. 

"Young Lady of the Fang Clan, why have you come?"

The slow and tired voice seemed to drift from the books surrounding her. 

"Who's there?"

Noticing a hand pat her back, Qian fiercely spun around, taking out the dagger at her waist and striking down.

A single finger stopped the blow. The finger belonged to the man from before—the librarian.

"H-how? Why can't I sense the presence of a cultivator from you?"

"How could you? I've long surpassed the three mortal realms of cultivation."

"Then, are you–are you not the librarian?"

"I am, but I also hold another title known only to the two clan heads: Supreme Elder of Jade City, the caretaker of the Ancestral Archives."

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