MC reborn as Chaos God before 40k is fleshed out as he rises as the first of now five Ruinous Powers the galaxy shall burn. Mature content, Evil MC Overpowered and a Harem of Oc Daemons
(General POV)
Location the Neutral Space-The Infinity Fountain Resting Place
They were already manifested in their giant shadow like constructs each of the three on there specific corner, as the Void Gate changed it Chaos affliction and satellite around the Infinity Fountain at the center of the white void.
Khorne and Nurgle, were once again impressed with their brother's creativity and ingenuity to create a special chamber that secure their bodies in the Realm of Chaos, while sending directly and quickly into the Neutral Space, without any issue or drawback.
But it was time, for them to get to business, seeing that Nurgle's target/targets to convert, Laharl convinced the Blood God to allow Nurgle to be first at the condition he be next, Laharl just shrugged and agreed.
Nurgle showed his appreciation, and thanked his older brother as the Fountain, showed him everything that happened in Persona 3 and the eventual final battle, as the SEES were finishing their battle with Takaya Sakaki, before climbing up to the final floor/top of Tartarus to face Nyx the Avatar of Death...
(Nyx Pharos POV)
Location the Persona World-the Midnight Hour: Top of Tartarus
At last the Fall shall come.
I'll will merge with humanity's in this beautiful midnight hour, as I flew up to the green tinted midnight, awaiting the final moments before I end it all, and grant humanity their ohh so coveted eternal rest.
That's when I sensed the souls of the few that can navigate the Midnight Hour, also he, the Fool is with them.
Despite them not sensing me yet, these children look around the top of Tartarus, I hear one of them say, "So this is the top." then the other girl...the archer, warning the rest to look up in the sky.
As I decided to make my present known, I heard the green hair comment on my power and might, yet they don't run and accept the end?
Foolish, as my form was complete I spread out my wings and held my sword ready, I have cometh.
Looking down at these humans, I calmly and gently descend and land before them, it was the archer Yukari, that called me Ryoji Mochizuki, although I merely her that it was merely its name for a time but it didn't mind using that name, and I will almost mist it.
I introduce myself as a mere Harbinger of The Fall and an extension of Nyx, as they still stand there I go onto a diatribe about how death is inevitable and they should let me obliterate humanity...
I awaited for them to accept...only to be replied with swift rejection of this party, who destipe staring death itself in his face, they feel fear still challenge me to a battle.
As the other girl...Fuuka, warn them of my attack and of tge large amount of Shadows then approach from the lower floors, this forced most of these children to split their attention and priorities to not only fight me but the Shadows to come...regardless, death is the battle began...
During the battle, they desperately tried to defeat me, as I found it amusing and every so often once they cause sufficient "damage" I'd tell them of the meaning of the Cards of the Arcana, and change my overall way to fight, according the mention Arcana...
We battle for a longtime, it was amusing, a slight distraction in honesty, and seeing these humans resist against the Fall was enjoyable for a I'd decided to be serious, a spoke of my Arcana, I said to them, " The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate... Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope. Yet arcana is the means by which all is revealed. Beyond the Beaten Path lies the absolute end. It matters not who you are, Death awaits you." now the true battle, begins...
So once I had my fun and these children were tired and kneeling before, I decided to displays that the fall is irrelevant my descent to wipe out all humanity is inevitable.
It was time as I fly up the sky and summons the Fall at last...the Moon dimmed and shatters, as the light connects to me and the Moon starts it's fall...that's when I noticed the power of the Fool growing, expenationally.
Matters I become one with the Moon, I will bring the Fall at long last...
That's when the Fool...Yuki Makoto, was able to stand against the pressure of death, and come into the moon and face me again...brave, but foolish...
Impossible no matter how many times I strike, this boy with my power he doesn't fall or submit to death.
Just when I was about to strike once more, a power unlike anything I've witnessed before started to burst fort, from the Fool, and he was glowing in light, and rising his hand, when he suddenly understanding, I took the opportunity to attack again only to realize I can't, and then I realized further even the Moon has stopped falling and everything seems to be frozen in the moment...
What force is capable of doing this kind of thing?
Then I heard it, wet, sickly, deep laugher emanating all around me, as it stopped.
That's when I was separate from the moon, and reverted to my previous form again, I looked at my hands, as I heard the laughter again I immediatly empower my sword causing to burst in magenta energies and rise my guard, looking around for whatever entity is responsible for this.
Frantically looking around, I notice it was becoming darker and darker, I could barely see my own blade if not for my own power through my sword and markings on my body, being my only source of light.
Then the laughter once again echoed, louder and clearer than before, so I pointed my blade forward and said, "Who so ever, dares stop death, shall be judge and punish by it's avatar." after I said this, the laughter became louder, and also the sound of wet coughs resonated everywhere.
Then I heard this entity's voice, "Death? Ohhhh my...poor," immediately after this being said this, a green thick miasma burst from the dark, it forced me to cover my face as the smell of rot...decay...and death, permeates the very air.
I felt my feet and the tip of my wings touch something wet, as I removed my hand from my eyes I saw...I saw, rot, decay, stillness, stagnation, and death everywhere in the green landscape.
It reminded me of a putrid garden, but who's I don't know?
That's when the laughter, sounded again, and was more clearer and closer than before.
Then as I turned to the putrid horizon, I saw a pair of lightsaber green eyes (again that is an actual green color, and the actual closest green to Nurgle's eyes in many artworks) cut through the dark green fog, and finally I saw God.
Sitting on a throne of withered, decaying trees and wood, held by old ropes and rusted metal nailed together, with countless rotting corpses scattered and bound to the throne itself.
He smiled at me, his bloated, rotting body eclipsing any shadow from the Earth, as seven worm like tentacles came sprouting from his back, stretching out, surrounding me, their needle like rowed mouths oozing with puss and thick mucus.
This being was a real God, a God of Death and Finality, I could help but be at awe of this entity's presence, crossing my left arm over my chest, lowering my head, and kneeling in respect to this being, I heard him chuckling and laughing again.
I look up, to see this God, lift his bloated arms from his thighs and spread them wide in the air, saying " Welcome Nyx!!! Garden."
(General POV)
Location the Warp-The Plague Garden
Nurgle looked at the kneeling Nyx Pharos, already he could sense the power of death permeating from the winged entity in front of him.
He was truly pleased by the power of the Death Arcana, that Nyx fully represents and is embody from, the Grandfather was sure that Nyx shall be his one and only Reaper, worthy of serving him.
So he began talking to Nyx Pharos, introducing himself as Nurgle, the God of Rot, Decay, Stagnation, and Death, and that he has come to his world for him...
Nurgle breathed out a miasma, that clouded the whole area of the Garden that they were and began to show Nyx the aftermath of his battle with SEES, and the Fool.
How he was sealed away, and has been forted the Fall never came and humanity continued...and to his opinion worsen...
Then came the new Fool in town of Inaba, that join with other persona user of the area forming the Investigation Team to stop murders involving the Midnight Channel, all done by the other persona user/detective/killer, Tohru Adachi, which is all the plan of Izanami, she is the mastermind behind all the events in Inaba, in an attempt to fulfill the desires of humanity, she creates the world inside the TV and grants three Unwitting Pawns, the Protagonist, Namatame, and Adachi, the power to enter.
Her plan is to then create a new world for humanity that matches the quality of the pawn whose actions are the most prolific, because Adachi, who represents Emptiness, has the greatest effect, Izanami deems that humanity wants to live in self-deception and plans to slowly turn all of humanity into Shadows.
Another God like manifestation from humanity combined unconscious desires like himself, and like him Izanami failed as well.
Then came the Phantom Thieves that have taken down several criminals and even three Gods...Yaldabaoth, the God of Control, EMMA the False God Demiurge, then in a alternative reality, they defeated Takuto Maruki and his God like Persona: Adam Kadmon.
This continues on, his world went on with several alternatives forms all involving a possible end...a everlasting peace, but denied by a chosen soul, it should have all end, death is inevitable and should be accepted and willingly embrace...
Then Nurgle, showed him the countless worlds and souls suffering praying from release of that pain, for their souls to be cradled away at ease...that's when, Nurgle spoke to him again, "See this? These...are...the souls...that...won' Pitiful...isn't? Sad even? They...deserve...peace...finality. They"
As the miasma, cleared Nyx looked at Nurgle as he offered him a spot at his side, to serve as Death and the Reaper of the Garden, to travel across worlds to bring the end and finality to all these poor souls, Nyx Pharos accepted this charge and honor, making Nurgle smile and say, "Wonderful"
Location the Persona World-the Midnight Hour: Top of Tartarus
As Makoto was about to finally win, and seal away Nyx and the Beast to stop the Fall once and for all.
When a great burst of light, consume everything turning the Midnight Hour into a void of star, as the party was calling out to Makoto they saw something that made all fall into utter despair!!
Nyx was there, holding their friend and leader by the throat, he was unconscious in the Death Arcana's hand.
Fuuka, cried and her knees gave away as she spoke out, "This is the Nyx we've just fought!! He's different more stronger, and emanating foul energies that he hasn't done before!!!" as she cried and was panicking her friends rushed to her side, to try help her, but they also have Nyx that looked slightly different than before, floating in front of them.
Nyx, started to laugh as his blacken and witheren sword glowed a sickly green, his wings and body lines glowed several shades of green and yellow, and his empty eyes and crown oozed with black liquid.
Nyx spoke, "Worry not. Thank your leader, for the Fall has been stopped. But this world's finality, has only been postpone. Soon rot, decay, and death shall ravage this world, and all shall know eternal peace and merriment, in the Garden of the Grandfather. Enjoy your victory, young heroes, for soon we'll meet again." tossing Makoto, at them which Akihito and Junpei managed to catch him.
Before they could demand a better explanation from Nyx Pharos, a massive rift of green, permeating the air in foul stench and the auroma of death, Nyx floated gently back into the rift, as it closed and left SEES alone...
Some weeks later...March 31, 2010
Location the Abyss of Time, Final Door: the Great Seal
SEES, have been traversing the labyrinth of the Abyss of Time not only to escape but also search for the "Answer" of why, their dear friend and leader, Makoto, had to sacrifice himself in vain, they stopped the Fall, but Nyx Pharos was still out there and it was still painful for them all to accept, Makoto's death, the worst affected by this was Aigis feeling she has failed her promise to him.
As they came here, for that answer for Makoto's death, they saw the great gated and locked door, with their friend acting as the seal for said door.
Then bursting from the thick mist, was a great horned monster, a shadow unlike anything they've face before, reaching out to Makoto's seal, and trying to break it, this is Erebus, seeking and calling for Nyx for Erebus is humanity's desire for death and finality, resulting in this two headed black beast.
As the party discussed about Erebus, and the reason for Makoto's sacrifice they mentioned that if Erebus would have been slain, it'll eventually be resurrected by the combined unconscious desires of humanity.
They were planning how to take down, Erebus when suddenly Erebus stop making sounds and acting violent, it was holding the seal as both heads looked at the seal being held by the head with upward horns.
Almost as it was inspecting the seal, after a moment of it looking at the seal and door, it smashed the seal against the door and started to rampage violently!!!
Erebus started smashing everything the floor, the door, the seal, and also unleashing all highest elemental spells causing great twisters, raging infernos, thunderstorms, hellish blizzards, several attack skills from Deathbound to Arrow Rain.
Lastly it casted its unique skill, the Dark Embrace, it was devastating and was worse Erebus wasn't aiming or even paying attention to Aigis and her friends, it was just going ballistic like a mad, wild beast.
Unknown to the party, the reason for this rage and rabid behavior from Erebus is that it couldn't sense Nyx Pharos, anywhere not behind the seal, not in the world, or in existence almost if Death's avatar, had completely faded away from existence!!
Hence the reason, that Erebus was going berserk with anger and desperation, as it was trying to escape the Abyss of Time, and search for Nyx, search for Death!!!
Unknown to all, a certain God of Death was watching, very amused and intrigued by Erebus actions and felt pity and sorrow for the beast, so he decided to take it for his own as well.
Seems, his brother was right, the moment he claimed Nyx as a Reaper, he'd most likely also gained Erebus as an added beast and Elder Daemon, in his service.
So the Decaying God, began to release some of his divine presence on the chamber and just as sudden that Erebus went rampant across the chamber, it stopped shocking SEES members as they looked at the black beast.
As Erebus started looking around frantically, searching for the source of Death, it was nothing like Nyx Pharos, it was purer, more powerful and divine, all that it craved and so much more!!!
That's when a titanic sized, green rift, open above them all, Fuuka commented it was the same as the rift that Nyx dissappear through!!
This filled them with fear, believing that Nyx has returned to honor his promise to them, Erebus looked at the rift above it, and both halves reached up to touch the rift, almost beaconing it to take it, but instead of black feathers or the silhouette of the Death Arcana, through the rift came a titanic, bloated, pustule, scab, infected, horrid green arm with oozing bone claws.
The members of SEES, were overwhelmed by the power and smell of decay, they started to feel extremely sick when the Velvet Room, attendant, Elizabeth came and summoned a powerful barrier to protect them from this...entity...that was breaching, through time, space, and reality with ease!!!
As the team, started to feel a bit better and were able to stand and breathe easier, Yukari, Mitsuru, and Ken used their Personas to heal everyone's health.
Thanking, Elizabeth for helping them once again, they saw from behind Elizabeth's barrier, as the giant arm come down and lay it's open hand in front of Erebus.
The black beast, rushed to the presented hand, climbing onto it and hugging the arm like a pet critter having been reunited with it's master, then the deep, mature but sickly sounding laughter, started to echo as the entity took Erebus with it, and once they banished through the rift, the Abyss of Time started to shake and become unstable...and the one thought, surging through all the Persona Users' minds was, "It this thing, what Nyx meant by "But this world's finality, has only been postpone. Soon rot, decay, and death shall ravage this world, and all shall know eternal peace and merriment, in the Garden of the Grandfather." whatever it is we must stop it!!"
(Author Note: I decided to split the summoning of Nyx & Erebus, from Savitar & Eisheth, since this chapter was becoming quite long, and I realized it serve better as a Nurgle, focused Chapter. Thank you, for reading n I hope you'll like this Chapter of RACGC.)