
Time Passes Part 5: The Rise of the Speed Elder Daemon

(General POV)

Location Deep in the Warp-The Neutral Space, the Infinity Fountain Resting Place

Nurgle has just claimed Nyz (I decided to call him that since I already have Nyx the Primordial Goddess for Laharl, to avoid confusion.) and as a bonus Erebus as well.

And as the Dark One, said before it was quite easy for the Plague God to claim them both.

As the Void Gate, gave Nurgle the essences of the two final bosses of Persona 3 & FES to him, and he was soo jolly.

Claiming that he gained such a loyal, and respectful son for a Reaper, and another loyal and devoted beast for his own.

Laharl was happy for his second, younger brother, but it was Khorne turn with resulted on annoyed sounding, "About Warp-time!!" making both Laharl and Nurgle, shake their head at their brother's ways, as the Fountain shun again with Khorne's section of the Infinity Fountain showing the events of the Flash Season 3...

(Savitar POV)

Location the DC Arrowverse-Earth 1, Central City; Undisclosed Park Area

It was time for my ascension at last!!

I ran to open, a breach into time, exposing it to the Speed Zone, and told Killer Frost to get ready, cause the guard dog of the Speed Zone was coming.

I watched as Hunter Zolomon, once known as Zoom now turned into undead wraith, and Speedster Reaper known as the Black Flash, came running out in a red bolt of lightning, seeing us it roared.

Running at us, as Killer Frost, blasted her ice power at Black Flash a couple of times.

Missing against the undead speedster, superspeed until it did a foolish mistake to aim solely at me, and Killer Frost lived up to her name, and put this dog down, freezing and shattering him to true death.

I commented to Frost, that the Speed Force doesn't like when Speedster mess with time, but now it shall be my ticket to true Godhood, as I'll splice myself like said to Cisco, across time and space, existing on every point in time, ruling from the Big Bang to End of Time!!!

Handing Frost, the Speed Force Bazooka, reconfigure into an Interdimensional Quantum Splicer, I run and stopped right front of the breach, and Frost shot the Splicer at me.

At first I felt it working, but then suddenly it didn't!!

Suddenly a yellow lightning, surged out the breach running around a tree and striking me, as Jay Garrik was free!?

As he said to me, "I've been waiting, a long time to do that." standing up I said in surprise, "Garrik!? How did you...!!?" that's when Cisco, along with Gypsy, Allen, and Wally came and explain, that he had tampered with my Splicer, turning into a "Speed Force Skeletonkey" I felt my rage growing, and my time lessening by the moment!!!

As Flash exclaimed that it was time to end this, agreeing fully, Frost told me, "Go!" as I had a run with Flash, Kid Flash, and Garrik, chasing after me through the forest.

Extending my wrist blades, I cut two trees to slightly impede those imbeciles chasing me, as I knew that it would, which allowed me to gain a greater lead and speed.

Leaping high above the forest, I channeled all my gathered lightning and threw at the ground behind me, causing a small blast that knocked those three apart.

As I landed back onto the ground and ran, I heard a deep whispering, voice in my head, "Savitar..." shaking my head, I kept running.

I returned to the battle site between the breachers and Frost, smacking Gypsy and Vibe away from each other.

With a anger, I though only Flash can spark from me, I grabbed Cisco by the throat and with a anger laced voice, said to him, "You'll pay, for what you did!! AND YOU, CAN DIE THE SAME WAY, TWICE!!!!" drawing back, my other fist vibrating it at superspeed, to impale the imbecile, through the heart, like Thwane did before!!!

That's when, I was ice blasted and betrayed again by Frost!!!

Hitting a tree and knocking away, a few screws, I heard that voice again a bit clearer and louder, "Stand up! Savitar! Make these fool pay...!!!" again, I shake my head, thinking that something else was wrong with me, aside from the timeline trying to correct and erase me.

But I felt my anger, my rage, my hatred...were boiling over!!!

Sparks of blue lightning, surged and shocked the ground around me, I felt stronger, and angrier!!!

I stood back up, with this power and anger surging through me, I watched as Caitlin helped Cisco back on his feet, fueling my rage, I spoke, "Miserable coward!!! Traitorous bitch!!!! I knew, you didn't have it in you Caithlin."

I sensed, Barry coming in with my added strength which I added my speed, I'd punched Flash on the face so hard, I launched him away.

I saw the blood, on my fist, and felt my heart race and I wanted more...I heard the voice again, so powerful and filled with rage, "Yes!! Give yourself to rage!!! Offer me, more blood!!!!" what was happening to me?

As Barry, stood up and was bleeding from his mouth and the side of his face, I look at him, and said to him, "I have a few minutes left. I, can feel it!! But before I go, I'll make you suffer!!! I'll kill Joe, Wally, Iris, and everyone else!!!! I'LL DESTROY, THIS CITY!!!!!" blasting forward, at superspeed I started punching and stomping, Barry with such fury, I've never channeled before.

One last punch, I said to the down, Flash, "If I'm going to die!!! THAN EVERYTHING YOU LOVE, WILL DIE TOO!!!!" just as I let go of Flash, and look at Cisco and Caithlin, and the voice was clearly saying to, "Savitar!!! Kill!!!! KIll!!!! KILL!!!!" roaring, I was just about to blast towards them, when Flash phased into my suit and pushed me out!!

I turn around to see Barry, and he said to me, "HOW DOES IT FEEL? TO BE, SO CLOSE TO ASCENSION!? JUST TO END UP, ON THE GROUND!!!"

I look shocked, but then that shock faded, I smile as I say to Barry, "I see, so it's written." Barry responded to me, "NOTHING IS WRITTEN!!"

With a smile still edge on my face, I attacked at Barry my speed-punches actually causing damage to my suit, but I couldn't match my suit's speed enhancers, eventually he forced down on my knees, as he stood over me and extended one of my blades, ready to strike me down.

But regardless should I die, I will live, for if Barry kill me he'll become me, and I will still ascend to a God.

I encourage him to kill me, it'll be my birth either way, but to my horror, he retracted the wrist blade and destroyed my suit!!!

As I look in shock, at my divine armor in pieces, scattered across the ground, Flash spoke to me again, "I'll never let the pain, the darkness, determine who I am. I'll never be you." as Flash, speedpunch me across the face.

I fall onto the ground, groaning in pain, I heard that voice again, "Savitar!!!" "who is this voice?" was the only thing, I thought as my non-existence was catching up, then the voice again, "Savitar!! OFFER YOURSELF TO ME!!! OFFER YOURSELF, AND LIVE!!!!"

My rage blinded me, I didn't listen to the voice and ran at Flash while his back is turned.

I was readying my fist, to at least kill Flash before I fade and die, only to feel something pierce my back!!!

I felt that I was dying, but I didn't die, I didn't fall lifeless onto the ground.

Then he spoke again, "SAVITAR!!!", as I felt my very mind and soul being whisp away.

I appear in a place of blood, and anger, as this hellscape, looked like a endless war!!!

With actual daemons and warriors, were fighting and killing, each other on such a bloody and violent manner, then as I took a few step, I heard him again, "SAVITAR!!!"

I turned around and through the smoke and sulphur, was a giant silhouette of a God...there was nothing else I could compare him too.

His power, presence, and might made me fall to my knees, as I listen to this deity.

The God said to me, "Savitar...the God of Speed...what a joke. All that power, and for what? Your desperation, carelessness, and ego have cast you down. Now you are dying. By a cowardly act of being shot on the back, by soo called love of your life!!? PATHETIC!!!!" his yell, knock me over, as he continued.

"You have power, soo much potential to actually become a God. A Warlord over pathetic mortals. Only to squander it, on a rivalry that could ended, soo easily in your victory!!" I stood up, drawn by what he was saying to me, "I could have won?" not realizing, I asked this deity outloud.

The God laughed at my question, as he answered me, "Yes. Yes, Savitar you could have won. If you given into the bloodlust, into the gifts and powers I was offering, you'd be standing tall, proud, strong, and victorious!!!"

He went on to say, that with soo many worlds, soo many reality I'd never tried to replace and bound myself to another one, and become the one true, Flash...then he said, "No the one true God of Speed, Savitar. You wasted your power and potential, trying to prove your superiority over this Barry Allen. You've never, tried to ascend into something even more powerful...? Now your dying...another, notch in the conquests of the great Flash."

All he said was true...all true...I could have been, much greater, I could have claimed the Speed Force for my own, I was still a part of Allen, it also was my rite!!!

I deserve everything, I roared in rage and started smashing my fist against, the scarlet ground, punching it over and over, until my knuckles tore and bleed.

(General POV)

Location the Warp-The Blood Lands

Khorne watched as the rage and anger, has but all consumed and corrupted Savitar...he was mine, and he needed was one last push, and he'll become his newest servent and Elder Daemon!!!

Then the Blood God, said to him, "Do you, want to live? Do you, want power, true worship, and ascension?" saying, this stopped Savitar from further tearing his fists, apart and he look at the Lord of Skulls.

Khorne, told him that he by offering himself to him, accepting the power of the Blood God he'll ascend to that beyond of human, thousand even greater than that shall worship and follow him to battles, across the multiverse.

He'll slaughter countless, and more will serve him, he'll be as real as the God he pretends to be.

He can become more than a God of simple Speed, but War, Conquest, and Bloodshed under his service, all that and much, much more, all his if he just say the Blood God, name...Savitar, laid there knowing that the Blood God's words were true.

Taking one last breathe he started to say...

Location the DC Arrowverse-Earth 1, Central City; Undisclosed Park Area

As Savitar's body fall forward he said, "Khorne..." before he fell dead, a surge of power and Warp-energy enter the dying Speed God, and he stopped falling forcing a leg forward, as he screamed at the top his lungs, shocking everyone.

Bursting fort the former time remnant, was soo much lightning and power that forced everyone back shielding their eyes, as the dome of erratic and surging red and yellow electricity surrounded Savitar.

All the pieces of his broken suit/armor were struck by his lightning, surging with daemonic, ruinous power of the Blood God.

Turning from silver to blackish red, and more pieces of armors started to manifest on the spot that lightning hit the ground, armor pieces made of khornate brass.

All these pieces started to vibrate and slightly, float from the ground.

As Savitar, despite the pain he felt said, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!!" and that moment, all those pieces shot forward, and pierce themselves onto his body.

Changing and transforming Savitar into Khorne's sixth Elder Daemon, piercing, tearing, cutting, and merging into his body.

Transforming, his blood, flesh, and bone turn into a metallic daemon of blackish red and brass, taller and bulkier than before and what once was electric blue, has turn into glowing blood red (like Flash when he was wearing the armor only more neon color) metallic long, curved horns on the back of his head.

Metal sharp-teeth like blades, sharper claws that curved to the middle joints, huge razor-sharp arm blade that extended and then retracted extending to his elbows, (picture the Predator Armbladed, that died first in AVP, only black) his chest became a ribcage of metal, with his own former skull merged into the exact center, with two scarlet thunderbolts like a crossbones, and slightly connected to a brass symbol of Khorne.

Fanged skull knee-guards, red curved spikes on his elbows, and the back of the thighs, and lastly a long, metallic, segmented tail like a lizard. (Think a cross between Savitar armor, and wingless khornate daemon.)

Savitar's transformation was finish a blood brass armored, daemon with surging red energy roared in fury and power.

His lightning burst yellow, red, and scarlet out his new body with his tail smashing onto the ground, Flash seeing his greatest enemy not only alive, but stronger than before ran towards him, but the newely daemonically ascended Savitar wasn't only stronger than before...to Savitar, the Flash was moving at the pace of snail, groaning he sonicboom-punched the Flash, without the need of momentum or added velocity.

That punch crushed Flash's right ribs, sent him flying passed Caithlin and Cisco, as well knocking the Scarlet Speedster onto the ground, gasping for air, as he struggled to breathe and cough up blood.

Before his enhanced reaction speed, could react, Savitar was already over him roaring, showing his metallic and brass sharp-teeth at his enemy, and without mercy started beating him with all his strength and rage, a super-barrage of super-powered flash punches, to every part of Barry's body.

No matter what anyone tried, they couldn't stop Savitar from hurting/beating Barry, Iris shot him over and over until her clip was empty, Vibe and Gypsy blasted him without any affect, and Caithlin's ice blast melted away upon touching his new body.

One last punch before the new razor-sharp wrist/arm blade, extended and impale Flash onto his shoulder, making him scream and spit up blood!!!

Iris yelled out his name, as Savitar lower and closen his face to Flash, saying to him, "Thank you, Barry. You, help me to evolve, to ascend as a God. I have finally become, better than you, forever!!! I'll soon will come back, and kill everyone in the name of Khorne, Barry!!!" Savitar, lifted the impaled Flash high.

Savitar then said his final words, to his former rival, "Soon, I'll claim your skull for Khorne. But it not yet time, Barry...let's see you, suffer with me always there!! Watching and tormenting you, hope your ready...Flash." swiping his arm, and un-impaling Flash, from his blade and tossing him over to Iris, that check on him and call for him, as he was barely alive and conscious.

Before leaving he looked at Iris, no longer feeling any emotion other than hate and the desire to kill her, but what will be the honor or glory of killing her...yet.

Savitar, roared and yelled out, in praise of his God and savior, Khorne, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!! MAINE!!!! KILL!!!!! BURN!!!!!!" as Savitar ran in a flash of yellow, red, scarlet with both lightning and blood trailing, behind him...as Team Flash have lost?

Location Deep in the Warp-The Neutral Space, the Infinity Fountain Resting Place

With that Khorne, has gained his newest Elder Daemon, as the Void Gate open up and release a ball of lightning and blood.

The essence of Savitar, the Speed Elder Daemon, Khorne grasped and inspected the essence of his newest servent and general.

He felt Savitar's anger, hatred, and hunger to shed and bask in blood, this daemon shall be as great a killer and commander as Wrath, Kratos, and Skarbrand.

Absorbing the essence of Savitar to later summon him his Blood Lands, he thanked his brother and expressed he was eager to see this Eisheth Zenunim that has earned his older brother's attention and favor.

Laharl laughed at Khorne "friendly/brotherly" banter towards him, and not one to disappoint, his section of the Infinity Fountain glowed and showed the she-daemon and the atrocities she has committed, leading all the way to her first reveal in SMT-V; Vengeance...