
Reborn as a SCP

Leo was a surgeon in the foundation who had dedicated his entire life to the foundation, entering their ranks as a surgeon's assistant the moment he was qualified. He had seen everything from agents with minor injuries up to agents who had sustained major trauma to their bodies and had lost body parts, even operatives who were affected by SCP's. However, through thick and thin Leo stayed loyal to the foundation. Eventually, Leo qualified for a level three clearance level, all he had to do was complete a minor operation on an executive agent of the foundation. However, the agent mysteriously died and Leo was found responsible for the death after a trial. Leo lamented everyone as his hate for the foundation grew. "I dedicated my entire fucking life to your cause, I have saved hundreds of your operatives and this is the fucking reward I get!?!" After Leo found out he was scheduled to be tested on an SCP that could cause a horrendous death he rebelled, resulting in him dying. When Leo died, there was only one thought in his head. "Why am I the one who must always suffer? All of this happened due to the corruption of others, I've just been a puppet in the grand scheme of everything, the foundation is a predator, and I was the prey all along. The entire foundation, no, the entire world is corrupt. It should all be purged in order for a new beginning." Suddenly, Leo heard a mysterious and dark voice calling out to him. "Do you truly wish to purge the world? To create a new one?" Leo thought he was going insane for a second but still responded. "Yes, that is truly what I want. But before that, I want to trample those who wronged me in this world!"

lazylizard · แฟนตาซี
196 Chs


This was Leo's plan of revenge all along, to detonate the nuclear warhead.

It was a perfect way to start his initial resistance against the foundation, since it at least would do some significant damage.

Site Phobos had two separate warheads, the first one was located in the light containment zone and the second was located in the heavy containment zone which was underground.

The warhead in the light containment zone was less powerful and wasn't nuclear, meanwhile the one in the heavy containment zone was significantly stronger.

Leo moved in to scan his clearance in order to start the detonation of the warhead, but saw something odd.

In the top right corner of the room was a camera that was on since it was blinking with a red light.

The reason this was odd was because the main power wasn't restored yet, which meaned that this camera wasn't connected with the main power grid.

At the same time it was understandable since the nuclear warhead room was of significant importance and the foundation would want to see what went wrong.

However, Leo used this in order to make a statement.

He raised his middle finger to the camera before making a statement.

"Don't think you smug bastards are safe, at some point I will be coming for you all, you hear me?"

Leo showed a sly smile before turning back to the panel.

He took out his level four clearance again and scanned it before flipping a couple buttons.

Within seconds an alarm started wailing around the facility.


Leo quickly left the room and took out SCP-170.

"Please let this work." thought Leo.

As the door to the warhead control panel closed, Leo applied SCP-170 to the door.

Once the door closed Leo tried opening it again just to find out it wouldn't budge.

This was exactly what he wanted.

SCP-170 was otherwise known as the superglue.

It had the power to practically weld any material to another material on a molecular level, practically the perfect superglue.

What Leo practically had done was weld the hydraulically closed door to itself, resulting in it being stuck.

This way the foundation wouldn't be able to deactivate the warhead if everything went well.

"Now for the second part..." thought Leo.

His body started to shapeshift.

Leo felt his height reduce and his vision sharpened.

[Successfully activated SCP shapeshift slot]

Leo had transformed into the SCP-966 form, this way he would be able to sneak out of the site hopefully unnoticed.

Leo started sprinting in the hallway, because SCP-966 wasn't heavy at all it barely made any noise, not to mention he could sprint a lot quicker than usual in this form.

Leo had left his gun in the warhead room, he would no longer need it and it would simply weigh him down.

Luckily, the 'invisibility' granted by SCP-966 also extended over the items he was wearing.

Leo was still wearing the outfit of the assistant site director, but now it was just way too big.

However, he kept wearing it since he had the documents and pills stored in it.

After a while of running Leo encountered a group of six MTF agents moving in to the nuclear warhead room.

Leo assumed they would lock it down in order for an executive to come in and disarm the warhead, but they would quickly find out they were incapable of doing so.

Leo stopped running and sneaked past the group of MTF agents.

Honestly, he didn't really even need to sneak, the agents were also running so they wouldn't have noticed Leo unless they bumped into him.

Leo saw a lot of guards and MTF agents while he made his way out of the sector, if it wasn't for the invisibility granted by the SCP shapeshifting slot he would be fucked.

In the end, Leo arrived at the elevator of the heavy containment sector with record speed, only to be met with another dilemma.

The elevator was constantly moving, bringing new MTF agents down and escorting non combative personnel down.